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  • 7/29/2019 Princeton 0320

    1/20 MARCH 20-26, 2013 FREE

    Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Classified . . . . . .. . . . . . 18-19Editorials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6Obituaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

    INSIDE THIS ISSUEProposal denied

    BOE rejects communitycenter proposal. PAGE 2

    Happy Passover! 14 tips on creating a special seder. PAGE 10

    The 82nd annual BrynMawr-Wellesley Book Salewill be taking placeatPrinceton Day School March25 through 29. If books areyour thing,this event isHeaven. On hand will besome 70,000 donatedtitles,ranging from archery and

    architecture to youth booksand zoos, including 15,000books fromthe collection ofthe late Peter Oppenheimeron philosophy, math,history,art, music, literary criticismand biography.

    The organizers promiselots of bargains and easybrowsing. PreviewDay isMonday the 25th, at $20admission. Admission is freeall otherdays. Thursday the28th is Half Price Day, and

    Friday the 29th is Box Day.For complete information, More details on page 5.




    Princeton celebrates Pi DayBy KATIE MORGANThe Princeton Sun

    Since 2010, Princeton has beenhome to the stateslargest-scalecelebration of Pi Day on March14. The date, 3-14,which corre-sponds to the mathematical con-stant pi (3.14), is alsothe birthdayof Albert Einstein, who spent thelast years of his lifeas a residentof Mercer Street.

    Einstein loved Princeton. Hesaid hed been exiled toparadise,Mimi Omiecinski, Pi Dayfounder, said. One of themostcelebrated mathematicians in theworld made this his home,andhis birthday happens to be Pi Day.If there can be anyheadquartersfor an annual celebration of mathand science, itsPrinceton.

    The biggest events of thisyears Pi Day celebration wereheldMarch 9 and 10.

    Princeton Public Library spon-

    sored a kids violin contest, anEinstein look-a-likecompetitionand a Pi recitation contest.

    The Historical Society ofPrinceton hosted tours and chil-drensactivities, McCaffreys Su-permarket hosted a pie-eatingcompetitionand Nassau Innsponsored a pie-throwing eventand a pie-judgingcontest.

    There are so many differentplayers that I think bring their

    very best to the table, Omiecins-ki said. Pi Day Princetoncouldnot do this without everyone.Without all the Princetonentitiesthat sponsor our events and giveus the space to have them,thiscould never happen. My responsi-bility is to sculpt theseevents, but

    they give the space and they staffthem. And thats not evenmen-tioning the merchants who givediscounts and promote theevents.Its a true collaboration,and I dont think that many com-munitiescould pull it off. Prince-ton is such a generous place.

    The winner of the violin con-test was 5-year-old Elise Hwang,and18-month-old Luisa Bonnertook top honors at the EinsteinLook-A-Likecompetition.

    The winner of the pi recitation

    Courtesy FERRARI IRISVIEWEinstein look-a-like contest winnerLuisa Bonner poses with her award check for $314.15 at the PiDaycelebrations at Princeton Public Library.

    please see PI DAY, page 17

  • 7/29/2019 Princeton 0320


    2 THE PRINCETON SUN MARCH 20-26, 2013

    BOE rejects community center proposalBy KATIE MORGANThePrinceton Sun

    The Princeton Board of Educa-tion on March 5 denied a proposalbythe Valley Road School Adap-tive Reuse Committee to turnthebuilding into a community cen-ter.

    The resolution, passed 9-1, out-lines a number of reasonsfordenying the proposal, including

    concerns about funding to reno-vate the building.

    VRS-ARC, by its proposal, hasfailed to provide the boardwithcredible, documented assurancesthat it has or can securefundingadequate for the extremely exten-sive renovations necessarytomake 369 Witherspoon safe forthe uses contemplated by thepro-posal, the resolution said.

    The resolution was passedwithout prejudice, meaningthat theprojects supporters cancome back to the school boardwith a newproposal that address-

    es the boards concerns.Kip Cherry, a member of the

    VRS-ARC, said she understoodthe board members hesitation.

    We think what they were say-ing is they felt we were notfarenough along in answering theirquestions, she said. Webelievethat the funding is there withinthe community, but ourpotentialdonors have been concernedabout not knowing wheretheschool board is going. We feel thatby taking the steps the boardhasindicated need to be taken, thefunding will come, theprojectwill take shape, and the boardwill feel a greater sense thatwecan accomplish the goal.

    In addition, the resolution said

    the committee expected theschool board to take responsibili-tyfor the zoning changes neces-sary to turn the building into a

    community center.Cherry said the VRS-ARC has

    formed a subcommittee to ad-dress the zoning and parking is-suesassociated with the project.

    Weve formed a subcommitteeto pursue the zoning and park-ing, shesaid. The mayor isplanning a parking study of thewhole area, andwed like to be apart of that study. The next step isto sit downwith Lee Solow of thePlanning Board and go over theprocess withhim.

    Cherry said the subcommitteehas crafted a zoning amendment

    and will take responsibility forcommunicating with thezoningboard and the Princeton Council.

    The amendment includes re-

    quirements for parking, but thereis a lot of thinking that needstogo into the parking issue, Cherrysaid. Theres opportunity hereforpeople to weigh in. Some ofthe neighbors around the schoolareinvolved and their supporthas been great for us.

    Cherry said she is confidentthat the VRS-ARC will be abletopresent the board with a morecomplete proposal in the nearfu-ture.

    Its a resolution without preju-dice, so theres nothingstoppingus from going back with some an-

    swers to their questions, Cherrysaid. We remain veryoptimisticand positive that we can makethis happen.

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  • 7/29/2019 Princeton 0320


  • 7/29/2019 Princeton 0320


    4 THE PRINCETON SUN MARCH 20-26, 2013






    Windrows University to presentThe Doctors and Nurses are InInits ongoing commitment to

    provide informative, intriguingand entertaining presentationsona variety of topics, WindrowsUniversity will present The Doc-torsand Nurses are In.

    Veteran physicians and an RNwill share insights into theirworkand ongoing research anddevelopments in fighting cancer,OB GYNhealth, and nursing, fol-lowed by a question and answersession.

    James Hastings, MD, has beena general surgeon for 40 yearsandhas an encyclopedic knowledge of

    internal medicine and clinicalprocedure.

    Hastings will discuss facets ofhis long career and currentinter-est and work in bioethics and can-cer research. His wife, PegHast-ings, RN, will also speak on thehighlights of her medicalcareer.Barbara McCormack, MD,has brought thousands of new-bornsinto the world during her

    35 years as a practicing OB GYNat Englewood Hospital inBergenCounty.

    Dr. McCormack will sharesome of the innumerable joysandchallenges of her long med-ical career.

    Windrows Universitys TheDoctors and Nurses are In willbe heldfrom 2 to 3:30 p.m. March21 at Princeton Windrows 55+ In-dependentLifestyle Communityat 2000 Windrow Drive in Prince-ton.

    The presentation is free andopen to the public interested in

    learning more about PrincetonWindrows. Lunch and refresh-mentswill be served and tours ofthe community provided. To at-tend theevent, please RSVP at(609) 520-3700

    Visit or contact thesales team at(609) 520-3700 formore information.

  • 7/29/2019 Princeton 0320


    OK, so maybe you have a Nookor a Kindle, but you still loveex-ceptional books filled with richphotos and illustrations tograceyour home or office. You also lovea great deal, and never misstheannual Bryn-Mawr WellesleyBook Sale. Its almost thattimeagain!

    This years sale promises to beunique. In addition to tensofthousand of books on subjectsfrom archery and architecturetoyouth books and zoos, the five-dayevent will sell off theimpressivebook collection of the late PeterOppenheimer ofPrinceton. Op-

    penheimer was a book collector ofwide-ranging interests, andhisfamily has donated his collectionof more than 15,000 volumesonphilosophy, math, history, art,music, literary criticism andbi-ography. It even includes a 1968first edition of Tom Wolfespiv-otal work, The Electric Kool-AidAcid Test.

    Other exciting offerings in-clude a Beatrix Potter collection;astunning three-volume Sothe-bys auction catalog describing

    the contents of Chateau de Grous-say; The Solitude of Ravens,agorgeous photography book; an1878 manual on archery plusothertitles on the sport; and LesOeuvres d'architecture d'An-toine LePautre, architecteorginaire du Roy which featuresdetailed 17thcentury architectur-al castle drawings.

    Due to the spring holidays,there are no weekend sale daysthisyear, but we are open late

    every evening.Preview Day: March 25, 10 a.m.

    to 5 p.m. $20 per personFree Public Days: March 26, 10

    a.m. to 9 p.m.; March 27 10 a.m. to9 p.m.; March 28 (half priceday)10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; and March 29(box day), 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

    According to Betsy Bennett,one of the sale volunteers whohelpedsort and price the books,There are so many books, we canfeatureonly half this year. Therest have been set aside for the2014sale.

    Oppenheimers collection willbe displayed in two areas, one onthemain sale floor, the other inCollectors Corner the section

    set aside for rare books. Many ofthe books amassed byOppen-heimer were published by Univer-sity presses and most are innew,or like-new condition.

    When the family asked if theycould donate 400-500 boxes ofbooks,we were stunned by thesize of the donation, says SarahFerguson, thesales warehousemanager. When we got to hishome, we saw a forest ofneatlystacked books with only a fewpaths to navigate from oneroom

    to another. The quality of thesescholarly books was farbeyondour expectations.

    Who was this bibliophile?Peter Oppenheimer was born inNew YorkCity to parents who val-ued education. Books and musicwere a verylarge part of his up-bringing the house was full ofboth. His motherwas a musicianand a Renaissance woman, hisfather was a mechanicalengineerwith an interest in language. Both

    provided fertile soil for Peter'sbrain. Young Peter beganreading

    at age 3 and was not only interest-ed in everything he read butre-membered it all as well. He begancollecting books in highschooland took notes in tiny print on 4 x6 cards on every book heread. Hissister, Lucie recalled that, Heread not just words orsentences,but whole paragraphs at a time.He was a virtualencyclopedia.His younger brother remarked,Before there was Google,therewas Peter.

    Oppenheimer was trained inphilosophy and symbolic logic attheUniversity of Chicago and en-listed in the Peace Corps and

    worked in East Africa in the1960's. When he returned, hetaughtmath and philosophy inSaint Louis and eventually movedto Princetonwhere he worked atthe Witherspoon Art and BookStore. The BrynMawr-WellesleyBook Sale staff is delighted thatthe family chosethis venue to dis-play and sell this magnificent col-lection to aidarea students.

    MARCH 20-26, 2013 THE PRINCETON SUN5

    Let us know you heard about us in the Princeton Sunand bring inthis ad to save $5 per adult/$3 per child!

    Annual book sale approaches

    Scrabble Classic is March 22The Princeton Scrabble Club

    will host its Annual ScrabbleClassic, on March 22 through 24,forthe eighth year at the Prince-ton Marriott Hotel and Confer-enceCenter at Forrestal.

    This year, the entrants include

    a Jeopardy champion, notedwriter and journalist, students intheSchool Scrabble program andtalented Scrabblers frommanyprofessions, such as medicine,law, engineering,mathematics,

    and education, along with re-tirees. They will be travelingfromthe District of Columbia, Florida,Massachusetts, New Jersey,NewYork and Pennsylvania. We arealso anticipating some lastminuteplayers from Delaware,

    Illinois and Texas.Everyone is excited about hav-

    ing an opportunity to make cleverwords in strategic spaces ontheScrabble board and increasingtheir rating.

  • 7/29/2019 Princeton 0320


    letters to the editor

    in our opinion

    The news from RomeA new pope affects even non-Catholics, too

    6 THE PRINCETON SUN MARCH 20-26, 2013

    Roman Catholics throughout

    the world are celebrating the

    election of the first-ever Pope

    Francis, formerly Cardinal Jorge

    Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires.

    First pope from the New World, first

    pope from Latin America, first Jesuit

    (Catholicisms intellectual backbone),by all accounts atheological conserva-

    tive, by all accounts a passionate advo-

    cate for the poor and the powerless.

    Why should non-Catholics care? Be-

    cause the Vatican is said to represent a

    billion people throughout the world,

    thats why, including many of their

    neighbors and co-workers. According

    to the 2013 Yearbook of American and

    Canadian Churches, the Catholic

    Church is the largest single Christian

    denomination in the United States,

    with more than 77 million members.

    Thats a quarter of the U.S. popula-


    Any substantive discussion of the

    Roman Catholic Church has to start

    from a recognition that were talking

    about something very old, very big

    and very complex. A distinction needs

    to be drawn between the people in the

    pews and the hierarchy that speaks for

    the church. Its not a distinction easily

    drawn, true, but it exists. The hierar-

    chy is on the right of many American

    Catholics on issues of gender, sexuali-

    ty and reproductive rights. The hierar-chy is on the left ofmany American

    Catholics and this needs to be em-

    phasized on issues of economic jus-

    tice, war and peace, and the environ-


    All we hear about is the pedophilia

    scandal and its shocking coverup by

    many bishops, and reports of finan-

    cial shenanigans in Rome. As impor-

    tant as these issues are, as imperative

    as it is that the new pope clean house,

    top to bottom, this is only part of the


    By all reports, pedophile priests con-

    stitute a minuscule fraction of the

    Catholic clergy. What about all the

    other priests and the members of reli-

    gious orders, the ones who faithfully

    tend the flock? Some of them do so

    heroically, as is often the case in the

    inner cities and the rural areas. We

    rarely see them on CNN. But theyre

    the Catholic Church, too.

    The most superficial survey of

    Princetons Catholic community dis-

    closes an extensive web of philan-

    thropic commitment and social serv-ice, evidenced by checkswritten and

    labor volunteered.

    The Office of Catholic Social Servic-

    es of the Diocese of Trenton 12 agen-

    cies, not counting hospitals and

    schools is an indispensable partner

    in Central Jerseys social safety net.

    No Catholic of our acquaintance is

    less than horrified, pained, embar-

    rassed and angered by the betrayal of

    Christian values and church canons

    that the scandals entail.

    They want change. And so, appar-

    ently, do the cardinals who elected this


    Good luck, Your Holiness. All people

    of good will not just the sheep of

    your fold are counting on your


    1330 Route 206, Suite 211

    Skillman, NJ 08558


    The Sun is published weekly by ElauwitMedia LLC, 1330 Route 206,Suite 211,Skillman, NJ 08558. It is mailed weekly to

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    To submit a news release, please [emailprotected].For advertis-ing information, call (609) 751-0245 oremail[emailprotected] Sun welcomes comments fromreaders

    including any information about errors thatmay call for acorrection to be printed.

    SPEAK UPThe Sun welcomes letters from readers.Brief and to thepoint is best, so we look forletters that are 300 words or fewer.Includeyour name, address and phone number. Wedo not printanonymous letters. Send lettersto [emailprotected], via faxat609-751-0245, or via the mail. Of course,you can drop them off atour office, too.

    The Princeton Sun reserves the right toreprint your letter inany medium includ-ing electronically.

    PUBLISHER Steve Miller

    EXECUTIVE EDITOR Tim Ronaldson


    MANAGING EDITOR Mary L. Serkalow

    COMMUNITY EDITOR Michael Redmond



    ART DIRECTOR Tom Engle



    VICE CHAIRMAN Michael LaCount, Ph.D.


    CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Dan McDonough, Jr.


    Republican committeewelcomes potential candidates

    Do you believe that ever-increasingproperty taxes and electedofficials pursu-ing their own agendas are negatively im-pacting ourquality of life in Princeton?

    Are you tired of never-ending litigationand costly taxpayerfinanced settlements?Have you concluded that one-party munici-palgovernment is unlikely to result in out-comes to the benefit of allPrinceton resi-dents?

    Local Republicans offer much-needed di-versity of thought andexperience. Prince-ton voters increasingly agree that Republi-canscould bring fresh perspective to mud-dled local governance. This isevidenced bythe fact that Republican candidates formayor in thepast two years received 40percent of the vote four times thenumber

    of registered Princeton Republicans.The June 4 primary and theNovember

    general election will choose two PrincetonCouncil members whowill help governour newly consolidated community. ThePrincetonRepublican Committee wel-

    comes expressions of interest from poten-tial candidates. Youcould be on the ballotas a running mate of popularGov.Christie!

    The primary filing deadline is April 1.We also welcomevolunteers who want tohelp in getting out the vote andactivelysupport Republican candidates.

    For more information or an explanationof the election process,please email me [emailprotected]

    Dudley Sipprellechairman

    Princeton Republican Committee

  • 7/29/2019 Princeton 0320


  • 7/29/2019 Princeton 0320


    WEDNESDAYMARCH 20Art Exhibitions: Princeton Universi-

    ty Art Museum. 1. Revealing theAfrican Presence inRenaissance

    Europe. 2. Picturing Power:Capitalism, Democracy, andAmericanPortraiture, portraitcollection of the New York Cham-ber ofCommerce, assembledover a 200- year period begin-ning in 1772.609-258-3788,

    At the Arts Council: Robeson Cen-

    ter, 102 Witherspoon. Arts Coun-cil of Princeton: PerseusSlaysMedusa: A Greek Myth Retold asSelf-Portraits, photographybyBarbara Warren. On view throughApril 13. 609-924-8777,

    At the Greenway: D&R GreenwayLand Trust, JohnsonEducationCenter, 1 Preservation Place (offRosedale), 609-924-4646.1.'Perspective, a photographyshow by members of the StonyBrookGarden Club of Pr inceton.Awardees include Cindy Besse-laar, GailDenis, Jennifer Figge

    Nell Haughton, Leslie Kuenne,Lisa Marttila, Molly Schneider.Onview through April 4. 2. Sky Gaz-ing, group art exhibitionfeatur-ing works by Deb Brockway, Mer-rillee Drakulich, Lora Durr,Donna

    Gratkowski, Ann Guidera-Matey,Donna Levinstone, CharlesMcVicker,Lucy McVicker, PaulMordetsky, Stefanie Silverman,Neil Thompson, andMaryWaltham. On view through May 2.

    Art Exhibition: Cafe 44, 44 LeighAve. Water, Water, Everywhere,exhibition featuring photogra-phy by Tasha O'Neill and paint-ingsby Mary Waltham. Free. Onview through April 15.

    Princeton Regional Chamber of

    Commerce: 7:30 a.m. Breakfastmeeting, The Nassau Club, 6 Mer-cerSt. Speaker: Robbert Dijk-graaf, director and Leon LevyProfessor,Institute for AdvancedStudy, The Value of IntellectualEnterprise.609-924-1776,

    Open House, Princeton MontessoriSchool: 8:45 a.m., 487CherryValley Road. 609-924-4594,

    Lunch and Learn: Jewish Center ofPrinceton, 435 Nassau.Noon.

    The Rewards of Risk Taking: TwoCivil War Admirals, withdistin-guished historian James M.McPherson. Noon. Bring a dairyorparve lunch. Dessert provided.609-921-2782.

    Cornerstone Community Kitchen:5 to 6:30 p.m., PrincetonUnitedMethodist Church, Nassau atVandeventer, 609-924-2613.Hotmeals served, prepared by TASK.Free,

    Albert Einstein Memorial Lecture:5:30 p.m. PrincetonRegionalChamber of Commerce presentsHarvard University physicistRoyGlauber, 2005 Nobel Prize win-ner, at PrincetonUniversitysWoodrow Wilson School of Publicand InternationalAffairs. 609-924-1776,

    Princeton Country Dancers: 7:30-10:30 p.m. SuzannePattersonCenter, Monument Drive, Prince-ton. Contra dancing.Instruction,followed by dance. $8, 609-924-6763,

    THURSDAYMARCH 21Veteran Career Fair and Military

    Expo: 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., RiderUniversity, Bart LuedekeCenter,Lawrence. Honoring OurHeroes, event for job seekerswho areveterans of the ArmedServices, active duty personnel,National Guardand Reserve, andspouses. Free to employers andjob seekers. Open tothe non-mili-tary public at 11 a.m. 609-896-5000,

    55-PLUS: 10 a.m., Jewish Center of

    Princeton, 435 Nassau. PrincetonUniversity anthropologistAlanMann speaks on The Scars ofHuman Evolution. $3,609-896-2923.

    Widows Support Group: 11:30 a.m.,Princeton Public Library.Regis-ter. 609-252-2362,

    Afternoon music: 12:15 p.m. Noon.Westminster ConservatorysFac-ulty Series at Niles Chapel, Nas-sau Presbyterian Church, 61Nas-sau. The Loeffler Trio. Free. 609-


    Bach on Thursdays: 12:30 p.m.,Trinity Church, 33 Mercer.FumaSacra, period choir with players,presents a Baroquecantata,Andrew Megill conducting. Free.609-883-0261.

    Windrows University: 2 p.m.,Windrows Community, 2000WindrowsDrive, Plainsboro. TheDoctors and Nurses are In, pre-sented by Dr.James Hastings,general surgeon for 40 years, his

    wife, Peg Hastings, RN, and Dr.Barbara McCormack,obstetricianand gynecologist for 35 years.Lunch, refreshments,tours ofWindrows. Free. Register. 609-520-3700, www.princeton-

    Northern Irish folk-rock: 6:30 p.m.,Princeton PresbyterianChurch,545 Meadow Road. Rend Collec-tive Experiment, Christianfolk-rock band from Northern Ireland.$10 to $20,609-987-1166,

    Bach birthday bash: 7 p.m., MillerChapel, PrincetonTheologicalSeminary. WWFM The ClassicalNetwork presents TempestadiMare, Philadelphia-based

    Baroque Orchestra, and ReneAnne Louprette, organist at Trini-tyChurch Wall Street. Free con-cert to honor the birthday ofJ.S.Bach.

    The Pine Barrens: 7 p.m.. MorvenMuseum, 55 Stockton,presentsFrom Flora to Fire: The Ecologi-cal Story of the New JerseyPineBarrens, virtual tour and talkwith Amy Karpati, directorforconservation science, PinelandsPreservation Alliance.Register.$12, 609-924-8144, www.mor-

    At the Greenway: 7 p.m., D&RGreenway Land Trust,JohnsonEducation Center, 1 PreservationPlace, off RosedaleRoad.Princeton's Christopher Robin:Oswald Veblen and theSix-Hun-dred-Acre Woods, presented byGeorge Dyson. Register,609-924-4646,

    Public Meeting: 7:30 p.m., PlanningBoard.

    At McCarter: 7:30 p.m., McCarter

    Theatre: Slask Song and DanceEnsemble of Poland. Ensemble of80singers, musicians, anddancers in costume. $20 to $54,

    CALENDARPAGE 8 MARCH 20-26, 2013

    WANT TO BE LISTED?To have your meeting or affair listed in theCalendar or Meetings,

    information must be received, in writing, two weeks prior tothedate of the event.

    Send information by mail to: Calendar, The Sun, 1330 Route206,Suite 211, Skillman, NJ 08558. Or by email:[emailprotected]. Or you can submit a calendar listingthrough our website(

    We will run photos if space is available and the quality of thephotois sufficient. Every attempt is made to provide coverage toallorganizations.

    Lic #10199 C ont Lic #13VH01382900

    Let us show you how to save money on this yearsutility bill byupgrading your equipment!

    We still do FREE ESTIMATES!Monday through Friday 8:30 AM - 4:00PM

    please see CALENDAR, page 12

  • 7/29/2019 Princeton 0320


    CALL NOW - SALE ENDS 3/24/13!


  • 7/29/2019 Princeton 0320


    By RABBI ANNIE TUCKERThe Jewish Center of Princeton

    Over the past years, I have hadthe good fortune to attendmanywonderful seders, including thoseled by my beloved father andbygood friends in this communityand others. Let me share awon-derful tradition introduced to meby the Lebeau-Batnitzkyfamily,with whom my mom and I had the

    pleasure of celebrating Passoverlast April.On theLebeau-Batnitzky seder-

    plate each year there is the requi-site haroset and bitterherbs, thesalt water and karpas for dipping,the shank-bone and theegg. Butin addition to all of these items,sitting in a proud placeof promi-nence is something that I hadnever quite seen before inthiscontext a well-worn, well-loved,

    dirt-encrusted baseball.Why a baseball on the seder

    plate, you might ask?Bob explained to me that there

    are actually two reasons. The firstis that, in his family, wheresportsplay such an important role, base-ball is the quintessentialsymbolof spring a reminder of thehope, possibility and renewalthatthe holiday of Pesach is meant toinvoke. More importantly,howev-

    er, the baseball sits on the seder-plate to do exactly what itdid forme to inspire guests to ask ques-tions, for this, truly, isthe goal ofthe seder ritual.

    Seder night is meant to be atime to tell the story of theExo-dus, catering the way in whichthis narrative is delivered totheunique ages and personalities sit-ting around one's ownpersonalfamily table. It is a time to engage

    participants through discussionand song, through study anddrama,through asking and elicit-

    ing questions and searching fortheir answers. While many ofushave become reliant on the won-derful haggadot which exist tohelpus craft the seder rite, thesebooks are simply meant to bere-sources rather than scripts

    jumping-off points to which wemight add and subtract,embellishand augment.

    As seder leader, our job is tocreate a "lesson plan" forsedernight drawing from the hag-gadah and other places toorgan-

    ize a series of readings, activities,songs and experiences thatwillallow our guests to enter into thedrama of the Passoverstory.

    Here are 14 quick suggestions(in honor of the 14 steps oftheseder) to help reinvigorate and re-imagine seder night,althoughthese are by no means exhaustive.Please feel free to useour TJCblog to offer your own good ideasand to share activitiesthat haveproven successful at your family'sseder table. I lookforward tolearning from your collective wis-dom and experience!

    1.) Creative Introductions: Askeach guest to come to sederwithan object that represents freedom.Begin the seder by goingaroundthe table and sharing these selec-tions.

    2.) Paper-bag Dramatics: Placepaper bags filled with asmallnumber of random household ob-

    jects underneath the chair of eachguest (or each child). As theseder

    continues, the goal is to find a wayto connect each item in thebag tosomething in the seder. Creativityis most certainlyencouraged!(For example, one could pull out apaper fastener as thegroup starts

    to talk about matzoh because thisis the food that "binds ourpeopletogether as Jews.")

    3.) Assignments in Advance:Give each guest a small task orpieceof preparation that she/heis to bring to seder in order to en-hancethe ritual. For small chil-dren, this could be as easy asdrawing apicture or practicing asong, for older children, prepar-ing a shortskit (or rap or haiku)or researching a modern day free-dom-fighterto which we mightdedicate one of the cups of wine.Adults can alsobe given home-work in advance, ideally assign-

    ments which connect to their par-ticular areas of interest orexpert-ise (i.e. a history professor couldbe asked to researcharcheologi-cal/other evidence that exists re-garding the events inEgyptwhereas a feminist could be askedto come up with ways toincorpo-rate women's voices into the sederritual).

    4.) Tweeting the Exodus: Sendthe following video toparticipantsbefore sedernight: guest to write(and bring with them) the story ofthe Exodus in140 characters orless.

    5.) Food, Glorious Food: Extendthe karpas (greenvegetable/appe-tizer) course by having lots ofhors d'oeuvres out onthe tableduring the first part of the sederso that participantsdon't get toohungry.

    6.) Engaging Young Children:

    Check out this terrific resourceput together by Rabbi RobSchein-berg of the United SynagogueofHoboken:

    7.) Mad Libs (this idea is cour-tesy of the Feldstein family):Inadvance of the seder, put togethera Mad Libs style version oftheExodus story, strategically remov-ing key nouns, adjectives,verbs,etc. from the narrative and askingguests to supply theseinstead. Onseder night, read the story com-plete with theparticipants' substi-tutions much humor will ensue!

    8.) Pesach Jeopardy: Check out

    the following website which con-tains real, live Pesachquestionsthat have been used on Jeopardythroughout theyears: Write downthequestions in advance and inter-sperse them throughout thesederas a way of keeping things lively.

    9.) Chad Gadya (this idea iscourtesy of the Feldmanfamily):Assign each guest a particularverse (and character) of thesongChad Gadya. As the group comes

    to that line, the guest is responsi-ble for making a sound thatcorre-sponds to his/her character. Forextra fun, purchase (ormake)masks that also correspond toeach character and haveguestswear them during the song.

    10.) Multiple Haggadot: In addi-tion to the haggadot that you,as agroup, are using, have copies ofother books on the table anden-courage guests to use/perusethem at will. Invite participantstoshare interesting tidbits thatthey find and especially placesinwhich different haggadot seem tohave different approaches toaparticular element of the seder.

    11.) The Four Children: Lastyear I put together a resourcepacketof readings, activities, andreflections all based around thetext ofThe Four Children. For acopy, please email me at[emailprotected].

    12.) Order of the Seder: Find acreative way of depicting the14

    different steps of the seder ritualand marking one'sprogressthrough them. My professor,Rabbi Steve Brown, designed14

    10 THE PRINCETON SUN MARCH 20-26, 2013

    Rabbi shares thoughts about PassoverINTERFAITH VIEWS


    The Princeton Sun invites religious leaders of churches,syna-gogues, mosques, temples and other houses of worship servingthePrinceton community to contribute news items and photos forthiscolumn. Email Michael Redmond, community editor,[emailprotected] for more information.

    please see RABBI, page 11

  • 7/29/2019 Princeton 0320


    MARCH 20-26, 2013 THE PRINCETON SUN 11


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    YearRounddifferent baseball caps that hewould successively pileon top ofhis head. Others have used book-marks, flip charts,hand-motionsor other methods to indicate one'smovement throughthese differentstages.

    13.) Afikoman Scavenger Hunt:Rather than simply hidingtheafikoman, design a scavengerhunt for children thateventuallyleads them to this piece of hiddenmatzoh. Bonus pointsfor using

    clues that come from the Biblesuch as "Lot's wife looked backandshe thereupon turned into a

    pillar of salt" (near the salt shak-er), or "The altar of burntoffer-ing, its copper grating, its polesand furnishings..." (nextto theoven). Extra, extra bonus points

    for having children decide togeth-er on a charity to whichtheywould like to donate in lieu of (orin addition to) receiving agift forfinding the afikoman, extendingthe haggadah's message ofsocial

    justice into our day.14.) My Most Memorable Pe-

    sach Ever: Have guests (especiallyolder ones) share the mostuniqueor memorable Passover seder thatthey ever experienced.Whoknows, perhaps with all these new

    ideas it will be this one!

    Rabbi Annie Tucker, associate

    rabbi of The Jewish Center ofPrinceton, grew up inLexington,Mass., and graduated Phi BetaKappa from the UniversityofPennsylvania, where she majored

    in Psychology and Jewish Studies.A Wexner Graduate Fellow, shere-ceived a master's degree in Jewish

    Education from the Jewish Theo-logical Seminary in 2001,continu-ing on in the Seminary's rabbini-cal program where she wasor-dained in May 2006 with a concen-tration in pastoralcounseling.Since arriving at The Jewish Cen-ter in 2006, RabbiTucker has be-come integrally involved in JCPsschool and youthcommunity. For

    more information about The Jew-ish Center of Princeton,

    RABBIContinued from page 10

    Rabbi shares memorable Pesach

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  • 7/29/2019 Princeton 0320



    Sound & Light: 8 p.m., Paul Robe-son Center, 102Witherspoon.Arts Council of Princeton pres-ents Charles Jarboe:Clavier Lumires, interactive sound andlight environment exploringtherelationship of the twelve notesin the chromatic musicalscaleand associating each with a colorfrom the visible spectrum oflight.

    Repeated March 22, artist talk at7:30 p.m., performances 7:45and8:30 p.m. Free. (609)924-8777,

    Tango!: 8 p.m., Suzanne PattersonCenter, 45 Stockton.ArgentineTango with Viva Tango. $12,including refreshments.609-948-4448,


    82nd annual Bryn Mawr-WellesleyBook Sale: March 25-29,Prince-ton Day School. Complete

    Professional Service Group: 10a.m., Princeton PublicLibrary.Support, networking for unem-ployed professionals.Free,

    Women's History Month: 7 p.m.,Princeton Public Library.IfaBayeza, author of Some Sing,Some Cry, co-written withNtozakeShange (For ColoredGirls Who Have Considered Sui-cide When theRainbow Is Enuf).Free.

    New Jersey Symphony Orchestra:8 p.m., PrincetonUniversitysRichardson Auditorium. Mozart'sRequiem, with ChristineBrandes,soprano; Susanne Mentzer, mez-zo soprano; Gordon Gietz,tenor;Robert Pomakov, bass, and theMontclair StateUniversitySingers; Jacques Lacombe con-ducting. $20 to $82,800-ALLE-GRO,

    At McCarter: 8 p.m., McCarter The-

    atre. Kodo Drummers fromJapan. $20 to $54, 609-258-2787,

    SATURDAYMARCH 23First Day, Art Exhibition: 10 a.m.,

    Princeton University Art Muse-um. The Year of Modernism,100thanniversary of modern artand literature. On view throughJune 23.Free. 609-258-3788,

    Out of doors: 10 a.m., PrincetonCanal Walkers, TurningBasinPark, Alexander Road.

    Three-mile walk on the Towpath.

    Bad weather cancels. Free. 609-638-6552.

    Insight Meditation Open House:1:30 p.m.. Princeton CenterforYoga & Health, Orchard Hill Cen-ter, 88 Orchard Road,Skillman.Sitting and walking meditationwith James Pritchett andMarthaElliot. Register, 609-924-7294.Free,

    Princeton Country Dancers: 3:30

    p.m., potluck at 6 p.m. 1. FamilyDance, Suzanne PattersonCen-ter, Monument Drive. $5; $15 perfamily,609-924-6763, 2. Contra Dance. 7:30p.m.Instruction followed by dance.$10.

    Central Jersey Dance Society:6:30 p.m. California MixDance,Unitarian Universalist Congrega-tion of Princeton, 50 CherryHillRoad. Hustle workshops, followedby dance. $12 for beginnerlessonand dance; $17 for workshop anddance. 609-945-1883,

    Caf Improv! 7 p.m., Arts Council ofPrinceton, 102Witherspoon.Music, readings, comedy. Regis-ter, 609-924-8777.$2,

    SUNDAYMARCH 24Breakfast with the Easter Bunny:

    9 to 11 a.m., Princeton Elks, 354Route 518, Blawenburg.Buffet-style breakfast, egg hunt, activi-ties, photos with theEaster Bun-ny. Register, 908-616-1787, $12.

    Out of doors: 2 p.m. , Walking Tour,Historical Society ofPrinceton,Bainbridge House, 158 Nassau.Two-hour walking tour ofdown-town Princeton and PrincetonUniversity includes storiesaboutthe early history of Princeton, thefounding of the university,andthe American Revolution. $7; $4for ages 6 to 12,609-921-6748,

    Two pianos, 176 keys: 3 p.m., West-minster Choir College,BristolChapel, 101 Walnut Lane. The Bar-

    ton and Lehrer Duo: A Celebra-tion, in two-piano works byBrahmsand Stravinsky. Free,609-921-2663.

    Global Cinema Caf: 4 p.m., Prince-ton Public Library. ScreeningofSusan Ryans From the 'Burg tothe Barrio, documentary onTrentonsChambersburg neigh-borhood. Free,

    MONDAYMARCH 25Passover: Jewish observance

    begins at sundown.

    Recycling pickup.

    Public Meeting: 7 p.m., PrincetonCouncil.

    Second Chance Cinema: 7:30 p.m.,Princeton University, FriendCen-ter Auditorium, Computer Sci-ence Building. PresentedbyPrinceton Adult School, hostedby Bill Lockwood. ScreeningofMonsieur Lazhar (Canada,2011). Register: $8,609-683-1101,

    Author, author! 6 p.m., LabyrinthBooks, 122 Nassau. JoyceCarolOates, author of The Accursed,a novel set in Princetoncirca1905, a blend of history, the para-normal, and psychology.Free,609-497-1600.

    TUESDAYMARCH 26Forgery! 10 a.m., Princeton Senior

    Resource Center, Suzanne Patter-son Building, 45 StocktonStreet.John Daab, forensic art expert,docent at PrincetonUniversityArt Museum, presents Ques-tioned Documents: The LordByronForgery Says Who?Register. Free,609-924-7108,

    Critical Encounters: Writing,Food, Intimacy: 4:30 p.m., Cen-

    ter for African American Studies,Princeton University,McCormickHall 101. Panel with ChristopherAlbrecht, executive chefof EnoTerro; Leonard Barkan, PrincetonUniversity professor; FrankBruni,former restaurant critic, The NewYork Times; GabrielleHamilton,author and chef of Prune in NewYork City, and Anita Lo,authorand chef of Annisa in New YorkCity.Free,

    Shanti Meditation: 6 p.m., Fellow-ship in Prayer, 291Witherspoon.

    Friends of Conscious Evolutionpresent Acharya Girish Jha,aspiritual counselor from theHimalayas. First class free; then$30.Register by email [emailprotected] 732-642-8895,

    JobSeekers: 7:30 p.m., TrinityChurch, 33 Mercer. Networkingandjob support. Free., 609-924-2277,

    Stage Scene: 8 p.m., Lewis Centerfor the Arts, Berlind Theaterat

    McCarter Theatre, 91 Univers ity.Baby Wants Candy, amusicaltheater improvisational troupe.$15. 609-258-1500, RepeatedMarch 27.

    12 THE PRINCETON SUN MARCH 20-26, 2013


    CALENDARContinued from page 8

  • 7/29/2019 Princeton 0320


    B a l l e t N . J . P r e s e n t s S l e e p i n g B e a u tyThe Voorhees School Theatre Holly Oak Drive Voorhees, New JerseyFor more information and tickets call 856-768-9503

    Performances Adults ChildrenGeneral $16 General $14

    April 27 at 2:30 p.m. _____________ _____________

    April 28 at 2:30 p.m. _____________ _____________

    May 4 at 2:30 p.m. _____________ _____________

    May 5 at 2:30 p.m. _____________ _____________

    Preferred Seating available by phone for $6 additional foradults and $4 for children


    City __________________________________ State_____________________ ZIP __________

    Phone Number_________________________________________________________________

    Ballet N.J. is a non-profit cul tural organization

    Check payable to Ballet N.J. Visa MasterCard

    Card # _______________ ________________ _________________ _____Exp. Date _______________

    Cardholders Signature__________________________________________________________________(Visa/MasterCardhandling fee of $4.50 per order.)

    Amount enclosed/charged_________________________________________

    Mail to:

    Ballet N.J. Box Office

    401 Bloomfield Drive, Suite #4

    West Berlin, NJ 08091

    Please enclose a stamped,

    self addressed envelope

    to expedite delivery of your tickets.

    401 Bloomfield Dr. #4West Berlin, NJ 08091

    Ballet NJ presents the

    June 24-July 26, 2013 Classes: Ages 3 to AdultBallet, Pointe,Pas De Deux, Flexibility Training, Jazz Hip-Hop,

    Adult Ballet and Conditioning

    The Academy of Ballet NJ is now accepting registration for our2013 Ballet

    Summer Intensive. Classes in ballet are fun when taught byenergetic and

    nurturing teachers. Your child will gain poise, confidence and alifelong loveof the arts by training in a caring andnon-competitive environment.

    Call 856-768-9503 for more

    Ballet NJ Summer IntensiveBallet NJ will present the SleepingBeauty at the

    Voorhees School Theatre on April 27, 28, May 4 and 5.

    This production will feature Guest Artists of the PennsylvaniaBallet:

    Evelyn Kocak, soloist of Pennsylavania Ballet, as Aurora and IanHussey,

    principal dancer of Pennsylvania Ballet, as the Prince. Goodseats will gofast so call (856) 768-9503 now, to reserve yourticket for what will be the

    highlight of the Spring dance season in South Jersey.

  • 7/29/2019 Princeton 0320


    14 THE PRINCETON SUN MARCH 20-26, 2013





    Lic #10199 Cont Lic #13VH01382900

    BOE adopts tentative budgetBy KATIE MORGANThe Princeton Sun

    The Board of Education has

    adopted a tentative budget for the2013-2014 school year thatwouldraise taxes by less than $150, onaverage, for Princetonresidents.The $84.24 million proposed budg-et, adopted March 5, hasbeen sub-mitted to the Mercer County su-perintendent of schools forap-proval.

    As a result of consolidation,the 2013-2014 budget is thefirstthat will result in an equal tax in-crease across themunicipality.The amount to be raised throughtaxation is $64.7million, whichrepresents a $148.59 increase forthe average homeassessed at$799,600.

    The board of education willhold a public hearing on thebudget onMarch 21 at the JohnWitherspoon Middle School cafe-teria.

    Though the public will have anopportunity to weigh in onthebudget, they will not have an op-

    portunity to vote on it, as in previ-ous years. As part of astate in-centive for the district to moveschool board elections toNovem-

    ber, the board is able to pass thebudget without a public vote,pro-vided it stays within the states 2percent cap.

    Superintendent Judith Wilsonsaid the budget process didnotchange as a result of the new ap-proval process, and she felttheboards decision to move the elec-tions was well thought out.

    The process is exactly thesame as in previous years interms ofneed analysis, caps,timelines, state Department ofEducationapprovals and publicbudget hearings, Wilson said.The onlydifference is that thereis no public vote in April. TheBoard ofEducation did not movethe election in 2012 when thechoice was firstavailable as itwanted to weigh all options, and,more than any otherfactor, becertain of all impacts, risks andassurances.

    The district is at risk of losing

    a significant amount of federalaid as a result of the federalse-questration. Wilson said that,though the district receivesvery

    little federal aid, the loss would benoticeable. In addition,state aidto the district will decrease thisyear.

    We have $87,000 at risk in se-questration at the federallevel,Wilson said. Our state categori-cal aid increased by closeto$25,000 but we were charged 54percent more in interest, or anad-ditional $116,666, for an overallloss of more than $91,000.

    Though the board faced severalchallenges, Wilson said shewashappy with the outcome of thebudget process.

    Given very little latitude,many restrictions, no net gaininstate aid and major costs still ex-ceeding the 2 percent cap, Iam aspleased as is possible, she said.In the big picture, we wereableto maintain programs, for which Iam grateful, as the deliveryof ex-cellent opportunities for all ofour children is ourmission.

    Community Park Pool awarded for designBy KATIE MORGANThePrinceton Sun

    The Community Park Poolcame in No. 1 in the state whenthe NewJersey Recreation andParks Association presented itsExcellence inDesign Award onMarch 5.

    The NJ RPA presents designawards each year to projectsstatewidein categories based onproject cost.

    The Community Park Poolwon the (award) in the $5 million-pluscategory, Jennifer Gander,NJ RPA Awards Committee chair,said. Itwas the only recipient ofthe award for that cost category.

    Gander said the NJ RPA ac-cepts nominations through thesummermonths, and delibera-tions begin in the fall.

    Nominations are all submit-ted in the summer, she said. Wehave asubcommittee of parksand recreation professionals fromacross thestate who are theawards committee. We all person-

    ally visit all the nominated sites,and then we have a votingmeet-ing.

    According to Gander, the crite-ria for the award winnersincludethe projects esthetics, cost effec-tiveness and communityout-reach.

    We look for a uniqueness indesign and a range of appealacrossthe community, Gandersaid. We look at the needs theproject servesin the community,and how it changed and tookshape from start tofinish.

    The Community Park Pool ren-ovations, completed between win-ter2011 and spring 2012, cost themunicipality a total of $6.37mil-lion. The renovated facilities,which opened for use onMemori-al Day weekend 2012, include an18-inch detached wading pooland

    a bay area with easy entrywhich cater to seniorcitizens,children and people with disabili-ties.

    The largest cost was incurredby the decision to purchase a

    stainless steel Murtha system forthe main pool. The Murthasys-tem cost $1.5 million more than atraditional concrete pool butisexpected to cost significantly lessin long-term maintenance.

    Gander said the CommunityPark Pool received the award as aresultof the designs simplicityand the way the project reflectedthecommunitys needs and de-sires.

    It was very interesting howthey involved the community,Gandersaid. They recognizedwhat the needs were. They want-ed to re-createthe aspects of theold pool, but expand upon themwhile still keepingit simplistic indesign and not going overboard.They kept it simple,and thatswhat the community wanted.They used the Murtha poolsys-

    tem, but with the existing bowls.Gander said the awards com-

    mittee also took the green initia-tives employed by the projectinto

    please see MEMBERSHIPS, page 17

  • 7/29/2019 Princeton 0320


  • 7/29/2019 Princeton 0320


    Alice Gering SchannelMarch 8, 2013

    Alice Gering Schannel, 77, ofPrinceton, passed away on March8,at Compassionate Care Hospiceat St. Francis Medical CenterinTrenton, after a courageous battlewith cancer.

    She was a wonderful mother,cook and accomplished pianist.Shemade every holiday specialand instilled in her children anabidinglove of animals, music,Avon by the Sea, and the NewYork Yankees.She loved horsesand thoroughbred racing and wasgranted specialvisitations with

    Triple Crown winner Secretariat.Born in Hamilton, shegraduat-

    ed from Trenton High Schoolwith honors. She worked for bothRCAand Burroughs Corporation,where she would meet her futurehusband.After raising her family,she joined our father at the Mer-cerCounty Board of Social Serv-

    ices, becominga supervisoras well asPresident ofthe localAF-SCME. Afterretirement,she moved toNewtown, Pa.,and eventual-lyback to

    Princetonwhere our father was born andraised.

    She was predeceased by herhusband Donald A. SchannelSr.,daughter Wendy Sue, parentsKatherine and Rudolph Geringandbrother, Dr. Rudolph Gering.She is survived by daughtersDonnaSchannel of PrincetonKathryn Fenton and husbandScott of Colts Neck;VictoriaSweeney and husband Joseph of

    Sicklerville, Cynthia Bruzgo of

    Bethlehem PA , her son DonaldSchannel Jr. and partnerPaulLeighton of Trenton, her brotherRonald Gering and wife ConnieofNew Hope, Pa., and sister-in-law,Joan Gering of Ewing. She isalsosurvived by grandchildrenRyan Fenton and wife Nicole,Kyle Fenton,Alexander, Sarahand Abigail Sweeney, and Kelseyand JosephBruzgo.

    In addition, she is survived bynephews Lawrence, MatthewandBenjamin Gering and niecesMarla Gering, Teri Rhodes,MissieParrey, and Kelie Schan-nel.

    In lieu of flowers, donationsmay be made to CompassionateCareHospice Foundation, 11 In-dependence Way, Newark Del.,19713 orS.A.V.E. Animal Shelter,900 Herrontown Rd., PrincetonNJ 08540.Express condolences at

    John GulickMarch 13, 2013

    John Gulick, 86, died at hishome on Wednesday, March 13,with hiswife by his side. Mr.Gulick was born in Princeton onMarch 23, 1926,and is the 10thgeneration to reside in Princeton.

    Hendrick Van Gulick camefrom Holland in 1653, landedatGravesend, now Brooklyn, N.Y.,and settled in Kingston, N.J.Thehomestead overlooking LakeCarnegie is still occupied by fami-lymembers. His family sold An-drew Carnegie the land forCarnegieLake.

    Mr. Gulick attended the Prince-ton Day School and graduatedfromthe Pennington PreparatorySchool in 1944. He lettered in 15sports,the most any student hasever achieved and in 2000 was in-ductedinto the Pennington Ath-letic Hall of Fame.

    After graduation, he enlisted inthe U.S. Navy and servedtwoyears before being honorably dis-

    charged.John gradu-

    ated from

    SouthernMethodistUniversity inDallas, Texas,in 1950. Heplayeddefenseon the footballteam from1946 to 1950.SMU was ranked the No.1 teamin the nation during this time. Hewas also recruited by theDallasTexans professional hockey team,playing defense for twoyearsunder the name Jack Zulick.

    After graduating college, he re-turned to Princeton, andonceagain, was a familiar figure intown. For 16 years Mr. Gulickwasassistant head coach of PrincetonPee Wee Hockey and mostweekendswould find him on theice rink at Baker Rink teachingthe youngestboys how to skateand coaching others in the tech-nique of playinghockey. He also

    was the head coach of theHopewell Central High Schoolhockey teamfor the 1985-86 sea-

    son and took it to the state play-offs in their first year. Heplayeddefense on the Princeton HockeyClub Team from 1956 to1973.

    Mr. Gulick loved the water andfor many years signed onwithfriends to sail the challengingBermuda and Halifax races.Inlater years, he enjoyed taking hisown boat deep sea fishing offtheNew Jersey coast while summer-ing in Mantoloking, N.J. He wasamember of the MantolokingYacht Club.

    Golf was also a great pleasureand challenge for Mr. Gulick.Heplayed most of his golf at BedensBrook Club in Skillman, wherehehad three holes in one. He was aformer member of HopewellVal-ley, Springdale, Plainfield andHilton Head PlantationGolfClubs.

    He was also a long-standingmember of the Nassau ClubinPrinceton.

    Mr. Gulick joined the Sea-grams Company in 1955 and in1961 hepartnered in buying The

    Wine and Game Shop in Prince-ton. In 1970 he becamenationaldirector bf Brands for RenfieldImporters. He retired frombusi-ness in 1983.

    During the next 20 years, heand his wife traveledextensivelyvisiting more than 125 countries,often returning to theplaces theymost enjoyed. John was a mem-ber of the Society of theSons ofthe Revolution in the State ofNew Jersey and an activepartici-pant. He was very knowledgeablein Revolutionary War historyandhad seven ancestors fight in thewar; Captain John Gulickamongthem.

    He is survived by his wife of 37years, Elaine MillarLoizeauxGulick, his sister KatherineGulick Gardner, her husbandAl-fred of La Quinta, Calif., stepchil-dren Harold ChamberlainGreenand his wife Alice of Glyndon,Md., and Cynthia GreenWappel

    and her husband John of Flem-ington, N.J. Also threechildrenfrom his former marriage,

    Katherine Hoffman of Char-lottesville, Va., Ann McCurdyofAlbuquerque, N.M., and JohnStorey Gulick of New York City,as wellas many grandchildren,nieces and nephews.

    In lieu of flowers, donationsmay be made, in his memory, toSAVE,900 Herrontown Road,Princeton, NJ 08540 or to the Dr.Francis HarveyGreen Fund atthe Pennington School, 112 WestDelaware Ave.,Pennington, NJ08534.

    A private interment will beheld at the convenience of thefamilyin Kingston Cemetery,Kingston, N.J.

    A memorial service will beheld on Saturday, April 6, at10:30a.m. in Trinity Church, 33 MercerSt., Princeton, followed by are-ception at Bedens Brook Club,Skillman.

    Extend condolences

    16 THE PRINCETON SUN MARCH 20-26, 2013













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    MARCH 20-26, 2013 THE PRINCETON SUN 17

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    SOUP Choice of: Matzo Ball Borscht Cabbage Carrot GingerMAINMEAL BUFFET

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    Pi Day celebrations have grown

    competition was Daniel Luchan-sky, 12, who memorized andrecit-ed 1,140 digits of pi.

    Our pi recitation judges wereJohn Conway, esteemed professorofmathematics at Princeton Uni-versity, and his son,Gareth,Omiecinski said. Gareth was atwo-time champion so we hadtoretire him as a judge. Marc Umile

    assisted the ceremonies since hewon the North AmericanPiRecitation Championship withover 15,000 digits.

    Omiecinski said the Pi Day cel-

    ebrations have grown exponen-tially over the past four years.Shehopes the events can grow to ben-efit area nonprofits.

    Were definitely growingevery year, she said. Wehave morecontestants and moreparticipants. Where werelooking to go next iswed reallylike to see some of the signatureevents become afundraiser fornonprofits in town. Were notreally interested inmoney, butthe potential is there, and some-

    body could really benefit fromthis. If Pi Day Princeton can beanengine for bringingnonprofits and residents together

    in a really productive way, were

    on board.Omiecinski feels the Pi Day

    and Einsteins birthday eventsare an important way tocelebratemath and science, particularlywith Princetons youngerresi-dents.

    Were looking to celebrate andinspire, she said. Math andsci-ence were not part of my up-bringing, but when I look attheparticipants, we have a nice mixof ages and boys and girls. Infact,the only contest which was domi-

    nated by males was the pie eatingcompetition so I encourageallthe women of Princeton to re-think that for next year.

    Memberships currently available

    consideration.They brought in so many

    green improvements, she said.The addition of the rainbarrels

    and the materials they used forthe roofing were veryinterest-ing. The award comes in the

    form of a plaque that will be hungat the facility. In addition,thePrinceton Council recognized theaward with a presentation attheMarch 11 council meeting.

    Community Park Pool mem-

    berships for the 2013 season wenton sale March 1. Early birdpricesare available through April 15.

    MEMBERSHIPSContinued from page 14

    PI DAYContinued from page 1Send us your Princeton news

    Have a news tip? Drop us an email at[emailprotected] the editor at 609-751-0245.

    BRIEFSBaby Wants Candy

    to perform in Princeton

    The Lewis Center for the ArtsPerformance Central seriespres-ents Baby Wants Candy, theChicago-based musicaltheaterimprovisational comedy ensem-ble, with performances onTues-day, March 26, and Wednesday,March 27, at 8 p.m. at theBerlindTheatre at McCarter TheatreCenter in Princeton.

    General admission tickets forBaby Wants Candy are $15, $10forstudents and seniors, and areavailable through the McCarterboxoffice at (609) 258-5262 or on-line, throughPrinceton Universi-ty Ticketing by calling (609) 258-9220 oron-line at www.prince-, or at the FristCampus Center TicketOffice.

    To learn more about this event,Program Central, presentedeach

    year by the Lewis Center for theArts

    Radio station to presentfree Bach concert

    WWFM, The Classical Net-work, New Jerseys onlyfull-timeclassical music radio station, willpresent a free concertto honorthe birthday of Johann SebastianBach Thursday, March 21, atThePrinceton Theological Semi-narys Miller Chapel at 7 p.m.

    The evening will feature per-formances by Tempesta di Mare,thePhiladelphia-based BaroqueOrchestra, and Rene AnneLouprette,organist at TrinityChurch Wall Street. On-air hosts

    of The Classical Network will in-troduce the artists andprovidecommentary throughout the pro-gram, which will bebroadcast

    live on WWFM.More information is available

    at (609) 587-8989, [emailprotected],or

    Westminister seriesto continue March 24The WestminsterConservatory

    Faculty Recital Series will contin-ue with The Barton LehrerDuo:A Celebration on Sunday,March 24 at 3 p.m. in BristolChapel on thecampus of RiderUniversitys Westminster ChoirCollege in Princeton,N.J. Admis-sion is free. Westminster Conser-vatory is the communitymusicschool of Rider University's West-minster College of theArts.

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  • 7/29/2019 Princeton 0320


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    MARCH 20-26, 2013 PAGE 18

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Princeton 0320 - [PDF Document] (2024)


What is the Princeton PDF policy? ›

Pass/D/Fail Option (also known as "PDF" option)

As part of the regular academic program, each undergraduate may elect pass/D/fail grading in as many as four courses. Courses designated pass/D/fail only ("pdfo") do not count against this total.

What is the lawsuit against Princeton? ›

An anonymous male student is suing the Trustees of Princeton University for breach of contract, violations of Title IX, and negligence.

How many PDFs does Princeton have? ›

Every student can use up to 4 PDFs in their Princeton career,but only one course can be PDF-ed in any given semester. Note that PDF-only courses do not count towards either of these restrictions. You CANNOT PDF concentration prerequisites nor departmentals.

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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Views: 6050

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (69 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.