If I have perverted addictions which I cant kick, does that mean Im guaranteed to go to hell? (2024)

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  1. 6 days ago



    St. Augustine stole a pear once and he probably didn't go to hell

  2. 6 days ago



    If you keep following the ways of a god and nothing changes maybe you're following the wrong god. Read the old testament, nobody who has ever had a relationship with God ever had to believe in someone else to find him. Abraham became God's personal friend and he never had to believe in anyone other than God himself and he never had to go through someone else or invoke any name other than his to find him. Only those who have searched for him directly and have worshipped him directly have been the ones who have found him.

    All those who keep putting their faith in intermediaries and believing in those gatekeeping God from them have and invoking and worshipping names that are not his name have never found him.

    • 6 days ago



      Ok whatever bro, I am Anglican.

      • 6 days ago



        Be Godly instead.

      • 6 days ago



        >I'm catholic but I worship a different old man with a funny hat

        • 6 days ago



          Anglicans are sola scriptura Protestants.

          • 5 days ago


            >sola scriptura
            Yet the ignore half their book. The foundation and most important part, the part where God himself speaks and gives his laws and commands and tells you what he approves and disapproves of, that whole part they ignore.

          • 5 days ago


            The God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament are two different Gods.

    • 5 days ago



      Are you denying that Jesus is God? Jesus is the intercessor between believers and God the Father, but there's no one between a believer and God because Jesus is God the Son

      • 5 days ago



        >Are you denying that Jesus is God?
        Yes. Jesus said not to call him good because only God is good so he is clearly saying he is not God.

        >Jesus is the intercessor between believers and God the Father, but there's no one between a believer and God because Jesus is God the Son

        There is only one God. There are no different types of God. Only The Almighty is God. There is no other. He made this very clear.

        • 5 days ago



          > Jesus said not to call him good
          Jesus asked why call him good, it’s very different

          • 5 days ago


            If he was God we would have said, thank you.

          • 5 days ago


            Since when did God say thank you?

          • 5 days ago


            So God cannot say thank you? Yet Jesus has said thank you so then Jesus is not God.

        • 5 days ago



          One God in three persons, haven't you read the Bible? Please read the israelites' responses to Jesus' sayings too
          Colossians 2:8-9 "Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. 9For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily."
          Hebrews 1:1-3 "God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, 2Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; 3Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;"
          Hebrews 1:8-12 "But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom. 9Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows. 10And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands: 11They shall perish; but thou remainest; and they all shall wax old as doth a garment; 12And as a vesture shalt thou fold them up, and they shall be changed: but thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail."
          Titus 2:13 "Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;"
          1 Timothy 3:16 "And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory."

          • Anonymous

            Show me anywhere in the Old Testament which is the place where God himself speaks in first person, where God himself appears and is the main character and his own words are recorded, anywhere in there, anything that justifies the belief that God is divided into three separate entities.

          • 5 days ago


            I don't recall hearing of any Christian ever God being three separate entities,
            1 John 5:7 "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one."
            Genesis 1:26-27 "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 27So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."
            You could also look into the weird phenomenon of God being referenced in the third person in an illogical way (if you don't consider the fact that God is multiple persons in one essence) like Genesis 2:3, Genesis 9:16, etc.

          • 5 days ago


            That verses says nothing about God being tree, God is simply talking to his angels. It is obvious that God is not alone in heaven, he has countless servants ministering to him day and night. When he appeared to Isaiah he had two cherubs at his sides ministering to him. And when he appeared to Ezekiel he also had other beings with him.

            In Deuteronomy Moses told the Israelites: "To you it was shown, that you might know that Yahweh is God; there is no other besides him."

            You are claiming that there is someone other than Yahweh, Jesus, that is also God. Moses would have said, Yahweh is God, and Jesus is also God and the Holy Spirit is also God. But he said, Yahweh is God and there is no other besides him. So God is not Yahweh, Jesus and Holy Ghost, God is Yahweh alone and no one else.

          • 5 days ago



          • 5 days ago


            Whether God is talking to the angels or not, God refers to Himself as multiple, compare
            "Let us" "created he"
            "our likeness" "his own image"
            God (YHVH) is the Father, the Son/Word/Jesus, and the Holy Spirit

          • 5 days ago


            >God refers to Himself as multiple
            If a King and his 10 servants say, come let us go build a house, does that mean the King is saying he is 11 people in one?

            >God (YHVH)
            Yahweh does not mean God, Yahweh is the name of the person who is God. Elohim. Moses said Yahweh is the Elohim and there is no other person who is Elohim but him. The only person who is God is Yahweh.

            Moses said: "Hear, O Israel: Yahweh our God, Yahweh is one."

          • 5 days ago


            Funny how Elohim is a plural of Eloah and sometimes Eloah is used to refer to God. Idk how you can misunderstand how "Let us" and "created he" and "our likeness" and "his own image" literally refers solely to God Himself in the plural and then solely to Him in the singular, unless you cannot/aren't willing to accept it. I never said that YHVH means God, that's the name of the Trinitarian God

          • 5 days ago


            "Let US (plural) make"* "created HE (singular)"
            "OUR (plural) likeness" "HIS (singular) own image"

          • 5 days ago


            Also please realize that a father and a son cannot be equal. A son comes from his father, a father does not comes from his son. A father had to exist first, and a son came afterwards.

            A son is the creation of his father so he is superior to him, the son bows down to the father and honors him. A father does not bow down to a son. A son must obey his father and do whatever he commands, a father does not obey his son, his son has no authority over his father or can give him orders. A father and a son cannot share the same rank. A prince is not a king. A prince does not rule along with the king. The king alone rules and the princes are only given authority by the king at his discretion.

            In a kingdom there is only one King. There can be 100 queens and 10,000 princes, but there will always only be one King.

          • 4 days ago


            1 Corinthians 15:27-28
            27 For he “has put everything under his feet.” Now when it says that “everything” has been put under him, it is clear that this does not include God himself, who put everything under Christ. 28 When he has done this, then the Son himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that God may be all in all.

          • 4 days ago


            So then how can they be equal?

          • 5 days ago


            If Elohim was referring to a father God and a son God then the term Benei Elohim, which means the Sons of God, would make no sense.

  3. 6 days ago



    If I have perverted addictions which I cant kick, does that mean Im guaranteed to go to hell? (6)

    If you are referring to p*rnography addiction, I'm afraid so.
    You go to who your god is and your god is not love.
    Recognize that it is wrong and change yourself, bit by bit, one failure after another, and never look back

    Hard to call something wrong when everyone's doing it. Hence why you need God.
    Remember that jacking it to p*rn is bad because you are contributing to a system that glorifies the destruction of human dignity and parades moral degeneration

    And make no excuses. Do not rationalize.
    God can see our heart and judge us accordingly

    • 6 days ago



      I’m talking about hom*osexual fantasies and compulsive (cannabis) drug use out of sheer boredom.

      • 6 days ago



        Judge your heart accordingly

        • 6 days ago



          Judge my heart? I’m just trying to get by another day without killing myself, at this point, mayne.

          • 6 days ago


            thee's no suggesting that this is a mortal sin especially considering p*rnography barely if at a l existed in the 1s century and all you can get is extrapolating teachings regarding adultery and "adultery of the heart," which a lot of women don't really give a sh*t about, I'm not saying it's not sinful but to suggest beating your dick is a mortal sin is moronic, this of course has all been made even more moronic due to the hypocrisy of hom*osexual Catholic priests creating anti-sex theology while touching boys like the pagans they were descended from

            Again, none of us will be judged based on our actions but by our hearts.

            Do you think that your heart is a loving one that cares about one another, or one that is concerned with nothing else but itself, its own joy, and numbs itself to the damages it does to others

          • 6 days ago


            OK but what’s my hom*osexual masturbatory habits got to do with that, I am just trying to pass the time and experience some real dopamine for once in my life.

          • 6 days ago


            do you think David is heaven or hell?

            Why not ask him yourself
            He is the judge, not me

          • 6 days ago


            stop answering for me

          • 6 days ago


            >Why not ask him yourself
            >He is the judge, not me
            you think there's no indication regarding this in the Bible text at all?

          • 6 days ago


            The Bible is basically vague on the degree to which someone can keep sinning. In some parts it says that people with Jesus sin no more, and we need to show our faith by changing or else our faith isn’t real, and in other parts it talks about how continuing in sin is inevitable and anyone who says they are without sin is a liar. In the end I suppose it just comes down to the extent to which you believe Jesus’ word.

          • 6 days ago


            If I have perverted addictions which I cant kick, does that mean Im guaranteed to go to hell? (7)

            It is not vague
            It matters in context

            Jesus' forgiveness is not a license to sin. Continue to recognize your sins and fix them, no matter how how hopeless

          • 6 days ago


            It’s not a license to sin, but if ever we do find ourself in sin, it’s a license to not have to despair.

          • 6 days ago


            do you think David is heaven or hell?

          • 6 days ago


            *In heaven or hell

          • 4 days ago


            >None of us will be judged based on our actions but by our hearts.
            moronic take, it's our actions which shape both our lives and the world around us. By your logic, murdering someone is A-ok if you cry to your imaginary israeli friend about it afterwards. By contrast, if you do nothing but help others all day for no personal gain but seethe at them in your head, then you're a sinner and deserve hell. Anyone who sincerely believes that is either incredibly naive or an evil person seeking permission to commit more evil.

          • 4 days ago


            God had arranged the deaths of multiple people all the time
            Goliath is the most poetic one
            Jesus himself said that it's better for those who corrupt children to drown with a millstone around their necks than to continue their bullsh*t
            Even God himself has a choir of archangels

            Killing a tyrant is no less evil than defending one's self
            One just has to keep vigilant not to go further than necessary

          • 4 days ago


            I agree that killing a tyrant is self defense, but the ideology which prioritizes thought crime over real crime is going to create more tyrants, murderers and pedophiles than one which doesn't.

          • 4 days ago


            It's not a thought crime.
            It's a matter of intent. The Heart

            Helping others is good. Helpin to gain social approval is "they have already received their reward"
            Violence is not good. Violence to neutralize a threat against someone innocent is justified

          • 4 days ago


            Intent requires thought, stop trying to dodge the real questions with semantics.
            >Helping others is good.
            >Violence is not good.
            So then you concede acts matter, you just want to add intent so you can get the feeling of doing good by just talking to your imaginary friend instead of actually doing the work to help people, and the additional high of judging those who ACTUALLY help harshly because they'd rather do that than fella*te some imaginary dead israelite all day.

          • 4 days ago


            Bruh, that's like basic understanding of justice.
            Your problem is that you cannot accept the fact that Morals are founded upon God's orders

            There are no morals in atheism and you are yapping loudly because God is always in the picture when discussing ethics. No sh*t, Sherlock. It's comes from him

      • 4 days ago



        >None of us will be judged based on our actions but by our hearts.
        moronic take, it's our actions which shape both our lives and the world around us. By your logic, murdering someone is A-ok if you cry to your imaginary israeli friend about it afterwards. By contrast, if you do nothing but help others all day for no personal gain but seethe at them in your head, then you're a sinner and deserve hell. Anyone who sincerely believes that is either incredibly naive or an evil person seeking permission to commit more evil.

        Anyway to answer your question OP, you have to ask yourself one: Do you truly want to quit, or do you just want to feel less guilty? If the former, then your own will is all that's required. If the latter, you have three choices:
        >attempt to quit anyway, while this will also just require will it requires a TON more (although this will also mean it's a bigger accomplishment to be proud of)
        >Just accept it and join the rest of the degenerates, easiest path but also the fastest road to self destruction
        >"Accept Jesus", the worst possible option as you keep both the addictions and the guilt until you either have a nice day, molest a kid, or both.

        • 4 days ago



          I’m going to molest a kid, thanks man

    • 6 days ago



      thee's no suggesting that this is a mortal sin especially considering p*rnography barely if at a l existed in the 1s century and all you can get is extrapolating teachings regarding adultery and "adultery of the heart," which a lot of women don't really give a sh*t about, I'm not saying it's not sinful but to suggest beating your dick is a mortal sin is moronic, this of course has all been made even more moronic due to the hypocrisy of hom*osexual Catholic priests creating anti-sex theology while touching boys like the pagans they were descended from

  4. 6 days ago



    There is no god and Jesus didn't exist.

    • 6 days ago



      Why not pray for a sign and let him
      prove himself to you.
      Just be ready to receive an answer

    • 6 days ago



      >Jesus didn't exist.
      historically false, stop being a history/science denier

  5. 6 days ago



    The temptation is not sinful but the act is
    Whenever you have an evil temptation, don't think that you've sinned and thus you might as well succumb to the temptation since you're a sinner regardless
    Try to work towards righteousness
    Righteousness is not too far away, it's not exclusively found in Heaven such that you can say to yourself 'it's too far and thus I shall stumble' but rather it's there with you, you just need to do it
    If it's truly an addiction then therapy could help

  6. 6 days ago



    caths have purgatory to deal with these problems
    prots just say no yer going str8 to hell

    • 6 days ago



      Mortal sin is still a thing, if you die in mortal sin you don’t get to go to purgatory either.

  7. 5 days ago



    If I have perverted addictions which I cant kick, does that mean Im guaranteed to go to hell? (8)

    Even if you don't always succeed, as long as you keep struggling, I believe God will forgive you. We all have our own burdens to carry, and even Paul struggled with sin:
    >For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing.
    Romans 7:19

  8. 5 days ago



    I don't know, Anon.
    Consider why Jesus was an "atonement" and a "propitiation" "once and for all"

  9. 5 days ago



    If I have perverted addictions which I cant kick, does that mean Im guaranteed to go to hell? (9)

    Secondory question to OPs, if i have addictions i kick only after certain drugs what does that mean?

  10. 5 days ago



    I guarantee you if someone offered you $1,000,000 to not jerk off for a day or not use alcohol or drugs. You'd be able to do it. Let me get this straight. You can do it for money but you can't do it for God. Weird priorities.

    • 5 days ago



      Trust me people fail plenty of stuff high reward, jobs, educations, projects, because they can't master their urges

      • 5 days ago



        I'm not talking about some 4 year "you might get lucky" sh*t. I'm talking about 24 hours. Each and every one these "addicts" would easily be able to do it.

    • 5 days ago



      Nah I'd frick that up. Trust me man.

  11. 5 days ago



    No, because hell isn't real. Stop relying on Jesus as a fallback and actually change yourself for the better. God won't do sh*t about you death gripping your dick. Only you can do that, anon.

  12. 5 days ago



    You will go to hell, if you do, not because you couldn't beat your evil inclination but because you supported it. if you really wanted to stop sinning you would flee it, seriously, you don't even have to turn off your computer for this, even though you prolly should, theres dozens of programs out there, even Internet providers that block p*rn and gambling sites. You have no excuse.

  13. 5 days ago



    I heard about a story where a drunken greek monk going to heaven with many angels to protect his soul.
    Greek monk was given alcohol-imbibed drinks as a kid by turks, ended up with a crippling addiction, prayed to the Lord to at least drink one less glass, ended up giving up one glass after each year from his routine until his death.
    I guess it means that as long as you genuinely try to kick it off, struggle or put in your faith in the Lord, God will not ignore it.

  14. 5 days ago



    how does free will work with stuff like Schizofrenia, adhd, BPD and other mental conditions that alter your behavior?

  15. 4 days ago



    Salvation is the process of getting rid of your vices to become like God. If you grow content with them, you don't have faith.

  16. 4 days ago



    If I have perverted addictions which I cant kick, does that mean Im guaranteed to go to hell? (10)

    Bow does brain differences between sinners and nonsinners work?

If I have perverted addictions which I cant kick, does that mean Im guaranteed to go to hell? (2024)
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