The Kentucky Post from Covington, Kentucky (2024)

a a a a a a a a a THE POST TIMES-STAR, MONDAY, AUG. 3, 1959. Page 5-K NEW QUARTERS for the Blood Bank operation of St. Elizabeth Hospital, Covington, are pictured above. Air conditioned and divided into separate rooms for donors (background) and for lab work and storage.

CANTEEN Appeal Division workers combined a recent tour with a regular meeting. The Red Cross Canteen Service provided box lunches. This is a portion of the canteen service, which is one of the 16 services provided through the Northern Kentucky branches of the Cincinnati Chapter, American Red Cross. Mrs. Homer Snook is shown serving Thomas Bell, Stanley B.

Thompson and Jack Emory. FAMILY PICNIC SET- William T. Mulloy Council No. 1301, Knights of Columbus, Newport, will sponsor its annual family basket picnic Aug. 9 at the Melbourne Country Club.

Members of the committee in charge, shown here, are, left to right, seated, Joe Hentz, Ed Sensel, Dick McCafferty, chairman; Jim Grollig, co-chairman, and Bitt Otto. Standing, Larry Hehman, publicity chairman; Ralph Grimme, A. B. Overman, Ches Plattner, Charles Mueller, Fran Prigge and Joe Gross. Picnic features will include Bill Otto's "Otto Kart" races from 1 to 5 p.

games from 5 to 7 p. and dancing from 7 to: 11 p. m. to music by Dick Christen's Trio. Thomas Routt, Centre janitor, is shown stacking the boxes of books in photo above.

BOOKS FOR CENTRE -Stacked in the basem*nt of Centre College's Alumni Gym is a shipment of around 8000 books from the private library of the late LeCompte Davis, famous Los Angeles criminal lawyer and a Centre graduate. Mr. Davis, a native of Braxton in Mercer County, also bequeathed Centre a $13,000 cash gift. Until his death last October at the age of 95 he was Centre's oldest living alumnus and he practiced law in Los Angels for 67 years until 90 years of age. As a criminal lawyer he and Clarence Darrow defended the McNamara brothers, accused of bombing The Los Angeles Times in 1910.

A South Newport man, signer of a petition opposing the name of the community park to "Newport United Veterans Memorial Park," has taken Mayor Alfred G. Maybury to task for a letter he he received from the mayor on the matter. "Unlike you, I am neither surprised nor dismayed by your letter of July 28 about my subscription to the the signer said in a written reply to the mayor. "It only confirms the understanding that in-office politicians are perfectly willing to strain at gnats while swallowing camels." "It been suggested that the prime reason for the change of the park's name is to afford publicity for a number of vote speeches. "Those who would honor our veterans might well do so by spending some of our tax money to purchase equipment to clean and repair our streets.

The machines might be painted red, white and blue, and equipped with public announcement systems for fuse at rallies." Changing of Park Name Is Opposed Recapture 3 Bell-co Escapees PINEVILLE (UPI): Three escapees from the Bell County jail, who were recaptured by police at Barbourville during the week end, were back in custody here today. The three prisoners, Osborne Harold Smith, 40: James Stanley Greer, 22, and Dempsey Duncan, 20, broke out of jail Friday night after overpowering a turnkey in the shower room. Police at Barbourville said the trio gave up without a struggle when they were apprehended Saturday. The three escapees were still wearing jail clothing. Bell County Jailer Ed Ashley said that Barbourville police were tipped that the escapees were in their area and apparently were plan-! ning to steal a car.

Smith faces a life sentence for armed robbery and was awaiting transfer to the state penitentiary at Eddyville when he escaped. Scouts Win Camp Site Compliment Boy Scout Troop 15 of Erlanger has returned from a two-week camping trip to Canada during which it received something of a backhand compliment on its choice of a campsite. The Scouts were moved out of an area in Algonquin Park, Ontario, to make way for high government personnel, including Prince Philip of England. They merely went on to another place, however, and the fun continued. On their return they visited Niagara Falls.

Making the trip were Robert Routledge, Denny Hawkins, Larry. Head, Benny Wright, Munson, Johnny Schiffer, David Nichols and Wilbur and Edward Zevely. Accompanying the group were four Scouters of the Simon Kenton and Big Eagle District of Dan Beard Council and their families, Earl Nichols, Charles Haynes, Howard Routledge and Wilbur Zevely Sr. Raid Nets Two Former Deputies MANCHESTEL. (UPI): Two former deputy sheriffs were among six persons arrested in moonshine whisky raids in Clay County during the week end.

Sheriff T. C. Sizemore said that Cecil Martin, Manchester, a former. Clay, County deputy sheriff, Jesse Dixon, former Whitley and Bell County deputy sheriff, were charged with possession of non-tax paid whisky. Sizemore said that 10 gallons of moonshine were seized in the raids on six nightspots near here Saturday night.

Boy, 4, Suffers Rib Fractures Andrew Bristow, 4, of 811 Philadelphia street, Covington, suffered rib' fractures and bruises Sunday when he was struck by an auto in front of his home. He was treated at St. Elizabeth Hospital. Police said the auto was driven by Paul J. Tonnis, 20, of 2954 Massachusetts avenue, Cincinnati.

Whiskey Is Stolen Thieves broke into the Jachebo Club, Madison pike, and stole seven fifths of whisky, Jack Speaks, operator, reported to the Kenton County police Sunday. Flowers A Suitable Gift For All Occasions Your Florist. VICTOR H. BROWN SON 114 E. 8th, Newp.

CO 1-4255 FLOWERS are more comforting than words in the Solemn JACKSON FLORIST 3124 Madison Ave. NE 1-2222 Funeral Directors I SERVICES ALLISON ROSE FUNERAL HOMES. MRS. CHARLES WASERAU 10 A. M.



HE 1-1718. 12TH MADISON. HE 1-0096. Death Notices -Fannie J. (nee Helck), beloved wife of the late Elmer E.

Bissell, devoted mother, of Mrs. Vernon Dwyer, dear grandmother of Linda Lee Dwyer and dear sister of Mrs. Harry Robb, Thursday, July 30. 1959, at her residence, 36 Montvalect. Ft.

Thomas. Ky, Services were held Monday, Aug. 3, at the Dobbling Funeral Home, Bellevue, at 8:30 a. m. COLLINS-Arthur, beloved husband of Anna Collins (nee Aiello), dear father of Mrs.

Marie Matracia. SaturAugust 1. 1959, at residence, Walton, Route 2. age 50 Funeral years. Prayers at Erlanger.

the Taliaferro Tuesday, August 4. at 8:30 a. m. Requiem High Mass, Henry Church at 9 a. m.

Interment St. Mary Cemetery. Friends may call Monday 3 to 10 p. m. FLOYD James beloved husband of Mrs.

Maude Floyd (nee Rowland), dear father of Mrs. Virginia Haggard, Mrs. Mrs. Dora Brown, Mrs. Sadie Reynolds, Clifford and Hubert Floyd, at his home, 114 Ash-st, Ludlow, Sunday, August 2, 1959, age 79 years.

Funeral services from Catherman Jones Funeral Home, 316 Elm-st, Ludlow. Tuesday, August 4, at 2 p. m. Interment, Highland Cemetery, Ft. Mitchell, Ky.

Friends may call at the funeral home after 3 p. m. Monday. HALDERMAN Elizabeth, Friday, July 31. 1959, at residence, 943 Washington-av.

Newport, dear grandmother of Mrs. Jean Usleman, Las Vegas. Nev. Funeral Tuesday, August 4, at 10 a. m.

at the John 1 Radel Co. Funeral Home, 822 York-st. Interment. Peach Grove Cemetery. Friends may call Monday from 4 to 9 p.

m. HATCHER-Frederick, beloved husband of the late Edmonia Hatcher (nee Ratcliffe), Knuehl, devoted Albert father and of George Mrs. Hatcher, brother of Mrs. Myrtle Genny. dence, Sunday, Alexandria-pk, August 2, 1959, Alexandria, at resi- Ky.

Services at the Muehlenkamp Funeral Home, Alexandria, Wednesday at 2 p. m. Friends may call after 3 p. m. Tuesday, JONES- -Mary (nee Marshall), age 92 years: residence, Walton, Sunday, August 2, 1959, beloved mother of Joseph W.

Jones. Services Wednesday, August 5. Interment, Independence, Ky. Visitation Tuesday after 3 p. m.

at the Chambers Grubbs Funeral Home, Walton, Ky, RINEHARD-Herny beloved husband of Elizabeth Rinehart (nee Smeltz), devoted father of Betty Lou Pfeffer, dear son of Katherine Rinehard and the late Peter Rinehard, brother of Gertrude Reidinger, Edith Moore, Hope Coble, Amos P. Richard, Arnold and Clyde Rinehard, Sunday, August 2, 1959, at her residence, Poplar Thicket-rd, Alexandria, age 63 years. Funeral from the Alexandria Funeral Home, Alexandria, Wednesday at 2 p. m. Interment, Persimmon Grove Cemetery, Friends may call after 4 p.

m. Tuesday. TERHAR Rev. Frederick beloved pastor of SS. Peter and Paul Church, California, devoted son of Mrs.

Elizabeth Terhar and the late Joseph Terhar, dear brother of Sister Aloysius Julie, S.N.D.. Sister Helen Therese, S.N.D., Florence, Marie, Leo and the late George Terhar, Friday, July 31, 1959. Translation of the body Monday at 4 p. m. at SS.

Peter and Paul Church after which he will in until the Office of the Dead Tuesday at 9:30 a. m. followed by Solemn Pontifical Requiem High Mass at 10 m. QUEAL- Fanny 'Michaels Gatch, beloved Queal, at husband his residence, 229 Ft. Saturday, Mitchell-av.

August Ft. 1, 1959: age 85 years. Services at the Allison Rose Funeral Home, Robbins-st and Madison-av. Covington, Wednesday, August 5. at 10 a.

m. Interment Highland Cemetery. Friends may call from 3 to 9 p. m. Tuesday.


912 Madison Where Most People Buy Lost and Found LOST BOY'S SCHWIN ENGLISH BIKE IN DEVOU PARK- -REWARD CO 1-0844 LOST. -Male co*cker Spaniel," blond; "Butchie." Reward. AT 3-6489 Coal and Wood COAL Va. Lump, Premium $13, Stoker Egg, $13.75. EASY PAYMENTS.

ATLAS COAL CO. HE 1-1672 Business Services -10 AAA Building-Remodeling Repairing, Painting, Aluminum Win dows and Doors, Roofing. Gutters tree estimates. terms. BICKERS CO 1-2023 1-5569 A.

F. PERRY Stone mason: expert: cament walks; driveways: blacktop sing. etc. CO 1-2444. AT 3-5882.

BAsem*nTS DUG: land clearing: fill dirt and top soil. Webster Trucking and Excavating. JU 1-4458. BLACKTOP and concrete drives. excavating.

grading. STONEWORK Retaining walls. etc. Free estimates. LEN RIEGLER DI 1-6913 CHIMNEY REPAIR Written with guarevery job.

AX 1-0460. CONCRETE STONE WORK Retaining walls, walks, driveways, patios, steps and porches. Free estimates. DI 1-4143, CONCRETE FOUNDATIONS Newest type plastic coated foundation forms. Charles R.

Johnson. DI 1-8904. 127 Commonwealth, Erlanger. FOUNDATION REPAIRS Rebuilt, repaired, underpinned, waterproofed. CO 1-4334.

Koo Construction. ROOFS and House Painting GUTTER WORK. Reasonable. AX 1-4083. HOUSE PAINTING Roof Painting -JU 1-9041 LICENSED PLUMBER QUALITY WORK.

CO 1-0916 LIGHT HAULING Stoves, Refrigerators, TVs; yards and attics cleaned. Wm. Harris, 109 E. 5th, Cov. HE 1-9399.

Moving? Call HE 1-0058 Moving Storage. L. Horton. d.b.a. A E.


AX 1-1760 PAPER HANGING and painting. interior or exterior: samples shown. ROY ROUSE, DI 1-7023 RENT A FLOOR SANDER AND EDGER for only $1 an hour or $5 for 24 hours. Call, AX 1-5900 MONTGOMERY WARD Eighth and Madison, Covington RICH TOPSOIL DIRT. building stone, crushed stone, landscaping.

DI 1-6913. cnimney work; ROOFING written guarantee with every job: 24-hour service. AX 1-0460 ROOFING AND RE-ROOFING; gutter work. All kinds. Licensed.

Experienced. Insured. Layco*ck. HI 1-4808. SEPTIC TANKS and installed drain fields and repaired.

Don Myers. FL 7-2798. STONE, block, cement work, patios and grills: chimney repair. Free estimate. CO 1-4522.

LOSE SOMETHING? A WANT AD WILL FIND IT Salesmen, Solicitors -16 Salesmen, Solicitors -16 SALESMEN WANTED We need 3 men to sell in Kenton County's only Dodge, Plymouth and Simca dealership. Liberal earnings. New car furnished. Apply COVINGTON AUTO SALES DODGE PLYMOUTH 24 E. Fifth Covington, Ky.

See Henry C. Wolter or Tom Wimsatt Money to Loan -13 Female Help Wanted -17 BEAUTY is Big Business, You can MONEY IN 1 DAY $25 to $300.00 On Your Name Only Or Other Plans We make loans to: pay a group of bills make repairs buy clothing or for other needs and desires Loans are made to men and women married or single--you are assured of prompt, personal service and a monthly payment plan to suit your convenience. Come In 1-Phone or Write Commerce Loan Co. 43 West Pike St. AXiel 1-4471 Business Opportunities -14 Cafe: going busiCOVINGTON all new electric equipment: carry-out beer; excellent 4-room apartment and bath on 2nd: real estate and business.

all goes: owner selling due to illness. "H.C. HENDRICKSONI DI 1-8710, Day or Night DELICATESSEN For lease: sale carry-out of beer. Owner Ill. CO 1-5459 PERFECT LOCATION for any business.

real estate, brick apt. with store front. home and business combination. 1254 Parkway, Covington. Male Help Wanted -15 INSURANCE Debit agent for No.

Kentucky: no experience necessary; will train suitable man between 25-35. good health and character: guaranteed starting salary, Apply 8 to 12 noon. 503 NEAVE BLDG. 4th and Race. Cincinnati.

Ohio ROCK LATHEKS-2 experienced men, must be 1st class no others need apply. CO 1-6628, 7 to 9:30 p. m. WELL EXPERIENCED cab driver: must know Covington streets and suburbs: age 25 50. Apply 502 Scott.

10 a. m. to 4 p. m. A Home of Your Own Your Best Security Unfurnished Rooms -23 AT 617 W.

THIRD, Covington: 2 nice. large rooms. 2nd floor: adults: $40. CO 1-5298. JU 1-6130 Apartm'ts Unfurnish.

24 ABOVE AVERAGE- Covington: 3 large. clean, modern rooms: nice location: accept one baby, AX 1-1144. APARTMENT FOR RENT-131 Center Southgate: rooms and bath: $64; utilities furnished. HI 1-3463. AT 1422 GREENUP-5 rooms, bath: heat furnished; $70.

AX 1-4189 AVAILABLE PARK HILLS 2 bedrooms; $80 to $88; heat and water. HE 1-4852. BELLEVUE-3 rooms; wall-to-wall car- pet; equipped kitchen. AX 1-9270. 3-room apart.

COVINGTON ments: reasonable: convenient. Key at shoe store. 814 COVINGTON-3-room apartment: 2nd floor: private bath. Pike and Main tween adults only. HE 1-5770.

After be: 10 a. m. and 5 p. m. 6:30.

HE 1-3605. COVINGTON-2-room apartment. 3rd floor: private bath. Pike. near Lee adults only, HE 1-5770, between 10 a.

m. and 5 p. m. After 6:30. HE 1-3605.

COVINGTON Near St. Benedict's: 3rd floor apartment: 3 rooms, bath: available August. DI 1-4905. COVINGTON-332 Pleasant; 5 rooms; 3 rooms, bath, 2nd; 2 on 3rd; children okay; $50 mo. FL 7-7071.

COVINGTON 4 nice rooms, 2d; location. separate conveniences; JU 1-3816 COVINGTON-3 rooms, second floor: newly decorated: private entrance and bath: $65; close to Holmes High; utilities furnished. JU 1-6711. COVINGTON 3 large rooms. bath.

kitchenette, second floor: heat fur nished: separate entrance 1220 Greenup. AT 3-4362. GA 1-9340. rooms and bath. heat and water; $60.

634 Greenup St. HE 1-8161. COVINGTON-3-room apartment: private bath, 3rd floor; excellent location: adults preferred. JU 1-3442. COVINGTON-3 rooms, 2nd floor: private bath and entrance: utilities furnished: $65 month.

209 E. 33rd. COVINGTON-2-room apartment: all utilities furnished; lone woman preferred. HE 1-8695. COVINGTON York 128 E.

3 rooms, 3rdt front. private bath, heat; janitor; laundry; $60.00. Call 128 W. 5th. AX 1-3004.

COVINGTON 3 newly decorated rooms; adults; upper East Side. JU 1-3952. COVINGTON-628 Sandford two large rooms, 3rd floor: private bath; $35.00. Call 28 W. 5th.

AX 1-3004 W. COVINGTON-2 rooms, newly decorated; private bath; partly equipped kitchen. CO 1-0537. AX 1-0792. DOWNTOWN COVINGTON 2nd floor.

2- bedroom apartment, tile bath. modern kitchen, wall-to-wall carpeting: air conditioned; $75. 28 W. Ninth. COVINGTON-26 W.

9th: 2nd floor: private bath and entrance: heat furnished: $60 month. AX 1-5831, evenings, ED 1-3576 COVINGTON-1707 Banklick: 3 rooms. bath: heat, water and sanitation furnished: $55 month. AX 1:5139. COVINGTON rooms, private, bath and entrance, 2nd floor: utilities furnished; $60.

JU 1-3971. DAYTON 3-room cottage: working couple: no children; reference. Inquire 810 5th. DAYTON-3 rooms and bath; 2nd floor; $40 month. 214 KENTON DAYTON 4 rooms, bath: on bus stop; close to shops, church, school.

HE 1-5139 ERLANGER $75 PER MONTH All utilities furnished in these lovely new apartments in Maywood Subdivision. DI 1-4298. FLORENCE-Cozy 3 rooms and bath: 24 Locust gas heal: cool in summer, warm in winter. Adults preferred; child considered. Information at 245 Main St.

FLORENCE-3" rooms and bath. 2nd: employed couple preferred. FL 7-2288. AT 3-0870 after 6 p. m1.

FT. MITCHELL, 30. De Luxe 2 twinsize bedrooms: 6 closets; modern kitchen; heat, water, garage: $105. ED 1-2470. FT.

MITCHELL- rooms; large living room, 2 bedrooms. 2nd: adults: $85; excellent neighborhood. ED 1-1261 so. FT. MITCHELL 4 large rooms; new tile kitchen and bath; garage; near bus.

ED 1-1733. FT. MITCHELL-2 bedrooms. tile bath and kitchen, living. dinette: adults; $90.

Ft. Mitchell Realty Co. ED 1-1588 LATONIA-4-room upper apartment; $65. 4312 Glenn Ave. JU 1-4204.

LATONIA-2-room modern lone woman: utilities furnished: $35 month. HE 1-1680. LOOKOUT HEIGHTS New 4-family; 2 bedrooms, water and heat, washer. dryer: $110. HE 1-6999, 1-7187.

NEWPORT-111 E. 3rd. 2nd floor: 2 rooms, private bath, heat furnished. $45. HI 1-3943, HI NEWPORT.

rooms. kitchen. bath: adults only: 2nd floor: $65: utilities furnished. HI 1-7093 NEWPORT-935 Columbia: 2nd floor. 2 rooms and private bath: heat and water furnished: adults.

JU 1-8495 NEWPORT 801 Park: 3rd floor; 4 rooms and bath; kitchen equipped; heat and water. Adults. After 6 p. HI 1-6374. NEWPORT- -4 large rooms: 2 on 2nd: 2 on 3rd; bath; wash in basem*nt.

918 Boone. 1-3703. NEWPORT-114 Washington; 3 rooms, bath, 2nd; $35. HI 1-0229 NEWPORT-522 Overton; 5 rooms, upper; porch; utilities furnished; adults only. CO 1-4524.

PARK HILLS, $83 2 bedrooms. includes heat and water. HE 1-6999. JU 1-7187 THREE ROOMS, 3rd floor: large living room, private, entrance and bath, all utilities furnished: $55. JU 1-6259 Houses for Rent -25 COVINGTON Six-room house: $100 month: nice location: near high school.

2036 Greenup St. AX 1-1024. TRAILER SPACE River. rent: Cal Ohio JU 1-0155, HE 1-9301. Furn.

Houses -28 A BEAUTIFUL 3 ROOMS. 821 Greer. A CLEAN recently decorated, 2 rooms and bath. 2nd floor, $14.50, adults. 145 W.

21st. ED 1-1375. APARTMENT-3 large rooms. 2nd floor furnished or unfurnished; private bath and entrance; newly decorated. Inquire 511 W.

Ninth, Covington. A 3-ROOM furnished apartment: upper east side of Covington; adults. AX 1-3511 BACHELOR apartment, also large sleeping room: private, modern home: convenient. JU 1-6010, A BEAUTIFUL large 3-room apartment, 312 Garrard; well furnished; private bath; window fans; adults only. 2-3 and 4 r00 COVINGTON apartments: convenlent locations.

Key at shoe store. 814 Madison. COVINGTON Nicely, furnished 2 rooms on 1st floor: dren welcome; all utilities A 653 Dalton St. HE 1-9085. COVINGTON 4 ROOMS, 3rd: ALL UTILITIES FURNISHED; CHILDREN WELCOME.

653 DALTON HE 1-9085 COVINGTON 4 private rooms, bath; 1st nicely floor; furnished. Apply 1023 Scott. COVINGTON-3 rooms, nicely nished: private bath: 1st floor. HE 1-0632 COVINGTON 2 1st room floor: efficiency, private bath: $12.50. A AX 1-3589, HE 1-5900.

COVINGTON 2 rooms, private entrance, 2nd floor front. 430 Russell. HE 1-2384 after 6 0. m. DOWNTOWN COVINGTON-4 rooms, private bath: second floor: utilities furnished.

JU 1-7068. COVINGTON. Lower Garrard: large living room with fireplace. drapes, bedroom. dinette, kitchen and bath: automatic dryer: adults: references: $22.50 or $85 per month.

JU 1-7386. COVINGTON- -Nicely furnished livingbedroom combined, kitchen: adults: $15. Nice housekeeping room: woman preferred: $10; 1717 Scott. CO 1-8275. COVINGTON-2 large 1st floor rooms: adults.

1025 Scott. Apply 1023 COVINGTON Large efficiency, 1st floor: private entrance and bath; near 9th and Holman. HU 1-1399. COVINGTON-2 rooms; private en: trance and bath, children. CO 1-5503.

COVINGTON-2 rooms and kitchen: private bath and entrance; adults. 216 Garrard. COVINGTON- Downtown: one 3 one 2. ($12.50) room apartment, each with bath; in apartment building: references; adults. JU 1-1239.

DAYTON-3 well-furnished rooms for quiet couple; everything private. JU 1-4145. Furn. Houses -26 LATONIA bath; rooms, kitchenette, garage. HE 1-6696 2-room apartment; newly decorated; everything private.

CO 1-9706 NEWPORT. E. -3 rooms, private bath: utilities furnished: $15 week. HE 1-1672, ST 1-0816 NEWPORT 2 large rooms, private bath; utilities furnished: 1 or 2 children welcome. AX 1-4351.

4 ROOMS Modern; private en- ED 1-2371. D1 1-8697 Pets, Poultry, Stock -33 CAT AND KITTENS, free 10 good home. 622 Maple, Elsmere, DI 1-4047. NEW ZEALAND White Rabbits- -Pedigreed; 2 months old; $2.50 each. Also few brood does, and young bucks.

HI 1-5582. Household Goods -35 Sewing Machines -36 PARTS AND REPAIRS All makes. cleaners. sewing machines. England's 909 Madison.

CO 1-3271. Miscellaneous for Sale -31 BEDS. SUMMER CLOTHING, LAWN Army Thrift Shop, 409 Madison Covington. Ky, Save and Help CHAIRS, SHOES The Salvation 3-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE, $40, 1408 Scott St. Covington, Ky.

Others. FOR BENDIX ELECTRIC DRYER- -Excellent condition: 3 years old. DI 1-6658. ELECTRIC HUFFY LAWN MOWER Excellent condition. HE 1-6696 RICH TOPSOIL, SOD LEN RIEGLER DI 1-6913 SIMPLEX Large type electric ironer, $40.

19 W. 15th, Covington. HE 1-3655 STOKER All controls; about 1 ton of coal. All for $45. AX 1-4189 SUMMER CLOTHING, FURNITURE, BEDS, SPRINGS The Salvation Army Thritt Shop, Cor.

6th and Brighton, Newport, Ky. TIMPKIN oil conversion burner, stoker, $15; electric hot -water heater, $30. DI 1-6450. WESTINGHOUSE portable air conditioner with cart; $100. CO 1-6415 after 7:30 p.

m. WOODSTOCK typewriter. standard; good condition; private owner; $24. After 5 p. HE 1-4004.

Food, Plants, Fruit -37b GREEN BEANS- Pick them yourself; $1.50 bu Jim Brown, Box 272, Porter Rd. 5 miles out Decoursey Pike, YOU MAY pick your peaches or buy them already picked at Valley Orchard; 3 varieties to choose from. Located on Highway 8. 6 miles west of Constance, Call MU 9-4992. Wanted to Buy -38 PIANOS WANTED WE PAY CASH.

JU. 1-9078. USED FURNITURE, or liberal trade-In on new furniture or appliances. JU 1-2488 USED Electric Shallow Well Water Pump; Automatic. HE 1-9217 WE BUY AND SELL NEW AND USED FURNITURE AND REFRIGERATORS COV.

BARGAIN STORE. HE 1-0986. Wanted, Real Estate -40 HAVE URGENT need for 2 or 3-bed- room home in Bellevue of Ft. Thomas. Call anytime.

Thank you. Conners, HI 1-1061, HOUSE--in need 01 repair, with delinquent payments. will assume mortgake and pay owner the differ ence. JU 1-4899. HE 1-0884.

Farms for Sale BABY FARM- Campbell 3-bedroom modern home: acres: all tractor tillable: complete out buildings, good water supply, stocked barn, tractor and cows Included; 5 miles from Alexandria; $16,500. Stuart, HI 1-4503. 30 ACRES-5-room. floor: about miles from Alexandria: frontage on State 10; house and barn and only 15 years old; stoker. hot air furnace, $9600.

Stuart. HI 1-4503. Lots for Sale -42 BELLEVUE Lot: ED 1-3761 CORNER LOT in Elsmere. 75x125; near grade school. Owner, call mornings, DI 1-6245.

Houses for Sale -43 ALEXANDRIA-2-bedroom brick. almost new; hardwood floors, tile bath, gas furnace; only $12.400. Stuart. HI 1-4503 ALEXANDRIA Custom brick 2-bedroom; attached garage; wood-burning fireplace; concrete street and sidewalks; reduced, $14,900. Conners, HI 1-1061 BELLEVUE -Inviting 4-room bungalow: 2-car garage; $10,500.

Also clean 3-bedroom, home. Can use for 2-family: $11,200. Conners, AX 1-8300 BELLEVUE- Inviting 4-room bungalow; garage; Also clean 3-bedroom, home. Can use for 2-family; $11,200. Conners, HI 1-1061 BELLEVUE- One block above Fairfield: 5-room, one 4 large and one small room, one-room basem*nt with new gas -water furnace: nice level yard; about $2000 down.

Stuart, HI 1-4503 COLD SPRING 53 Dodsworth Lane. Attractive custom-built 2-bedroom homer 2-car garage; full tile bath, beautiful combination kitchen, knotty pine dinette; must be seen; $22,900. Conners, HI 1-1061 COVINGTON- -Main 3-family brick. newly decorated; owner moving: make offer. AX 1-7910.

COVINGTON 4-room cottage, 516 Center newly remodeled; storm doors and windows; gas furnace; new stationery tubs; hot water heater new; just been rewired. Possession immediately. JU 1-2130. COVINGTON -Attractive 5-room home, near St. Auzustine; $7900, Conners, HI 1-1061 CRESCENT PARK Suburban liv- all city conveniences: FHA approved; ranch-type 3-bedroom homes; landscaped lots; adjoining new highway.

Down payment only $450 Builder, AX 1-9174 DAYTON-10 cottages to choose from. $3250 up; as low as $500 down. AX 1-0266 THARP HI 1-2503 DAYTON-5 rooms: full basem*nt, gas heat: low taxes; nice yard; low down payment. CO 1-6618. DAYTON-3-room brick cottage; bath and gas furnace: out of flood: convenient to everything.

CO 1-3945. DAYTON-2-family brick, 4 rooms and bath, 1st; 3 rooms ani bath, 2nd; will consider offer. Stuart, HI 1-4503 DAYTON-415 McKinley; 2-family, 4 and extra corner lot; $12.500. Also inviting 4-room bungalow; lovely garden $8750. "Conners, HI 1-1061 EDGEWOOD- B2 Beech 5-room apartment, also 3-room apartment; lot 75x175: price reduced to sell.

Owner. DI 1-7742. ELSMERE 3-bedroom frame; Full just basem*nt, screened-in porch, storm windows and doors, York air tioner; large fenced yard. Two squares from Dixie Highway. DI 1-4601 0 150d Times-Star 4 PY-IUPM ERLANGER- Owner moving to Florida.

Must sell new 3-bedroom ranch: basem*nt, storm windows: close to school: $15.900. DI 1-5799. ERLANGER--New 3-bedroom buff brick: city sewer and gas; $15.900. DI 1-4822-AT 3-3865 FLORENCE 6-room and shingle; bath 1st; 2 bedrooms, 2nd; garage, full baselot: convenient location; close to ment, furnace; porches, shade, deep schools, churches $11,800 auoyd and bus Brown Realty, AT 3-6114 FT. MITCHELL, SOUTH DE LUXE 4-FAMILIES Two buildings, located at 9 and 11 Requardt Lane.

Near bus and stores. Spacious 1-bedroom apartments; like new; built-in garages, hot-water heat, copper plumbing, beautiful yard. Always rented. Income $4080. each gross over Will sell separately.

Owner. ED 1-3758. LUDLOW-5 rooms, built-in electric kitchen, wall-to-wall carpets; closed solarium. JU 1-7004. NEW 5-room brick, 400 feet from No.

Ft. Thomas city limits, off Dayton Pike on Rose Dr. Open 8 a. m. till dark.

Electric kitchen; poured foundation; tile bath. colored fixtures; large rooms, lots of closet space; wood-burning fireplace; many extras. Hellmann Rodgers, Builders. NEWPORT. WEST- Clean, inviting family.

3 and 3-car garage: nice try $1000 down. Conners, HI 1-1061 FORECAST Profitable Action 43p40 earn an excellent income by mak- Kentucky Post. Times-Star. ROOM AND BOARD for men; home cooking, $13 week. AX 1-0270.

ing it Avon Cosmetics has a few choice openings. Write or phone Mrs. Laura Smith, P. 0. Box 747, Covington, Ky, HE 1-7777.


Must provide own transportation. LUIGI'S US 27, Cold Spring, Ky. MAKE $60 to $660 on exciting new Southern Belle Greeting Card Assortments, Ceramic Gifts, Stationery low as $1.00. Profits to plus bonus. Samples on approval, FREE 25th Anniversary gift offer.

SOUTHERN. 478 N. Hollywood, Dept, 619, Memphis 12, Tenn. MIDDLE AGED LADY- General housework and cooking: 5-day week. Don't call if you can't furnish good references.

DI 1-6217 after 7 p. m. WAITRESS Experienced. Restaurant. Winter's 214 Scott -Covington WOMAN TO for 2 children: 6 nights a week: in country; $15 week; room and board.

FL 7-5955. Employment Agcy's CONSTRUCTION WORKERS Overseas projects. Skilled. unskilled. High pay.

Write Dept. 39A, Globe Application Service. P. 0. Box 854, Baltimore 3.

Md. Wanted to Rent -20 EIGHT- -ROOM house or larger, with or more baths and lavatories. Call after 7 p. HE 1-4038. FAMILY of 6 wants unfurnished house in country or edge of town by August 16.

AX 1-1944. RELIABLE family of 5 wants house in country. JU 1-5696 TRAILER--To put on my lot. ED 1-3761. Room and Board -21 ELDERLY gentleman wants someone to keep house in exchange for and board.

Write Box W-14. room Child Care WILL CARE for children in my home in country. FL 7-2437. WILL CARE FOR SMALL CHILDREN. DAILY OR WEEKLY.

JU 1-0329. WILL CARE for 1 or 2 children In my home. Large yard; hot lunch. HI 1-7239. WINS POLISHER-Mrs.

H. W. Bohman of 1518 Monroe street, Covington, is presented a new Hoover polisher by J. O. Tibbs, left, manager of the appliance department of the John R.

Coppin Covington, while John Metzger of the Hoover watches. Mrs. Bohman won the award in a recent Hoover promotion contest at Coppin's. Gas on Way (natural gas is system. of George the Thompson president To Mt.

Olivet company. Directors re-elected yesterMT. OLIVET, The Mt. day include Clay Linville, Olivet Natural Gas Co. Norman Houchens, Bronson will let a contract Aug.

17 for Ingram, H. C. Buckner and construction of the city's first Arthur Wells, Furnished Rooms -22 COVINGTON SE Sleeping 11th. AX room; 1-7009. 110 inquire in rear.

COVINGTON Sleeping rooms; extra nice; 1st and 2nd floor: $5 and $8 each. 111 W. 11th. AX 1-7608. MAN'S SLEEPING ROOM -Or efficiency room.

JU 1-6865 E. NEWPORT Sleeping room, with bath. 337 Washington. NEWPORT-24 W. Seventh 2 nicely furnished rooms.

private trance. JU 1-0155. HE 1-9301. NEWPORT-2 large furnished rooms, private bath and entrance. 917 Isabella SLEEPING rooms; clean beds: well-furnished, quite suitable for 1 or Also 1 and 2- room apartments.

113 W. 4th, Cov. 5 1-1700.

The Kentucky Post from Covington, Kentucky (2024)


The Kentucky Post from Covington, Kentucky? ›

Covington, which was incorporated in 1815, developed dramatically with the establishment of a cotton factory in 1828 and a rolling mill three years later. Many German and Irish immigrants began moving to the area and established thriving communities; by 1854, one-third of the residents of Covington were foreign born.

What is the history of Covington, Kentucky? ›

Covington, which was incorporated in 1815, developed dramatically with the establishment of a cotton factory in 1828 and a rolling mill three years later. Many German and Irish immigrants began moving to the area and established thriving communities; by 1854, one-third of the residents of Covington were foreign born.

What state is near Covington Kentucky? ›

Covington, city, one of the seats of Kenton county (the other being Independence), north-central Kentucky, U.S. It is situated at the confluence of the Ohio and Licking rivers, adjoining Newport (east) and opposite Cincinnati, Ohio.

Is Covington in Ohio or Kentucky? ›

Covington is a home rule-class city in Kenton County, Kentucky, United States.

Why is Covington famous? ›

Historic downtown Covington is known as a film town, home to locations from "The Dukes of Hazzard," "In the Heat of the Night" and, most...

What movie is being filmed in Covington Kentucky? ›

COVINGTON, Ky. (WKRC) - A new movie is getting ready to film in the Tri-State. The director of the movie is Shal Ngo. "Control Freak" will begin production in mid-February and will run about a month.

What is the ethnicity of Covington Kentucky? ›

Covington Demographics

White: 78.31% Black or African American: 9.6% Other race: 5.33%

What is the cost of living in Covington KY? ›

The Cost of Living Index in Covington, KY is 81.5, which means that it is 18.5% more affordable than the national average.

Is Covington KY a good place to live? ›

What is it like to live in Covington KY? Covington in Kenton County promises a splendid life packed with fun and high living standards. It is affordable to rent a home here and there's no shortage of jobs. In addition, Covington is also just near Cincinnati, which means you'll not be deprived of urban city life.

What Kentucky town is across the river from Cincinnati? ›

Covington [dead link] is a city in Kentucky's Northern Ohio River Region across the Ohio River from Cincinnati, Ohio. It is the largest city in Northern Kentucky.

Who was the founder of Covington? ›

FOunding a city

John Wharton Collins, a New Orleans merchant by way of New York, founded the City of Covington in 1813 as the Town of Wharton. John Collins' father, Thomas Wharton fled to Philadelphia from Scotland after the Seven Years War in 1763.

Is Covington KY growing? ›

Between 2021 and 2022 the population of Covington, KY declined from 40,930 to 40,923, a −0.0171% decrease and its median household income grew from $47,917 to $53,770, a 12.2% increase.

What is Covington best known for? ›

Historic downtown Covington is known as a film town, home to locations from "The Dukes of Hazzard," "In the Heat of the Night" and, most recently, "The Vampire Diaries" and "Sweet Magnolias," along with 140 other films.

What are some fun facts about Covington, Kentucky? ›

It's the first city in Northern Kentucky to pass a non-discrimination ordinance protecting LGBTQ people. A Covington politician, John G. Carlisle, was one of the co-creators, along with E.H. Taylor, of the Bottled in Bond Act-- guaranteeing high quality bourbon for the first time in U.S. history.

What is the history of the name Covington? ›

Covington Name Meaning

English: habitational name from a place in Huntingdonshire named Covington, from an Old English personal name Cofa + Old English -ing- denoting association + tūn 'settlement'.

What shows have been filmed in Covington? ›

Cannonball Run, Remember the Titans, and Selma are among the movies filmed in Covington. Your favorite TV shows like The Vampire Diaries, In the Heat of the Night, The Originals, and The Dukes of Hazzard call Covington and surrounding Newton County home.

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.