Results of Google’s Third-Party Cookie Deprecation (2024)

Table of Contents
What Date Will Third-Party Cookies End? What Are Third-Party Cookies? A Welcome Delay 1. Ad Revenue Impact 2. Less Effective Marketing 3. Privacy Compliance 4. New Innovations How to Prepare for a Cookieless Future 1. Audit Your Site for Third-Party Cookies 2. Test for Broken Links and Other Issues 3. Report Issues 4. Spend Time in the Sandbox 5. Test Other APIs 6. Improve First-Party Data 7. Increase Your Marketing Budget 8. Consider Contextual Targeting Another View and How It Helps Google What Should Business Owners Do Going Forward? What Is Negative Space in Design? Why Do Artists Use Negative Space? How to Effectively Use Negative Space in Art 1. Don’t Overdo It 2. Utilize Grouping 3. Be Intentional Examples of Negative Space in Logo Design Examples of Negative Space in Web Design Using Negative Space in Art Effectively 1. Understand the Y2K Aesthetic Vibe 2. Use Bright Colors 3. Embrace the Future 4. Choose Retro Fonts 5. Reference Pop Culture 6. Copy Fashion Designs 7. Incorporate Glitch Art 8. Add Girly Pop Punk 9. Love Metallics Mixing Retro and Modern Elements The Importance of Risk Management in Project Management What Are the Most Common Risks in Project Management? Strategies for Success in Project Management Risks 1. Find Possible Issues 2. Prioritize Risks 3. Develop Risk Mitigation Plans 4. Assign a Risk Owner 5. Regularly Monitor and Review 6. Keep Stakeholders and Team Informed 7. Build Risk Awareness Leading the Way With Risk Management in Project Management What Is Prompt Engineering? Elements of Effective Prompts Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them Leading Questions Ambiguous Language Advanced Prompt Engineering Techniques Leverage Temperature and Max Tokens Chaining Prompts for Complex Queries Practical Applications and Examples Business Use Cases Personal Use Cases Future of Prompt Engineering Mastering Prompt Engineering for Enhanced AI Interaction What Is Agile Project Management? Common Agile Methodologies Used in Web Design Scrum Kanban Extreme Programming (XP) Why Agile Project Management Works for Web Designers Flexibility Higher Quality Output Boosts Team Morale Implementing Agile Project Management in Web Design 1. Set Up Your Agile Team 2. Determine Which Tools to Use 3. Plan 4. Execute 5. Review Implementing Agile Project Management in Web Design What Is Isometric Drawing? Best Practices for Isometric Projection 1. Simplify Complex Shapes 2. Maintain a Consistent Perspective 3. Focus on Detail and Texture 4. Use Grids 5. Experiment With Perspectives Examples of Isometric Drawings Isometric 3D Illustration Clean and Minimalistic Complex Scenery Bring Your Isometric Drawings to Life What Are Tetradic Colors? When Should Tetradic Colors Be Used? How Are Tetradic Colors Best Utilized in Design? How Can Tetradic Colors Benefit Businesses? Make the Most of a Tetradic Color Scheme 1. Set Your Goals and Budget 2. Define Your Target Audience 3. Study Platforms 4. Set a Content Calendar and Style 5. Look Professional 6. Find Your Voice 7. Engage Users Build Your Social Media Presence Complianz Features Why You Need Complianz Plugin Cost to Run Complianz on Your Site Install and Set Up Complianz WordPress Plugin Step #1: Install and Activate Complianz Step #2: Go Through the Setup Wizard Step #3: Create a Consent Banner Step #4: Use the Tools Tab Get and Stay Compliant FAQs
Designerly Design + Marketing MagazineThu, 11 Jul 2024 15:01:47 +0000en-UShourly1 186359583Everything We Know About Google’s Third-Party Cookie Deprecation<![CDATA[Cooper Adwin]]>Fri, 12 Jul 2024 14:27:00 +0000<![CDATA[Grow Your Creative Brand]]><![CDATA[Marketing]]><![CDATA[cookies]]><![CDATA[Featured]]><![CDATA[

One thing we know is that Google’s third-party cookies are going away. However, Google keeps pushing the date and everything could change before the brand institutes third-party cookie deprecation. At the moment, we know it is going to happen due to changes in privacy laws and public outcry against personal data being tracked and sold…

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One thing we know is that Google’s third-party cookies are going away. However, Google keeps pushing the date and everything could change before the brand institutes third-party cookie deprecation. At the moment, we know it is going to happen due to changes in privacy laws and public outcry against personal data being tracked and sold to marketing companies.

What Date Will Third-Party Cookies End?

Originally, Google planned to phase out third-party cookies in the second half of 2024. However, in April, they announced they are pushing the date to 2025 to give stakeholders more time. Google has run into challenges going from user tracking to other ways to target the right audience. Thanks to regulations from some states and the European Union (EU), Google must figure out how to track details for advertising purposes while still protecting user privacy.

While Google now points to early 2025 as the target date, it is conceivable the time frame will extend further out as the tech giant scrambles to keep advertisers happy.

What Are Third-Party Cookies?

Cookies are tracking codes a website or app inserts on a user’s computer or mobile device. Marketers collect data and use it to personalize user experience, which results in higher conversions and happier users.

Google’s plans for third-party cookie deprecation have been in the works since about 2020 to create a World Wide Web that better protects user privacy. APIs will take the place of how third-party cookies function.

Search Engine Land reported some of the things keeping Google from their extended deadline of ending cookies by the end of 2024. Among concerns included items voiced by CMA, the U.K. Information Commissioner’s Office and users of Privacy Sandbox.

A Welcome Delay

Adding more time gives websites and service providers time to figure out how to stop using third-party cookies and avoid breaks in the way some software and websites function. The extension gives people time to move to Privacy Sandbox APIs as a replacement for cookies.

Third-party cookie depreciation completely changes the way smaller businesses have used user details to reach their target audiences. It makes sense that people need more time to figure out other methods moving forward.

In 1992, the summer Olympics took place in Barcelona, Jay Leno took over The Tonight Show and Netscape invented the cookie, allowing website owners to track users and remember preferences for the first time. For over 30 years, the cookie has been the mainstay of online marketing efforts. Now, Google, Mozzila and Apple all have plans to completely phase out its use and replace it with new technology.

Changes in world-wide privacy laws are part of the reason for the shift but many users expressed concerns over how their personal information and browsing habits gets shared with websites and people they’ve never even heard of.

The results of Google’s third-party deprecation will be fairly widespread, but until implemented, it’s impossible to know exactly how marketing might change in the coming years.

1. Ad Revenue Impact

Any changes in cookie usage could particularly impact smaller companies who rely on ad money for a big portion of their revenue. Brands may have to scramble to learn how to use APIs or pay a premium for information.

2. Less Effective Marketing

Many have expressed concerns over the potentially higher costs and lower ad revenue that will likely result from third-party cookie deprecation. Without the detailed tracking cookies offer, it will be more difficult to present targeted offers to the right audience. Small brands may have to throw a lot of money into ads that aren’t as effective as in the past and bring lower returns.

3. Privacy Compliance

One positive from the changes is that Google may be more in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Act and other privacy laws. European Union regulators fined Google $57 million for privacy violations based on the GDPR and Sephora settled on a $1.2 million fine under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

The change to different tracking methods will mean less likelihood of violations and reduced changes of fines from the EU and California. However, as time passes, expect brands to look for new ways to get the details needed to market most effectively. The new systems will likely wind up getting fined in the future.

4. New Innovations

The change from cookies will likely drive new technology and innovations. Google plans to reduce cross-site tracking and continues to create the Privacy Sandbox. The new secure technology should track categories and reduce the need for data transfers.

First-party data will replace third-party information. Businesses will now have to study each option and find the best one for their needs. Direct messaging will become much more important.

How to Prepare for a Cookieless Future

As with any major shift, businesses that prepare for the change will likely see less impact than those that fail to research new marketing methods. There are a number of things you can do to prepare for a future without third-party cookies. You can still embrace targeted advertising via data collection–the methods may change a bit.

Google disabled third-party cookies for 1% of users in January 2024. However, they have delayed full rollout while they work out some kinks. This delay gives business owners more time to prepare for a cookieless future. Here’s what you can do:

1. Audit Your Site for Third-Party Cookies

Use Google’s Privacy Sandbox Analysis Tool to see what cookies you’re utilizing. It’s easy to install a plugin or tap into advertising methods and not realize you are tracking data you possibly shouldn’t under new GDPR and CCPA rules. Remove any plugins or code that triggers the tool.

2. Test for Broken Links and Other Issues

After you remove third-party cookies, check your site to make sure everything functions properly. Does every link work? Do any pages crash? Make sure the site functions as it should without the third-party tools in place.

3. Report Issues

If you find anything broken, report the problem to Google so they can find a solution. Reporting issues with third-party deprecation may give everyone more time to resolve bottlenecks and make the needed changes without detrimental effects.

4. Spend Time in the Sandbox

Google’s Privacy Sandbox is replacing third-party cookies. Now is the time to become familiar with how to utilize APIs. Report any issues as Google is still refining the system and trying to ensure compliance with regulations while also giving its business users the info they need to remain successful.

If you already understand the differences between APIs and cookies, you’ll be a step ahead of competitors when Google fully implements its third-party deprecation–likely sometime in 2025.

5. Test Other APIs

Google isn’t the only player going to an API model. Look to other options, such as Meta. You can also pay close attention to server to server conversion tracking to see where the traffic comes from that is your target audience and if they translate into buyers.

6. Improve First-Party Data

With third-party data tracking going away, look for ways to better use first-party information. Website owners will need to get skilled at analysis and seeing who came from what referrer and if they converted into a customer or bounced away.

It may take some time, but targeted advertising is still possible armed with details of campaigns and which were most effective. Repeat the ones that work and lose the ones with low results.

You can install software that complies with GDPR and other regulations for first-party collection by throwing up a cookie notice.

7. Increase Your Marketing Budget

Realistically, you will need to increase your marketing budget to allow for the less targeted capabilities now available. While you may have to spend more for the same results, you’ll also be able to pour your money into what works for you as a brand and pull out of the locations that aren’t resulting in revenue.

Pay careful attention to your Return on Investment (ROI). If you place an ad on Facebook and it results in a lot of site visitors but little sales, your ROI is poor and you either need to change your ad, audience or where you’re spending marketing money.

8. Consider Contextual Targeting

Although it went out of preference for a while, contextual targeting may make a comeback as Google phases out third-party cookies. Finding the right audience with shared interests is the first step to reaching the people who might want to buy what you sell. Behavioral marketing may become more difficult without cross-site cookie tracking, so turning to contextual cues becomes more powerful.

An example of contextual advertising is a site selling pots and pans. They post recipes on their blog and showcase the equipment used to make the meal, such as a particular pan that can go from stovetop to oven. The idea is that people looking for the recipe may be interested in buying the pan to complete the steps as written.

Another View and How It Helps Google

Google is actually one of the last big name browsers to adopt third-party cookie deprecation. Apple’s safari went to Intelligent Tracking Prevention in 2017, dropping cookies. Firefox moved to Enhanced Tracking Protection in 2019.

By moving to better protection, Google potentially eliminates the risk of further fines from the EU. However, many users on Reddit and other discussion forums point to the fact that Google still tracks users and now can keep all the information for themselves, increasing their revenue potential further.

TurtleKwitty posted that Chrome itself is a third-party tracker and Google’s main business is selling data. The poster pointed out there is nothing selfless in Google’s actions.

What Should Business Owners Do Going Forward?

Now is the time to prepare for Google’s third-party deprecation. Although they’ve pushed the dates into 2025 for most users, it has been in the works for a while and will come to pass eventually.

Remember that third-party cookies have nothing to do with first-party cookies and shore up the information you utilize from your site to better serve your users. Market in different ways now so when the phase out happens, you’re ready for it. It is a big adjustment, but as with most Google changes, business owners will adapt with time.

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How to Effectively Incorporate Negative Space to Create Eye-Catching Art, With Examples<![CDATA[Eleanor Hecks]]>Thu, 11 Jul 2024 19:26:20 +0000<![CDATA[Featured]]><![CDATA[Graphic Design]]><![CDATA[graphic design]]><![CDATA[web design]]><![CDATA[

While every design has some sort of negative space, not all of them use it effectively. Luckily, learning how to create negative space art is straightforward — web, logo and graphic designers only need to master the basics to see progress. What Is Negative Space in Design? Positive space is the subject or area of…

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While every design has some sort of negative space, not all of them use it effectively. Luckily, learning how to create negative space art is straightforward — web, logo and graphic designers only need to master the basics to see progress.

What Is Negative Space in Design?

Positive space is the subject or area of interest. On the other hand, negative space is the empty area around the subject or in between objects. Artists, graphic designers and small business owners can use them strategically to create interesting projects.

Micro negative space is the gaps beside letters, between lines of text and around small design elements like icons or buttons. On the other hand, macro negative space is the emptiness surrounding larger layout elements.

While most people assume negative space in graphic design must be white, it doesn’t have to be — it can be any color. It can even have a texture or pattern as long as it is not the image’s focal point.This little-known fact is helpful because it grants artists’ more creative freedom.

Why Do Artists Use Negative Space?

The purpose of using negative space in art is to balance, organize, highlight or frame. Artists, graphic designers and marketers can use it to make their layout look less cluttered, direct the viewer’s attention to certain areas and make their design look more refined — even when they don’t utilize it intentionally.

In addition to making text more readable, design elements less cluttered and visuals more striking, negative space can also subtly affect viewers’ behaviors. For example, a purchase button that has a blank border or sits alone in an empty area is more noticeable, which may drive sales.

How to Effectively Use Negative Space in Art

Negative space in art typically appears naturally since most designers don’t fill in every single bit of emptiness. In other words, incorporating it effectively to create eye-catching art takes effort:

1. Don’t Overdo It

Negative space in art is generally only visually interesting if it is creative or engaging. Moreover, in logo and web design, it is only effective when used strategically. In other words, less is more. Designers should consider when — and to what extent — they use emptiness in their project.

Considering viewers make decisions about a website within one-tenth of a second, effectively utilizing negative space in graphic design is essential for conversions and visitor retention. Sparingly using white margins, padding or borders is ideal.

2. Utilize Grouping

Professionals should consider using negative space in art to group elements together visually. Utilizing borders and padding can make similar icons, buttons or product images stand out. This way, they can subconsciously affect how their audience views their image or navigates their site.

3. Be Intentional

True white is the most common background color for a reason — it increases readability and looks clean. However, other colors have unique benefits, too. Professionals should consider using various colors, shapes and styles instead of defaulting to white.

They should also intentionally experiment with their use of negative space to achieve their goal, whether they want to increase conversions or direct attention toward product pages. If they are creative, they can switch focus between their positive and negative space designs.

Examples of Negative Space in Logo Design

Logos are an excellent resource for finding great examples of negative space in graphic design since they’re simple and common. Plus, many skilled designers create and sell mockups online.

Results of Google’s Third-Party Cookie Deprecation (5)

The World Wide Fund for Nature — an international wilderness preservation organization — has an infamous negative space logo in the shape of a panda. It cleverly uses its background to fill in the animal’s white fur.

Results of Google’s Third-Party Cookie Deprecation (6)

FedEx, the multinational logistics conglomerate, also uses its background to create a shape. The space where the “E” and “x” connect forms an arrow — a nod to the company’s involvement in getting a package from one place to another.

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The Guild of Food Writers — a professional association of food writers — uses positive and negative space to create two separate designs. At first glance, the logo looks like the tip of a fountain pen. Upon closer inspection, however, the breather hole is revealed to be a spoon.

Results of Google’s Third-Party Cookie Deprecation (8)

Like FedEx, Amazon uses white space to create an arrow. The major difference is that it uses emptiness to separate the tip from the shaft, making a smirk. This clever use of negative space in art enables them to improve brand recognition — Kindle and Fire TV, among other services, share the design element.

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The National Broadcasting Company is a commercial television and radio network. Its colorful logo is supposed to look like a brightly-hued peaco*ck — a nod to color programming. The inverse white teardrop and white borders represent its body and feathers.

Examples of Negative Space in Web Design

Most business owners utilize negative space when designing their website — even if they don’t realize it. Many landing pages reflect these principles.

Results of Google’s Third-Party Cookie Deprecation (10)

Walmart is a good example of negative space in web design because it relies heavily on grouping — it separates different departments and deals by using white padding and borders. Even though the page is visually busy, spacing those elements out prevents cluttering.

Results of Google’s Third-Party Cookie Deprecation (11)

Bocce’s Bakery, a pet food provider, recently received a 9.8 rating from our Designerly Awards. Its use of negative space between lines of text, beside product images and within buttons strategically directs viewers’ attention, driving conversions.

Results of Google’s Third-Party Cookie Deprecation (12)

Microsoft extensively uses macro negative space to keep every icon, tab and button highly visible. Everything a customer might want to do on the website is easy to see at first glance, but the layout isn’t overwhelming — thanks to the balance emptiness provides.

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TikTok’s desktop login page is a good example of how to use negative space in graphic design to achieve a goal. Having each option separated highlights their importance. Even the “Sign up” button has a thick, empty border and is the only text on the bottom of the page.

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Rolling Stone’s digital magazine is an excellent example of negative space in web design. Its strategic utilization of emptiness prevents viewers from feeling overwhelmed despite being presented with so many options.

Using Negative Space in Art Effectively

Striking a balance between a blank background and a page full of design elements is easier than it seems. If designers strategically utilize negative space to frame, organize or highlight objects, they will likely improve their project visually and make it more enticing to viewers.

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How Graphic Designers Can Embrace Millennial Nostalgia With Y2K Aesthetics<![CDATA[Eleanor Hecks]]>Thu, 11 Jul 2024 14:42:47 +0000<![CDATA[Graphic Design]]><![CDATA[Featured]]><![CDATA[graphic design]]><![CDATA[web design]]><![CDATA[

Designs from the early 2000s had a distinct look that millennials well remember. Metallics, notebook paper, fur and other textures took center stage. Y2K in graphic design has never truly gone away. As those building their graphic design careers can attest, the unique looks of the 2000s give the distinct Y2K aesthetic people find familiar…

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Designs from the early 2000s had a distinct look that millennials well remember. Metallics, notebook paper, fur and other textures took center stage. Y2K in graphic design has never truly gone away. As those building their graphic design careers can attest, the unique looks of the 2000s give the distinct Y2K aesthetic people find familiar and comfortable.

Although the look and feel of the 2000s in design is quite distinct, using a few elements gives your creations a unique look without making things feel too dated. Here are some things to keep in mind to help you embrace millennial nostalgia through Y2K aesthetics.

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1. Understand the Y2K Aesthetic Vibe

One interesting note about Y2K designs is Zoomers’ obsession with the look. Although Gen Z grew up in the 2000s, they were very young and have fewer memories of the time than millennials. The resurgence is seen on Instagram accounts such as @2Boshbabexoxo and @velvetco*ke. They love the personality of the time and want to repeat it in their fashions and graphic design work.

The designs of the 2000s were filled with colorful prints, baggy pants and movies such as “13 Going on 30” and “Mean Girls.” The 2000s are a laid back, be yourself vibe that is exemplified in television shows of the time, such as Lizzie McGuire and Saved by the Bell.

Graphic designers can embrace the best of retro designs while also giving a nod to modern advances. Not every look was something you should add to your creations but some looks are quite iconic.

2. Use Bright Colors

Some eras embrace neutrals or soft colors, but not Y2K designs. The time period was all about bright pinks, vivid orange and neon green. Patterns often utilized multiple bold colors at once. Combine shades like light pink and orange for a definite millennial vibe.

You can embrace a more modern look by sticking to an overall minimalistic layout with plenty of whitespace and neutrals. Then, add in splashes of color with your headings, buttons and images.

3. Embrace the Future

You’ll see Y2K influences in graphic design through futuristic elements. People were excited about the turn of a century and millennia. They embraced the future and the idea of things such as flying cars, disposable clothes and instant meals.

Although some of the things millennials expected by now still don’t exist, the idea of them is still very Y2K. Add a few futuristic images for maximum impact. Cars that fly, faster travel, instant everything gives a nod to what people thought the future would look like in short order.

4. Choose Retro Fonts

For most millennials, it’s hard to imagine the things they experienced at the turn of the century are already considered retro–20 years or older. One way to add a Y2K aesthetic is through the fonts you use. Some good options that scream 2000s include Gotham, Cenatyc and That’s All Folks.

Vintage fonts serve as a cornerstone of your design and evoke an era. Think about your audience and the emotions you wish to tap into before choosing a font. You’ll find everything from sans serif to decorative fonts used in the 2000s. At the same time, the font must scale to smaller screens and be readable on digital devices.

Results of Google’s Third-Party Cookie Deprecation (18)

5. Reference Pop Culture

Pop culture of the 2000s offers some interesting inspiration for graphic design projects. Look at magazines of the era and the fonts, colors and compositions used. Next, think about the popular music, movies and recreation of the day.

Consider superhero movies, Pokemon trading cards and Y2K fashion as trends to consider when coming up with new design ideas. Popular animated films like Monsters Inc. and Lion King can also tap into your design ideas with colors and by studying the titles.

Some celebrities who helped define the styles of the early 2000s include Britney Spears and Paris Hilton. Look at clothing from “The Matrix” and remember favorite video games you played as a kid.

If you aren’t in the millennial generation, you’ll need to talk to people born between 1981 and 1996 to get a feel for the experiences of the age. Research alone isn’t enough to fully understand Y2K design and the emotions behind some of the most popular looks.

6. Copy Fashion Designs

One of the best places to look for inspiration for your Y2K aesthetic is at fashion of the 2000s. What did people wear from the year 2,000 through about 2009? The designs were about more than just a color or pattern. There was a definite vibe of the era that can translate into websites today.

Big belts could translate into large divider lines. Velour tracksuits become a texture in a website’s background. Airbrushed tank tops could become airbrushed fonts in bright colors. Look for ways to take the fashion of Y2K and make it digital.

7. Incorporate Glitch Art

The 2000s embraced futuristic looking designs with an expectation of rapid technological changes in the new age. Glitch art had purposeful glitches as though the feed was interrupted.

The images came from intentionally corrupting data or manipulating electronics while snapping an image. It has a strange look that is very Y2K.

Add a video that glitches, for example, and takes the user to 2,000, when your company first began. Or ask them to go back in time with you, adding a glitch photograph to transport them there.

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8. Add Girly Pop Punk

Butterflies on shirts and butterfly clips were popular fashion in the 2000s. Girls loved glitter but at the same time enjoyed pop punk bands. The energy of punk rock combined with the relatability of real-life lyrics through bands such as Green Day, Fall Out Boy and Blink-182.

The three-dimension look of Green Day’s green logo puts one in mind of graffiti or grunge styles but could be utilized to add some interest to a website or other graphic design.

3D fonts mixed with bright colors give a nod to millennial nostalgia without being too overwhelming. Consider using the look for a headline or a logo.

9. Love Metallics

The futuristic thoughts of the late 1990s and early 2000s turned to vivid, metallic clothing and album covers. You can turn any design into one that embraces the Y2K era by adding some metallic hints. Make the call to action buttons a silvery blue metallic. Go with rose gold, silver, pink and other metals to create a vibe millennials will recognize and appreciate.

Pop stars wore shiny fabrics with a nod to the growing internet. The dot-com boom was well underway by the early 2000s with more sites coming online and design capabilities growing constantly.

Mixing Retro and Modern Elements

The best way to embrace a Y2K aesthetic without overwhelming site visitors is to mix retro and modern elements. Designers in the year 2,000 had no clue they’d one day need to create a mobile-first design. Today, you’ll need to embrace responsiveness.

Design first for functionality and excellent user experience. Then, add in some elements that scream Y2K, such as metallics, retro fonts or glitch art. Keep the additions small to create the feel of the time without making your site feel dated.

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Risk Management as a Project Manager: 7 Strategies for Success<![CDATA[Coraline Steiner]]>Wed, 10 Jul 2024 13:45:35 +0000<![CDATA[Grow Your Creative Brand]]><![CDATA[Featured]]><![CDATA[

Project managers often juggle multiple tasks, tight deadlines and diverse teams. Amidst all this, risk management is a top concern and one of the most challenging aspects of project management. While risk management aims to prevent issues in the first place, the key to success lies in setting your project up for success. Luckily, several…

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Project managers often juggle multiple tasks, tight deadlines and diverse teams. Amidst all this, risk management is a top concern and one of the most challenging aspects of project management. While risk management aims to prevent issues in the first place, the key to success lies in setting your project up for success. Luckily, several strategies are available to keep your projects on track. Using them can turn potential obstacles into opportunities for success.

The Importance of Risk Management in Project Management

When project risks occur — consequences can follow — ranging from minor delays to significant setbacks. These risks can lead to increased costs, missed deadlines and even project failure. For instance, if a project falls out of scope, you increase the risk of going over budget due to expenses.

Risks can escalate quickly and create a domino effect. When there is an overall impact on the timeline and budget, you must deal with team and stakeholder frustrations and potential reputational damage to the organization.

That’s why effective risk management is crucial. It works to identify problems before they arise and prepares you to respond accordingly.

What Are the Most Common Risks in Project Management?

In project management, risks are inevitable and can arise from various sources. Knowing what types of risks may occur can help project managers prepare for potential challenges. There are multiple risks in project management, but the most common ones include:

  • Scope creep
  • Budget overruns
  • Scheduling delays
  • Resource shortages
  • Technical challenges
  • Stakeholder changes
  • Communication breakdowns
  • Risk of dependency
  • Unmet quality standards

Strategies for Success in Project Management Risks

Successful project managers implement the following strategies to boost progress and outcomes. As such, companies can achieve higher profits and continuously improve their tactics to attain even better ROIs.

1. Find Possible Issues

Before a project begins, it is important to identify any risk factors. When you understand the problems that could occur, you can devise a plan to prevent them. In project management, you would look at all parts of your project to see where things could go wrong. You can do this by brainstorming with your team, talking to experts and learning from past projects.

One handy tool for this is a risk checklist. Listing all of the risks will keep you organized and help you know how to handle them.

2. Prioritize Risks

Risk prioritization is similar to making a to-do list, where you focus on the most important tasks first. Not all risks are created equally — some can seriously impact your project more than others. Therefore, prioritizing the ones with the biggest effect can keep things in order.

Results of Google’s Third-Party Cookie Deprecation (22)


A risk assessment matrix helps with this. This is a visual tool you can use to rate each risk based on its likelihood and potential impact. For example, a risk that is highly likely to happen and could cause major delays should have a top priority mark next to it.

3. Develop Risk Mitigation Plans

The key to risk prevention is having a game plan so you can be ready when things go awry. Thus, you will need to create a detailed action plan to address potential risks. With a plan for each risk, you can keep your project moving smoothly regardless of what comes your way.

Start by thinking about the best way to respond to each risk. Consider what you would do to ensure you completely sidestep a risk or reduce its likelihood. You will also need to consider whether there may be a need to outsource the task to another team. Plus, if the risk does occur, you will need controls on how to manage it.

For each high-probability risk, outline specific actions you can take. For example, if there is a risk of a supplier delay, your mitigation strategy might include finding backup suppliers. Having these in place will keep you prepared to tackle any risks head-on.

4. Assign a Risk Owner

This strategy is crucial because designating someone to watch over a risk in a certain part of the project ensures things go right. A risk owner is responsible for monitoring a specific risk, implementing a mitigation plan, and taking action. Essentially, this person should be the go-to expert for that risk, ensuring it doesn’t fall through the cracks.

When assigning a risk owner, choose someone with the expertise and authority to manage issues effectively. Ensure they understand the importance of their role and always keeping an eye on potential problems.

5. Regularly Monitor and Review

Keeping on top of your project ensures everything is running smoothly. Plus, you can catch any issues early if any occur. This continuous monitoring is the foundation of risk management. Continuously checking in to see how things are going keeps your project on schedule.

One way to keep track is by using project management software. These types of tools are excellent at providing updates and tracking risks. They also keep all information in one place, making it easy to see what is happening at a glance.

Results of Google’s Third-Party Cookie Deprecation (23)

6. Keep Stakeholders and Team Informed

Communication is the most essential part of a project manager’s job. Keeping everyone in the loop ensures the team and stakeholders are up to date. It also prevents misunderstandings and makes it easier to tackle challenges as they arise. However, 30% of employees cite a lack of communication as their biggest frustration, especially in hybrid or remote environments.

If communication could use some improvement, one way to guarantee clarity is by outlining a communication plan. This should include:

  • Who needs to know about specific risks.
  • How often you will update them.
  • What channels you will use to inform.

Ensure your updates are also clear. The messaging should have a main focus to avoid confusion and constant back-and-forths.

7. Build Risk Awareness

The entire team should understand the importance of risk management in project management. When your team is aware of what could occur, they should know how to address them to prevent small issues from snowballing into bigger problems. This makes you and the team more proactive and better prepares you for what the future may hold.

Therefore, team training should be within your purview. Discuss the risks regularly during team meetings, so they have a basic understanding. Doing so makes it a regular part of your project management process and keeps team members confident enough to report them without fear of blame.

Leading the Way With Risk Management in Project Management

Every project comes with risks — you just have to understand what they are to be able to prevent them. With a plan, a watchful eye, and communication in place, you can overcome any issues that arise.

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The Art of Prompt Engineering: Get What You Need From ChatGPT<![CDATA[Coraline Steiner]]>Tue, 09 Jul 2024 12:57:00 +0000<![CDATA[AI]]><![CDATA[Design Tech]]><![CDATA[

Prompt engineering has become increasingly vital with the rise of AI and conversational agents as they optimize interactions with these advanced systems. The evolution of AI — with breakthroughs in machine learning and natural language processing — has enabled machines to understand and respond to human language more accurately than before. This transformation has made…

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Prompt engineering has become increasingly vital with the rise of AI and conversational agents as they optimize interactions with these advanced systems. The evolution of AI — with breakthroughs in machine learning and natural language processing — has enabled machines to understand and respond to human language more accurately than before.

This transformation has made tools likeChatGPT indispensable across various domains, from enhancing customer service to assisting with creative tasks. However, the true potential of these AI systems is unlocked through well-crafted prompts. Clear, specific, contextually-rich prompts ensure that AI can provide accurate and relevant responses, making interactions more efficient and effective.

What Is Prompt Engineering?

Prompt engineering involves designing and refining input queries to elicit the most accurate and relevant responses from AI systems, particularly large language models (LLMs). This practice is essential because it significantly enhances LLMs’ capacity to perform various tasks.

This roster includes straightforward question answering to more complex arithmetic reasoning. By carefully crafting prompts, users can guide AI to understand better and respond to their queries. This habit maximizes the utility of the technology across various applications.

The influence of prompts on AI responses is essential. Poorly crafted prompts often lead to vague, irrelevant or incorrect answers. Meanwhile, well-crafted questions result in precise, contextually appropriate and valuable outputs.

For example, a vague prompt like “Tell me about dogs” might yield a broad and unspecific response. A more specific prompt, like “Explain the behavioral traits of Golden Retrievers and how they differ from German Shepherds,” will generate a more detailed and relevant answer. Effective prompt engineering ensures users utilize AI systems to their full potential. This practice also provides clear, accurate, actionable information tailored to users’ needs.

Elements of Effective Prompts

Effective prompt engineering is crucial for eliciting high-quality responses from AI systems. Key elements include:

  • Clarity: Using clear and concise language helps the AI understand the request without ambiguity.
  • Specificity: Providing detailed information ensures the AI can generate precise and relevant answers.
  • Context: Giving background information or context shapes the AI’s understanding and response.
  • Relevance: Keeping the prompt focused on the desired outcome avoids unnecessary or off-topic responses.
  • Format: Specifying the desired format, such as a list or a paragraph, guides the AI in structuring its response accordingly.

These elements make prompts more effective and ensure AI responses are accurate, relevant and valuable.

Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Crafting effective prompts involves more than understanding key elements. It also requires awareness of common pitfalls that can undermine AI responses. Recognizing and addressing these issues allows users to enhance the accuracy and relevance of the generated information.

Leading Questions

Leading questions can bias AI responses by encouraging or guiding the model toward a desired answer. They often frame the query in a way that confirms preconceived notions. For instance, asking, “Isn’t renewable energy the best solution to climate change?” prompts the AI to agree with the statement rather than provide an unbiased response.

To avoid this, users should frame questions neutrally, such as, “What are the benefits and drawbacks of renewable energy in addressing climate change?” This approach allows the AI to generate a balanced and informative response, free from the influence of any biased framing.

Ambiguous Language

Precision in prompts is crucial because it ensures AI responses are accurate and relevant. It avoids the confusion that often arises from vague terms. When prompts are imprecise or ambiguous, the AI may struggle to understand the user’s intent, leading to generalized or off-topic answers.

For example, a “Discuss benefits” prompt is too vague and can result in an unfocused response. Instead, specifying “Discuss the economic benefits of solar energy for residential households” directs the AI to provide detailed and pertinent information. Being precise and avoiding vague terms can enhance the clarity and usefulness of AI-generated content.

Advanced Prompt Engineering Techniques

Once users have mastered the basics of crafting effective prompts, they can explore advanced techniques to refine and optimize their interactions with AI. These strategies help unlock even greater potential to enable more complex and nuanced responses from the AI system.

Leverage Temperature and Max Tokens

Adjusting settings such as temperature and max tokens can significantly influence an AI’s output’s response length and creativity. Temperature controls the randomness of the responses. For example, a lower temperature results in more focused and deterministic answers. Meanwhile, a higher temperature allows more creative and varied responses.

On the other hand, max tokens limit the response length, ensuring the AI provides concise or detailed answers based on the user’s needs. For instance, setting a lower max tokens value will generate a brief response suitable for straightforward queries. Conversely, a higher value will produce a more extensive and in-depth answer.

Chaining Prompts for Complex Queries

Breaking down complex requests into simple, sequential prompts is a highly effective strategy for interacting with AI. It maintains context, enhances user experience and reduces ambiguity. Dividing a multifaceted query into smaller, manageable parts allows users to guide the AI through each process step. This ensures the AI comprehends and addresses each aspect accurately.

For instance, instead of asking, “Explain the process of starting a business,” users can first prompt, “What are the initial steps to start a business?” followed by, “How do you secure funding for a new business?” and so on. This systematic approach keeps the AI focused and contextual, leading to precise, more coherent responses and smoother overall interaction.

Practical Applications and Examples

Understanding the principles of prompt engineering is only the beginning. Seeing these techniques in action highlights their value. Here are practical applications and examples for users to appreciate how effective prompts can enhance AI performance.

Business Use Cases

Crafting prompts for marketing, customer service and data analysis showcases the versatility and efficiency of generative AI. In marketing, precise prompts can generate tailored content to create personalized campaigns that resonate with specific audiences and drive engagement.

For customer service, well-crafted prompts enable AI to respond quickly and accurately to common inquiries. This improves customer satisfaction and frees up human agents for more complex tasks. In data analysis, detailed prompts guide AI to sift through vast data sets, identify trends and generate insightful reports, speeding up productivity.

Personal Use Cases

Effective prompt engineering with ChatGPT can be a game-changer for daily planning, creative writing and general inquiries. In daily planning, users can craft specific prompts to generate organized to-do lists, schedule reminders and suggest time management strategies.

Regarding general inquiries, clear and precise prompts ensure ChatGPT delivers accurate and relevant information, whether for learning new facts, exploring hobbies or solving everyday problems.

Future of Prompt Engineering

The evolving capabilities of AI and the critical role of prompt engineering shape the future of technology usage. Over 250 million users employed AI tools in 2023 — a number experts project to exceed 729 million by 2030. This rapid growth underscores the increasing reliance on AI across various sectors, highlighting the potential for automation and the development of specialized tools to assist in crafting effective prompts.

Mastering Prompt Engineering for Enhanced AI Interaction

Practicing and refining prompt-crafting skills is essential for anyone looking to maximize the potential of AI interactions. Mastering the art of prompt engineering enhances the accuracy and relevance of AI responses. It empowers users to leverage AI technology more effectively across various applications.

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A Web Designer’s Guide to Agile Project Management<![CDATA[Cooper Adwin]]>Thu, 04 Jul 2024 16:04:04 +0000<![CDATA[Web Design]]><![CDATA[Featured]]><![CDATA[web design]]><![CDATA[web development]]><![CDATA[

Web design projects can be challenging to execute. They often involve tight deadlines, changing client demands and communication mishaps. Keeping everyone in line while meeting clients’ evolving needs can lead to stress and possible delays. One solution small businesses have found promising is Agile project management. Agile is a popular method that helps teams stay…

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Web design projects can be challenging to execute. They often involve tight deadlines, changing client demands and communication mishaps. Keeping everyone in line while meeting clients’ evolving needs can lead to stress and possible delays. One solution small businesses have found promising is Agile project management.

Agile is a popular method that helps teams stay organized, adaptable and on time, all while delivering high-quality work. If you’re ready to keep your team on track and meet goals more effectively, using Agile as an approach to project management can help you succeed.

Source: The Digital Project Manager

What Is Agile Project Management?

Web designers often use Agile methodology to focus on collaboration and iterative progress. Traditional project management — like the Waterfall method — follows a linear path, planning the entire process and working in sequences before releasing the product. This method often fails because it ignores user feedback. When creating something without knowing whether it meets customer needs, companies use up time, resources and money.

However, Agile project management is a more flexible, adaptive approach. It breaks down projects into smaller, manageable pieces called iterations or sprints. Each sprint uses time-blocking that typically lasts two to four weeks. The core phases include planning, executing and reviewing a specific portion of the project.

During these sprints, teams work closely together, regularly communicating and adjusting their plans based on feedback and any new insights. This iterative approach allows teams to respond quickly to changes and continuously improve the project as it evolves.

Implementing this cycle of constant development and refining, Agile ensures that projects remain aligned with client needs and objectives throughout the process. Thus, it saves time and money, which is why 71% of teams use it in their product development lifecycle today.

Common Agile Methodologies Used in Web Design

Many Agile frameworks are available for implementation, but the most common methodologies that web design teams use include the following.


Scrum is one of the most widely used Agile methodologies, with 87% of business leaders reporting using it in 2022. Due to its flexible structure, design and development teams favor this approach the most.

Scrum involves dividing the project into small, time-boxed iterations. During each sprint, teams focus on completing a list of tasks from a prioritized backlog. Teams often hold daily meetings to oversee the project’s alignment and address any obstacles. At the end of each sprint, a review and retrospective meeting comes into place, assessing the progress and identifying improvements for the next sprint.


Kanban is another popular Agile framework for its simplicity and visual approach. This style uses a Kanban board with columns to represent each stage of the workflow, such as “To Do,” “In Progress,” and “Done.”

Team members move tasks across these columns as they progress through the stages. The visuals help teams easily see the status of tasks, identify bottlenecks and manage workflow efficiently. Kanban differs from Scrum in that it doesn’t have fixed timelines. Instead, it allows for continuous delivery and flexibility in task prioritization. Teams often use it to manage a steady stream of incoming tasks and adapt quickly to changing priorities.

Extreme Programming (XP)

XP is a customer-centric methodology that emphasizes frequent releases in the development process. This system is designed to improve product quality and responsiveness to changing customer needs through practices such as test-driven development and frequent communication.

In XP, web design teams work in short cycles, often delivering new product iterations every week. This approach ensures quick feedback incorporation and prompt issue resolution. XP guarantees the reliable production of web applications, so they perform to users’ liking.

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Why Agile Project Management Works for Web Designers

Design teams use Agile project management for several reasons, providing numerous benefits to entire companies.


Agile allows teams to adapt quickly. With constant feedback taking place, businesses must ensure they can make quick adjustments. New client demands and market shifts often occur, so Agile ensures projects stay aligned despite unforeseen challenges.

Higher Quality Output

Agile offers a way to identify issues and resolve them promptly. This ensures teams can maintain a high standard of work until the project is complete. With continuous feedback and improvement underway, Agile teams can work together to refine and improve their ideas constantly. Businesses that implement this methodology have seen significant outcomes. Even one report shows a 277% increase in commercial performance among Agile-cultured companies.

Boosts Team Morale

This collaborative project management style encourages open communication and a supportive environment where everyone’s input is valued. Studies have shown that working in Agile teams reduces pressure and mental health issues, as it creates a more manageable, less stressful workflow.

Implementing Agile Project Management in Web Design

Web Project Managers looking to implement the Agile methodology can follow these steps.

1. Set Up Your Agile Team

The first step in adopting this methodology is defining roles and responsibilities. For instance, someone on the team can be a Scrum Master who enables the agile process and removes any obstacles the team faces. Additionally, you’ll need a cross-functional team of designers, developers, and stakeholders who will collaborate closely throughout the project. Establishing these roles ensures everyone will work toward the same goals.

2. Determine Which Tools to Use

The right tools are crucial for facilitating communication, tracking progress and managing tasks. Popular tools include ClickUp, Trello and Asana, each allowing you to tailor Agile workflows. Some of their features include customizable boards, sprint planning, and real-time collaboration. When choosing a tool, consider the project and team needs and how well they integrate into your existing systems.

3. Plan

The planning phase is the most critical step. It begins with a vision for the outcome to set the overall direction. Once you have a key objective in mind, you must create a roadmap outlining major milestones and deliverables. The next step is to map out each sprint, where you complete specific tasks. That way, teams can focus on delivering incremental progress and continue to refine their work.

4. Execute

This is the phase where the planning comes to life — each team member will work on the defined tasks for each sprint. During this phase, daily check-ins are crucial. They ensure everyone can discuss updates and issues that arise. Team members collaborate closely and share feedback to keep the project moving smoothly. The focus is on completing the tasks assigned for the current sprint and implementing any changes made along the way.

5. Review

At the end of every sprint, the team holds a sprint review meeting to present the completed work to stakeholders. This session allows companies to showcase progress and validate the work. These meetings also allow for feedback and necessary adjustments for the next sprint.

Implementing Agile Project Management in Web Design

Agile project management offers several benefits for web design teams handling projects. For any team looking to streamline their development process, Agile can be the key to efficiency. While the process is not a one-size-fits-all approach, it works for many organizations looking to gain more value from their workflows.

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Isometric Drawing for Designers: 5 Best Practices and Examples<![CDATA[Coraline Steiner]]>Wed, 03 Jul 2024 17:23:33 +0000<![CDATA[Graphic Design]]><![CDATA[Featured]]><![CDATA[

Isometric projection is a popular design that has captured the audience’s attention for years. Many brands have adopted it to curate visual interest and appeal. Because these designs are so unique, they inspire designers to add this technique to their portfolios. This design trend gives graphics depth and complexity. By adding three-dimensional visuals on a…

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Isometric projection is a popular design that has captured the audience’s attention for years. Many brands have adopted it to curate visual interest and appeal. Because these designs are so unique, they inspire designers to add this technique to their portfolios.

This design trend gives graphics depth and complexity. By adding three-dimensional visuals on a flat surface, you can create some of the most engaging images on the block. Yet, as a designer, it is important to follow the top best practices to jumpstart your journey in isometric drawing.

What Is Isometric Drawing?

Isometric drawing is a technique for creating a three-dimensional representation of an object on a two-dimensional surface. The design involves drawing objects at a 30-degree angle to the horizontal plane, allowing a 3D representation without distortion.

In an isometric drawing, the lines remain parallel rather than converging as they do in a perspective drawing. This gives you the ability to present complex structures clearly. As such, isometric projections are useful for diagrams, architectural plans and more.

In every isometric design, designers must follow a grid to guide line and shape placement. The horizontal lines slope at a 30-degree angle, while the vertical lines remain vertical, following the 120-degree rule. As a result, the viewer receives a bird’s eye view of the objects within the graphic.

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Best Practices for Isometric Projection

To excel at isometric drawings, designers must follow a few techniques that create a strong foundation for these designs.

1. Simplify Complex Shapes

Isometric projects often have intricate structures, but breaking these down into simpler components can make the drawing process more manageable.

One effective strategy for simplifying complex shapes is to find the basic geometric forms that make up the overall structure. Designers can deconstruct complex objects into simpler shapes like cubes, cylinders and prisms. By sketching these basic forms first, you can ensure the proportions and perspectives are correct.

2. Maintain a Consistent Perspective

Following the 30-degree angle rule and maintaining equal dimensions along the x,y and z axes is challenging. Keeping up with consistent angles can appear off balance and disrupt the illusion of depth if straying from the angles.

The easiest way to achieve consistency is to start with a rough sketch. Laying out a quick design allows you to correct any issues early on. Then, you can establish snapping features within your design software to further assist in keeping lines straight and angles in the proper position.

3. Focus on Detail and Texture

Detail and texture are key pieces to enhancing realism and visual interest. While the geometric nature of isometric designs simplifies shapes, adding more to your objects brings illustrations to life.

Adding detail is about incorporating smaller elements to add depth and complexity. For instance, this could include tiny features like windows on a building or intricate patterns on surfaces. Even though these details are subtle, they make the drawing look complete.

With texture, you can make the drawing appear more realistic. This includes techniques such as shading, gradients and brush strokes. For example, you can add depth to flat surfaces by applying shading to create light and shadow. Experiment with your design software to achieve the right balance. Doing so will ensure your isometric drawings are precise and visually appealing.

4. Use Grids

Isometric grids are crucial for guiding object and line placement. They help designers maintain consistent angles and proportions, providing a structured framework to work with in the design. Grids also keep all elements aligned. They ensure every part of the drawing adheres to the same scale, making the overall composition cohesive.

Plus, grids make every part of the process simple. If you are constructing complex scenes — these guides provide reference points — eliminating guesswork or avoiding distortions while drawing freehand.

Designers can find isometric grids in various software, such as Sketch, Figma and Adobe Illustrator. Additionally, numerous downloadable templates and online tools provide ready-to-use isometric grids.

5. Experiment With Perspectives

In perspective design, the parallel lines would converge. However, isometric drawings achieve the opposite because all angles must be equal in length and space. As a best practice, try practicing with perspective to push boundaries and explore new possibilities.

Varying the angles and viewpoints can be one way to experiment. For example, you can create different compositions by layering different elements at varying heights. This route adds complexity and movement to the design, which can draw the viewer’s attention to other parts of the composition.

Examples of Isometric Drawings

Look for inspiration and use the following examples to recreate your own. Practicing others’ isometric designs is key to helping you improve.

Isometric 3D Illustration

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Source: Isometric 3D Illustration by Mithobs on Dribbble

This first example is of an isometric design with detailed environments. The drawing features a warm, softly lit room with a large circular window. Notice how the light gently casts down onto the plush sofa. The careful use of shading and gradients adds depth to make the room appear three-dimensional.

Additionally, the designer has added texture to bring life to the design. Soft cushions, wooden flooring and sheer curtains offer tactile qualities to create intimate, atmospheric spaces.

Clean and Minimalistic

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Source: BASIC ISOMETRIC by Ankit Jaiswal on Dribbble

This next example showcases isometric drawings of everyday objects. These radio, cell phone and camera illustrations depict clean lines and minimal detail. The design also uses a limited color palette, enhancing the geometric shapes and maintaining a cohesive look. It focuses on the essential forms and perspectives, which communicates the object structure and function without overwhelming the viewer.

Complex Scenery

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Source: Isometric by Valeria on Dribbble

The last isometric illustration depicts a lively urban scene, where details are the highlight of this image. The drawing features a mix of buildings, each with different depths and heights. It also incorporates outdoor seating, trees and clouds to add engagement to the atmosphere. Overall, it recreates everyday life with colorful architecture and dynamic environments, adding complexity and interpretation.

Bring Your Isometric Drawings to Life

Mastering isometric drawing involves an understanding of its basic principles. Once you know the foundations of isometric projection, you can learn to create stunning illustrations that captivate audiences. It could be for a technical diagram or a product design. Either way, brands need isometric drawings to offer deeper illustrations and communication.

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Use a Tetradic Color Scheme for a Bold Design<![CDATA[Coraline Steiner]]>Tue, 02 Jul 2024 15:28:01 +0000<![CDATA[Graphic Design]]><![CDATA[Web Design]]><![CDATA[

Color is a powerful way to get a message across. It’s associated with emotions, which can affect how the viewer feels about the product being examined, the information being read or the company being researched. Designers who want to make a strong statement should consider using a tetradic color scheme in their creations to grab…

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Color is a powerful way to get a message across. It’s associated with emotions, which can affect how the viewer feels about the product being examined, the information being read or the company being researched. Designers who want to make a strong statement should consider using a tetradic color scheme in their creations to grab attention and encourage a positive response.

Here’s how to use a tetradic color scheme in design and make the most of this vibrant, noteworthy style.

What Are Tetradic Colors?

Most people are familiar with the color wheel. They most likely got their first introduction in elementary school art classes. A color wheel showcases the primary, secondary and tertiary colors, including their various hues, shades, tints and tones. It is an easy way to see how certain shades work together in design to create a visual display that works for specific genres and evokes emotion.

There are many ways to use different colors together, such as incorporating complementary colors into designs or using one standout color with two softer ones. A tetradic color scheme is especially vibrant. Think of a rectangle placed over the color wheel. Tetradic colors are two sets of complementary pairs of colors opposite each other on the wheel. They are sometimes called double complementary. Using them together creates a balanced, harmonious look that captivates viewers.

Here are examples of combinations that work especially well:

  • Red, green, blue and orange
  • Blue, orange, purple and yellow
  • Yellow-green, red-violet, blue-green, red-orange

The combinations are virtually endless. Designers can have a lot of fun experimenting with various potential looks. Tetradic color schemes are loud and fun but can also be a bit overwhelming if people are not careful. Therefore, a lot of thought and planning is necessary so the design works to its best effect.

When Should Tetradic Colors Be Used?

A tetradic color scheme allows designers to create a nuanced and complex visual experience that directs the viewer’s eye and evokes specific emotions. Colors prompt strong feelings in people, and color psychology proves this point. Consider that blue evokes calm, peacefulness and trust, red is associated with love, excitement and danger, and purple brings to mind luxury, wisdom and excess. It’s best to know the audience and what emotions are desired before placing that rectangle.

A tetradic color scheme can be used to grab attention and make a design stand out. It’s very rich and opens up lots of creative possibilities for designers. It goes beyond simply using two or three complementary colors and can grab users’ attention if employed correctly. This may take lots of trial and error, but the results are more than worth it.

Many designers might gravitate toward what they’re used to, which may be one primary and two secondary colors to create their desired looks. Thinking outside the box and inside the rectangle can open up a whole new world of ideas. However, using best practices is important so the look works well.

How Are Tetradic Colors Best Utilized in Design?

Although this color scheme is certainly vibrant, it can easily become overwhelming. That’s why using the correct proportions is vital to prevent a potentially disastrous result.

The best way to go about this is to focus on one of the colors as the dominant shade and let the other three take a backseat as accents. This prevents the overall look from being too busy, loud and distracting.

Another good way to incorporate a tetradic color scheme is to dilute some of the colors. Lighten up a couple of the shades to create a softer look that’s pleasing to the eye. Also, consider using a lighter, neutral background for more balance. This will really make the colors pop so you get the desired vibrancy without the busyness this style can sometimes bring.

Designers should also focus on the warmth and coolness of their shades, being sure to stick with just one. Otherwise, the resulting look could be too messy and overwhelming. This will keep the look cohesive and more soothing to the eye.

Simplicity is also key here. The overall design should be simple, with no additional details unless necessary. Ensure fonts are readable and shapes are clear and distinct. It can be easy to go overboard with too much detail, and this should be avoided so the viewer does not feel inundated with too much information.

How Can Tetradic Colors Benefit Businesses?

A tetradic color scheme’s rich palette can help brands differentiate themselves and stand out in a crowded marketplace. The idea is to create a distinctive look that can be used across multiple platforms and in marketing materials. It should be able to convey a company’s values and speak even louder than words.

Tetradic colors can be used to highlight features on a page and enhance a brand’s aesthetic appeal. Remember that colors can play to emotions, which can forge a deeper connection with audiences and encourage loyalty and engagement.

These strong colors work in company logos, websites and advertisem*nts. Consider companies like Google, Instagram, eBay and Slack. Their tetradic color schemes help cement their appearance in consumers’ minds.

Advertisem*nts that draw on a tetradic color scheme can go beyond noticeable to truly captivating, which is necessary in today’s crowded marketplace. Using four colors draws the eye to key elements and is especially effective online. Users are inundated with content and find it easy to keep scrolling unless something truly catches their eye.

Having a design that’s this rich works well when applying it across platforms. It has an equally strong effect online and in print advertisem*nts, creating a sense of cohesiveness and unity to build a strong brand identity. A tetradic color scheme also highlights calls to action, prompting casual visitors and readers to convert to paying customers.

Make the Most of a Tetradic Color Scheme

A tetradic color scheme helps brands stand out and attract users’ attention. It can draw potential customers and provide a sense of familiarity among loyal clients. Designers who effectively incorporate this look into websites, logos and ad campaigns can create something that stands out in a crowded marketplace and delivers the results clients want.

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How to Establish a Social Media Presence<![CDATA[Coraline Steiner]]>Sat, 29 Jun 2024 14:00:00 +0000<![CDATA[Grow Your Creative Brand]]><![CDATA[Social Media]]><![CDATA[Featured]]><![CDATA[Marketing]]><![CDATA[

Finding your groove on social media takes a lot of effort and time. You have to figure out who your audience is and what content they’re most likely to view. Business owners must also find ways to get their material in front of the right people at the perfect time. Establishing a successful social media…

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Finding your groove on social media takes a lot of effort and time. You have to figure out who your audience is and what content they’re most likely to view. Business owners must also find ways to get their material in front of the right people at the perfect time. Establishing a successful social media presence requires effort, time, more effort, testing and continuous changes.

When you think about brands most active on social media, you likely have a few favorites come to mind. Perhaps a local dinner theater posts daily. They run contests, ask questions, share info about new shows and engage with their followers.

Consider a few of your favorites and study what they do to learn from their efforts and successes. If something seems to flop and they have a similar audience to yours, nix that idea. Here are the steps to create a strong social media presence and drive sales to your website.

1. Set Your Goals and Budget

The Wall Street Journal took a deep dive into digital marketing budgets. They found companies spend around 17% of their total promotional fund on social media. In the next five years, experts predict the number will hit 26.4% or higher.

Make a list of measurable goals you’d like to achieve through social media marketing. Set aside a portion of your marketing dollars and where you’ll use them. How much will you spend on social media platform advertising? How much to content creators? Will you work with influencers?

You can make some predictions and change them later. For now, get the goals on paper so you have something to work toward.

2. Define Your Target Audience

Who is your typical customer? The goal of any marketing is to reach those who are most likely to buy your products or services. Where are they most likely to hang out? If your buyers are mostly middle-aged women, you may want to establish a presence on Pinterest. Younger generations may be more likely to hang out on Snapchat or TikTok.

Write out as many details as possible and create a buyer persona that aligns with your typical customer. List gender, age and income. Give your mock person a name and profession. Aim any material you publish at the mockup.

3. Study Platforms

Take time to read details about each social media platform you’re considering. How many people use the site each day? Are they likely to buy from ads placed on the platform?

You should also pay attention to where competitors have an active presence and the types of content they create. The things you post on Facebook will vary from what you put on Instagram. Know the audience and the preferences of each platform for maximum engagement.

Around 51.4% of marketers plan to increase social media spending. However, you can spend a lot of money without any results unless you have a plan and understand what’s possible.

4. Set a Content Calendar and Style

Small business owners have a ton of hats they must wear. They’re responsible for ordering new products, serving customers and training employees. Finding time to keep up with a social channel or two seems almost impossible. However, they may not yet have enough revenue to hire someone to do the work for them.

Having a calendar in place ensures you can schedule posts ahead as you have extra time. You can also set up a style guide so each post is almost mindless. You know you post a quick tip on Mondays and a special sale on Fridays. A calendar and set style takes the guesswork out of coming up with new social content.

5. Look Professional

Take your time creating a professional looking profile for your business. Include a profile photo that shows the company logo. Add a header with branding details. Fill in all About information so people can find your website and contact information easily.

Your social media page might be the first impression people have of your brand. You want them to see you in a positive light.

6. Find Your Voice

Everything you post should have a similar tone and attitude. Think about the message you want to send about your brand. For example, if you run a clothing company for teens, you might want a fun vibe. On the other hand, if you provide financial services for seniors, it would be best to have a more serious tone.

Consider companies such as Wendy, who have a youthful, snarky tone on Twitter. Dove presents strength and inclusivity. Skittles is slightly goofy and filled with fun. Choose the tone for your brand and stick to it. People should recognize your posts even without your name attached.

7. Engage Users

Consumers spend about 40% more when brands engage on social platforms with them. Make sure you respond to every comment. If someone shares a link to one of your posts, go on their wall and thank them for sharing. Ask questions to ramp up the discussion.

You can get your employees, family and friends involved. Just avoid being sketchy and making them look like fans when they are related or employed. Ask them to be upfront about their relationship but it’s still okay to share why they like your brand.

People are much more likely to listen to their peers than anything you say, even if they are related to you in some way. It is probably best to leave reviews to customers without personal ties, though.

One example might be you go on Facebook and share the history of the company and a major milestone recently hit. Your cousin says, “So glad you started this business and love it so much. Proud of you!”

Their comments and your response are favorable to Facebook’s algorithms and more of your followers see your content. They engage and it bumps it more. Social media success is about investing time more than any other factor.

Build Your Social Media Presence

Juggle as many of the variables as possible and provide content your readers are likely to enjoy. When you find something that gets a ton of engagement or results in site visits, repeat it with a similar post. Over time, you’ll be able to study the analytics and see which elements work best for your users.

The post How to Establish a Social Media Presence appeared first on Designerly.

Complianz<![CDATA[Designerly Staff]]>Fri, 28 Jun 2024 14:00:00 +0000<![CDATA[WP Plugin of the Month]]><![CDATA[Featured]]><![CDATA[web design]]><![CDATA[WordPress]]><![CDATA[

Privacy and data protection laws are still in flux. Business owners must follow global regulations as well as state and local laws. They also may have customers and board members they must answer to about the measures they take to keep personal data safe. Complianz plugin is a great step toward ensuring you’re compliant. When…

The post Complianz appeared first on Designerly.


Privacy and data protection laws are still in flux. Business owners must follow global regulations as well as state and local laws. They also may have customers and board members they must answer to about the measures they take to keep personal data safe. Complianz plugin is a great step toward ensuring you’re compliant.

When it comes to WordPress plugins, it’s natural to look to ones that offer better customer engagement or a return on investment (ROI). Privacy is a bit different in that it improves your reputation and gives your users peace of mind, but the ROI isn’t readily apparent.

Complianz Features

Results of Google’s Third-Party Cookie Deprecation (41)

Complianz offers website owners a way to install a complete privacy suite and ensure compliance with various regulations. It offers a lot of customization options to meet the needs of different types of businesses. Some of the features noted with the plugin include:

  • Visitor consent management
  • Variations by region with proper documentation
  • Privacy notices for website visitors
  • Enhanced support for subscribers
  • More than 900,000 users
  • Integrates with other plugins
  • Extensive cookie scan
  • Updates with legal and technical changes
  • Tracks consent statistics

Complianz runs in the background once installed, doing everything you need to keep your privacy notices in compliance and inform users how their data gets used.

The Pew Research Center surveyed Americans and discovered 71% are worried over the data collected about them. Being upfront and running compliance checks is a good first step to easing their fears.

Why You Need Complianz Plugin

You could write your own privacy policies and code notices on your site. However, Complianz takes things a step further by collecting permissions and storing them for future use and record keeping.

If you’re ever questioned about what data you collect and store, you can access reports from the plugin to help prove your case or reassure your users you are only collecting and keeping the data you must have to conduct your business effectively.

The plugin has a five-star rating out of 1,324 reviews. Users cite the ease of setup and reducing worries over privacy matters.

Cost to Run Complianz on Your Site

Results of Google’s Third-Party Cookie Deprecation (42)

For a personal, single site, the cost to run Complianz is quite cost effective. The rate does go up for multiple sites, but is still reasonable for what the software does. The company offers three premium packages. All packages include the same features but cost more based on the number of websites.

  • Website license–number varies
  • Updates and support for one year
  • Includes all required legal documents
  • Records consent
  • Offers A/B testing and analytics
  • Scans for cookies Works for multiple regions
  • Advertising frameworks

Personal: one website; $59

Professional: up to five websites; $159

Agency: up to 25 websites; $359

Install and Set Up Complianz WordPress Plugin

If Complianz sounds like the solution you’ve been seeking for GDPR compliance and ensuring you use cookies with consent, installation is fairly simple.

Step #1: Install and Activate Complianz

Results of Google’s Third-Party Cookie Deprecation (43)

You can install Complianz directly from your WordPress dashboard. Navigate to Plugins/Add New and search for “Complianz.” Click “Install Now” and then activate. You may notice there is a second plugin option to add privacy documentation. It’s a good idea to install both or upgrade to the pro version.

Step #2: Go Through the Setup Wizard

Results of Google’s Third-Party Cookie Deprecation (44)

The system will walk you through a series of questions. You can choose which email to send notifications, too. The wizard also asks what country you base your privacy laws on and if they login to any restricted areas.

You can choose which legal documents you wish to generate with the program. If you already have a cookie policy or privacy statement, you can direct users there instead. The wizard also asks for some basic details, such as who owns the site and how users can contact you with concerns.

Step #3: Create a Consent Banner

Results of Google’s Third-Party Cookie Deprecation (45)

Your banner must comply with Google’s EU User Consent Policy requirements, so be sure to review them first. As you make changes in the backend, you’ll see the example of the banner to the right. Make sure everything reads the way you want and blends with your site, while still grabbing user attention.

You can choose how the consent banner behaves, such as hiding on mobile. You can also dismiss the banner on scroll or time out.

Note down the left side are customizations, including appearance, colors, texts and custom CSS options.

Step #4: Use the Tools Tab

Results of Google’s Third-Party Cookie Deprecation (46)

The Complianz dashboard also offers a Tools tab. Under it, you find ways to receive support, make data requests, documents, agreements and statistics. If someone tried to hack your site, you may find that information under “Data Breach Reports.”

Get and Stay Compliant

Regulations such as the GDPR protect consumers but can be concerning for small business owners. With plugins such as Complianz, you can easily cover the legal requirements and put your mind at ease that you’re following the rules. Your site visitors will feel reassured you’re protecting their privacy.

The post Complianz appeared first on Designerly.

Results of Google’s Third-Party Cookie Deprecation (2024)


Results of Google’s Third-Party Cookie Deprecation? ›

According to Google, removing 3P cookies on their own would result in a 34% dip in programmatic revenue for advertisers using Ad Manager, and a 21% dip for those advertisers using AdSense. By enabling Privacy Sandbox APIs, revenues reportedly only dipped by 20% (Ad Manager) and 18% (AdSense).

What is the impact of 3rd party cookie deprecation? ›

"With fewer third-party tracking cookies, there's less opportunity for widespread tracking of user behavior across different websites," said Ibarra. "This shift means consumers have more control over their personal data by allowing users to opt in vs.

What are the potential outcomes of the loss of third party browser cookies? ›

Without third party cookies, these tools cannot provide accurate reports about interests, demographics, and behavior. This loss of data granularity can lead to less precise insights, making it challenging to understand your audience and measure campaign performance.

What happens when Google removes cookies? ›

User activity “activates” their function of collecting data. Blocking cookies prevents the cookies being set and the collection of user data across different websites without explicit consent. This effectively disrupts traditional online tracking and advertising practices.

What happens when third-party cookies are disabled? ›

If you block third-party cookies, all third-party cookies from other sites are blocked unless the site is allowed on your exceptions list.

What are the pros and cons of deleting cookies? ›

Clearing your browser cache and cookies can improve performance and security, but it can also delete some useful or convenient information, such as passwords, autofill forms, or shopping carts.

What are the positive and negative effects of cookies? ›

A necessary part of browsing the web, cookies help web developers give you a more personal and convenient website visit. In short, cookies let websites remember you, your logins, shopping carts and more. But they can also be a treasure trove of private info and a serious vulnerability to your privacy.

Why is Google not getting rid of third-party cookies? ›

After years of saying it will do so, Google has decided to not remove third-party cookies from Chrome. After almost four years of tinkering, Google said it will not phase out third-party cookies from its Chrome browser. Instead, the company will provide users with options on how they want to be tracked on the web.

What is Google's motivation in removing third-party cookies? ›

Motivation. Our goal on the Privacy Sandbox is to reduce cross-site tracking while still enabling the functionality that keeps online content and services freely accessible by everyone.

What is one of the drawbacks of removing and disabling cookies? ›

The Cons of Clearing Cookies

For example, if you clear cookies from an e-commerce website, you may lose saved items in your shopping cart or customized recommendations. Inconvenience: Clearing cookies frequently means you will have to log in again to websites that typically remember your login information.

What is replacing third-party cookies? ›

There are many technologies emerging around to help advertisers find appropriate audiences and improve ad targeting. Some tools that are likely to replace third-party cookies include contextual targeting, device fingerprinting, device IDs, Universal IDs, etc.

How does Google use 3rd party cookies? ›

Through Google's advertising platform, businesses can advertise in Google services as well as on non-Google sites. Some cookies support Google showing ads on third-party sites and are set in the domain of the website you visit. For example, the '_gads' cookie enables sites to show Google ads.

How to prepare for third-party cookie deprecation? ›

What can I do to ensure my site is prepared to run without third-party cookies?
  1. Audit your site for third-party cookie usage with the Privacy Sandbox Analysis Tool.
  2. Test your site without third-party cookies.
  3. Report any breakages you discover.
  4. Transition to privacy-enhancing solutions.

What are implications of 3rd party cookies going away? ›

After Google disappears third-party cookies, you'll lose third-party customer data that drives targeted advertising campaigns. Instead, you'll have to rely more on first-party cookies and find effective ways to get user consent.

What is happening to cookies in 2024? ›

(NB: As of July 22nd, 2024, Google has announced that they won't deprecate third-party cookies. Instead, Google says they will introduce a new experience in Chrome that lets people make an informed choice that applies across the users' web browsing, and the user would be able to adjust that choice at any time.

Why are 3rd party cookies important? ›

Personalized advertising: They can enable advertisers to personalize ads based on a user's browsing history, interests, and demographics, making ads more relevant to the user. Better user experience: Theys can help websites remember user preferences and login information, improving the user experience.

What are the effects of cookie deletion? ›

Websites rely on cookies to offer personalized content based on your previous interactions. Deleting cookies can limit the ability of websites to provide tailored recommendations, suggestions, and targeted advertisem*nts. You may receive more generic content that doesn't align with your interests.

How do third-party cookies affect advertisers? ›

Our research shows that 69% of advertisers think third-party cookie deprecation will have a bigger impact than the GDPR and CCPA, and 70% feel that digital advertising overall will take a step backward.

What are the implications of a cookieless world? ›

Third-party cookies are going away and will be gone from some browsers as early as January 2022. It will impact your marketing efforts because you'll have less access to data which will result in less ability to re-target, optimize campaigns, and personalize.

What are the disadvantages of disabling cookies? ›

Loss of Personalization: Clearing cookies removes all saved preferences and settings on websites that rely on this data to provide personalized experiences. For example, if you clear cookies from an e-commerce website, you may lose saved items in your shopping cart or customized recommendations.

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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

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Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.