NationStates | Saint Helene Board (2024)

Zoltan Palace Ballroom, Uskania.
April 12th, calendar year 1525.

A thunderous applause was heard, as the various noble families in attendance cheered at the beginning of the banquet. Empress Matoimaru sat down in her elegant golden throne with red velvet cushions. Crossing one leg over the other, her cold and authoritative demeanor, paired with her expressionless face, made her nigh-impossible to read, let alone approach. This, however, did not dissuade eager men from kneeling in front of her elevated platform, and offering her various things, from flowers, to candles, to coffee, and to even properties and trade agreements—All in exchange for but a mere a private conversation with her, no doubt with the topic of marriage in mind.

Music for this portion of the post: An Adagio For Four Strings — Audinity (

“How annoying…” The Empress mused, resting her chin on her hand, and leaning the elbow of that same arm onto the armrest of her throne. She sighed, unimpressed with the men’s actions, glaring coldly at them one by one, causing each of them to get visibly unsettled, and quickly disperse back into the crowd of the banquet—All but one, that is. No matter how long she glared at the man, Duke Azenthal Di Rocca stayed still, his expression unmoved, as he put his right hand over his heart, and bowed respectfully to her, like most of the other men did. A barely noticeable smirk grew on the Empress’ face, as she beckons him forward.

“…Duke Azenthal, it seems you are the only one to pass her first test. Kneel before this one, and state what it is you wish to gain from her.”

The man slowly climbed the half-dozen white marble stairs, before kneeling before her, his head facing downwards towards her shoes, which matched his short, jet-black hair, and black and white nobleman’s coat and suit pants, which also had golden accents stitched into elaborate patterns. After a few moments, his deep purple eyes met the Empress’ own blood red eyes, and his black cat-like tail exuded confidence, as she slowly swished back and forth as if nothing strenuously was happening at the current moment.

“…I do not wish to gain anything from you, but your time—Thirty minutes of it to be exact, in a private conversation with your majesty.”

“Hmm…” Matoimaru mused once more.

“…What do you offer this one in return for her time?” Her voice stayed rather flat, with only an inkling of interest to her interlocutor.

“Well…” The Duke began.

“…It depends on whether or not you take a liking to what I have to say…”

“…Which is, however, a topic best left discussed behind closed doors…”

The Pureblood gazed upon the Duke's face, as if she was trying to read his true intentions and meanings behind his proposition.

“Mmm…” She shifted her posture to be more attentive of the man.

“… it seems as if you have successfully garnered this one’s attention. A letter will be sent to your estate within the coming days, informing you of when you may meet with this one.”

“…Understood, Empress,” the Duke smiled.

While this was occurring, Shizuku and Rosetta entered the banquet hall together, each wearing the outfit they had tried on at the dress shop just a couple of weeks ago.

“Now if you’ll excuse me, Shizu, I am going to see if there are any cute and single ladies ready to ‘mingle’, if ya know what I mean, hehe…” A sly smirk grew on Rosetta’s face, as she bumped her elbow into Shizu’s upper arm repeatedly, before slinking off into the crowd towards a group of women huddled around a table.

“Haaaaaaaah…” The brunette fox sighed, a neutral face overtaking her, as she scanned the banquet hall for any familiar faces. She first saw Maru, whose sight brought a twinkle of life to her bright blue eyes behind her circular glasses, along with a slight smile. Much to her chagrin, Shizu knew that she couldn’t just waltz right up to the Empress and stay directly by her side for the entire banquet, as to make sure that her secret romantical partner—in her quite “esteemed” social skills—actually keeps their secret romantic relationship…a secret. She kept scanning the crowd, and saw a couple of other familiar faces besides the servants she worked with on a daily basis, being Baroness Bauer (Rosetta’s mother), and the unnamed shadow knight that had previously saved her.

“I should probably stick around those that I know…”

“Mmmm…But I can’t not covet at least one glass of this royal wine, right?” A smirk danced across the fox’s face, as she made her way towards one of the many tables filled with food and drink. She munched on a few slices of fruit, before grabbing one of the many fresh silver goblets of wine off of the table, and bringing it close to her face. The apricot and grape-like aroma hit her nose, as the smirk grew on her face. Bringing it to her lips, she took a sip of it, chucking silently to herself afterwards


“…I might just have to steal a bottle or two after the banquet is over…”

Just then Shizu noticed what song the orchestra was playing for background music, as she realized that the first dance of the night etched closer and closer. Shizu knows that Maru is currently being swarmed by those looking to dance with her, but she knows that the Empress will not budge from her throne, no matter what.

“…Excuse me, Miss. Are you perhaps free for a dance once the next song comes on?” A young man approached her, bowing respectfully.

“…Oh! Umm…sorry, but I already have plans with another here…” Shizu replied a bit nervously, trying to gauge how the man would react.

“…Ah, apologies, young Miss,” the man slinked away back into the crowd, seemingly trying to seek out another partner to dance with. The fox took in a deep breath and sighed, before making her way towards Baroness Bauer. Once she had made it to the spot where she had once seen the Baroness, she looked around, finding no trace of her.

“Hmm…She couldn’t have gone too far, right?”

“…Maybe on the balcony?” Shizu changed her trajectory towards the open balcony, stepping outside with the clacking of her black heels against the white marble flooring.

“Hmm… Not here either…”

“Well, as long as this area is free from anyone, I should take this opportunity to catch some fresh air for a bit,” she leaned on the elegantly carved white marble balcony rails, finishing the cup of wine, before setting it off to the side. Looking up at the clear nighttime sky, she saw the beautiful, multicoloured twinkles of distant worlds dotting the otherwise pitch-black abyss of whatever lies beyond the planet’s surface. She then shifted her gaze to the moon, its silver and mysterious disposition marveling her, and yet reminding her of the Empress herself. This moment of serenity was then interrupted by the sound of heavy footsteps appearing behind her, causing her dark brown, fox-like ears to twitch, and her to turn around to see who was approaching her. The fox’s eyes soon widened in shock, as she saw a familiar, and rather rotund man approaching her. Their gazes met, as Shizu froze in place, her kind grappling with the fear and harsh memories the man brings up of her past. The man also paused, an indiscernibly evil smirk growing on the large man’s face, as he looked the petite fox up and down.

“Well, well, well…” The large man spoke in a deep voice.

“What do we have here?”

“…The fox seems to have escaped her cage, and somehow tricked these rich rats that she’s one of them!” The man chuckled loudly, before looking directly into her eyes, sparking a look of fear to be unconsciously broadcasted on Shizu’s face.

“…Oh my, look at that cute little scared face she has…” the man taunted, now within arm’s reach of her.

“…I always wondered where my favorite toy had ended up…”

“…Never thought I’d meet you again so soon, Foxy…” The man reached out and grasped Shizu’s chin, lifting it up towards his face as he towered over her.

“Surely you remember your old master, right? Surely you remember how nice I treated you on nights like tonight…”

Shizu’s heart was beating out of her chest, as she nervously swallowed some of her fear, in order to speak with a voice that was still riddled with anxiety.

“W-Why are you here?”

The man laughed heartily, before giving Shizu a strong punch to her stomach, causing the small fox to double over onto her hands and knees, coughing violently.

“Oh don’t be like that, Foxy… I know you love being hit, don’t you?”

“…Those tears from before were ones of joy, and those cries and screams were ones of pleasure, you just couldn’t tell me…”

“Mmm… That's right…”

“If I were you, I would give up playing ‘pretend noblewoman’ in this fantasy you live in, lest someone find out where you truly belong…”

The man bent down, seemingly relishing in a small puddle of red-tinted liquid he saw on the ground, where the fox was gasping for air, and spitting out a mixture of saliva and blood from her mouth. Just then, the man felt the air around them becoming extremely dark and dense, as a powerful aura was emanating from a set of footsteps which approached the pair from behind. Suddenly, the rotund man was lifted into the air by Matoimaru, only one of her large hands being required to get a good enough grip around his blubbery neck. Her blood red eyes glowed brightly, as a deep growl was heard from her throat. The air around her was so dense that it became hard to breathe for anyone around her that was not Shizu herself. The man began to kick and claw at the Empress, as his life was slowly slipping out of his grasp at the hand of another.

“You dare harm what belongs to this one?” Matoimaru’s deep and angry voice seemingly reverberated throughout the balcony as she spoke.

“Your head shall be used as a reminder of the Empress’s authority…”

“……help…me……mom—*cklck*” The man almost silently pleaded, before his neck was crushed with a horrifying sound of cracking bones and flesh, with blood pouring out of the man’s open mouth, and running down Maru’s white gloves, and some splattering elsewhere on her face and uniform. She then opened her hand, letting the large and limp body of the man fall to the ground, before she suppressed her aura with her eyes coming back to normal, and her growling subsiding. The Empress kneeled down before Shizuku, a look of worry plastered upon her face, as she noticed the small puddle of blood on the ground underneath the fox’s face, and her heavily breathing.

“Hey, Shizu…” the Empress took off her bloodied gloves, tossing them aside, before putting her hand on her partner’s shoulder, causing the latter to raise up her head, tears staining her cheeks, with spots of blood staining her lips and chin.

“Everything is going to be okay, this one is here now…” She removed a white handkerchief from her breast pocket, using it to clean up the fox’s face, who then began to look to her right, where the lifeless corpse of the man laid in a pool of his own blood.

“…Hey, hey, hey…” Maru gently coaxed her lover’s face back towards her own.

“…Look over here. You do not want to see what lies over there, Shizu…”

“Let's sit you down, okay?” She once again gently coaxed the fox, this time to sit down, with her back against the marble railing.

“…Come on… yup, there you go…”

“…just take some breaths, okay?”

“…Focus on your breathing, nothing else…” The fox’s gaze once again began to wander to the right, where the corpse still lies.

“…No, no, no, no, no…”

“…over here, Shizu…”

Maru turned around, finding her Shadow Knights using their bodies to block and guard the scene from any potential onlookers.

“Hey, you, grab a doctor!” She snapped at one of the knights, who then swiftly disappeared towards another entrance.

“…M-Maru…” Shizu’s weak and raspy voice caused the Empress to immediately whip her head around and look at her with worry emanating from her blood red eyes.

“…I-I’m fine…”

“…I…I’ve been…th-through worse…”

The fox reached out with her petite gloved hand, and tried to grab the large arm of the wolf, only to be thwarted by another coughing fit, causing even more blood to be espouted onto her lips, chin, and now her maroon dress. Maru reached out, and wrapped her hand around Shizu’s, gently squeezing it in order to reassure her partner that she’s here.

“You are not fine, Shizu…”

“…you are coughing blood, hun…”

The fox scowled at Maru, as if she was annoyed at her, prompting a small smile to form on the latter’s face.

“…I thought…we weren’t supposed to use those terms of…endearment in public…” Shizu protested weakly, causing the worry to all-but fade away from Maru’s face.

“It is okay, no one can hear us…” This caused a somber smile to form on Shizu’s lips as she spoke.

“…I-I’m sorry, Maru…”

“…I-It’s my fault that this event had to be ruined by me thinking that it’s okay for someone like me to be here…standing on the same ground as you are…”

A not-so-subtle tinge of somberness rushed over the bright red eyes of the Pureblood, her smile somewhat hiding what her eyes couldn’t.


“…No, it is fine, really…”

“…Th-This one does not care about these sorts of events, you know that…”

“…” She scanned her lover’s face, with pain and sadness etched into her words, as a tear escaped her bright blue eyes, traveling down the same path the others did before.

“…Hey, hun…”

“…This one is here, it is going to be okay…”


“…Sh-She’s sorry that she couldn’t protect you…”

“…really is sorry…”

Seeing the somber expression also painted on the wolf’s face, Shizu wiped the tears from her own face, and put on a warmer smile for Maru to see. Her senses were beginning to return to normal, as her heartbeat softened, as well as her breathing becoming less strenuous for her body to do.

“…See?” Her voice was still soft, but no longer weak, and less hoarse.

“I’m fine…”

“…so d-don’t worry about me…”

“…You can go back to the event, and take care of what you need to do. I just need to take a break out here for a bit, before I can return inside…”

This time, Maru was the one to scowl at Shizu, as she spoke with a voice still laced with worry, but now with a hint of annoyance at her lover’s disregard for her own safety.

“No, this one is not leaving your side until you recover fully. You are going straight to a bed to rest for the night at the very least.”

“…To hell with the banquet, you matter more than anyone else in there, or their idiotic feelings and desires.”

Shizu looked away from Maru, her face offering up an inkling of embarrassment and shame, as she shifted her gaze to the left, breaking the lock their eyes had on one another. The Empress responded to this by lifting her index and middle finger up to her lips, planting a light kiss on them, before gently pressing them onto Shizu’s forehead, offering up a warm smile to the fox, whose demeanor seemed to lighten up with this gesture of compassion. The old doctor from before quickly appears from behind the wall of guards, and swiftly kneels before the brunette fox, seemingly paying no mind to the corpse just to the right of her.

“What happened?” He asked.

“…I’m fine…” Shizu replied, presenting a weak smile.

“…Just a small hit on the stomach, I’ve been through worse.”

The doctor examined the blood staining her lips and spotting her dress, before scowling.

“…I need to examine this further, but this isn’t the place. Let’s bring her to my office,” he turned his gaze towards the Empress.

“If you can carry her gently, we can get her there safely where I can properly examine her injuries.”

The Empress nodded, before effortlessly scooping up Shizuku, carrying the petite fox bridal-style, causing a thick blush of embarrassment to paint itself on the latter’s face. The guards made a wall around the Empress, Shizu, and the doctor, as they swiftly made their way through the crowded banquet hall, and into a side hallway leading towards the doctor’s office. Once inside the quaintly lit room, Maru gently set Shizu down upon a cot donned with white linens. The blush which coated the fox’s face began to fade, as she spoke.

“…I can assure you that I am fine, Maru…”

“…I do not wish to be interfering with what you have to do…”

“You are not interfering with what this one has to do…” The Empress’ expression turned a bit stern.

“…This one can assure you that there is nothing that she has not already taken care of prior to the banquet that needed to be done. This one physically being present there is merely a formality, and an excuse for men to try and ask her out for marriage, to which she does not want.”

The doctor grabbed a chair to sit down in, before speaking.

“I need to partially undress Miss Avalon in order to get a proper examination of her injuries,” the knights filed out of the room, standing out in the hallway. A heavy aura began to emanate from the Empress, which is suddenly stifled with a scowl and pinch on the hand from Shizu.

“…This one is staying…” she stated with authority.

“…Y-Yes, Empress,” the doctor nervously replied.

“I am going to need to take the top half of her dress and corset off. If I roll her over onto her side, could you please undo the straps on the back holding it together?”

The Empress silently nodded, before Shizu’s petite body was gently rolled onto its side, and she began to undo the straps on the back, before helping the doctor pull down the dress and corset, revealing the pale and scar-ridden skin of the fox. Near the center of her stomach, a large red mark with accompanying bruises was visible, causing a look of worry to be painted on the Empress’ face. The doctor examined it for a moment, before asking some questions directed towards Shizu.

“…Miss Avalon, do you have any pain while breathing? Anything like sharpness?”

“It is definitely a bit sore, but not sharp. I don’t believe any of my ribs were broken this time…” she replied.

“…I cannot be so certain as to say none of them were broken, but at least there seems to not be any pressure on the lungs. I am going to apply light pressure to the affected area, please tell me if it starts to hurt really bad,” the doctor lightly pressed down on various areas of the bruise and around the red area of her stomach, leading to a lot of discomfort and pain from the fox.





“…Mmmm…Ow! Ow!!”

The doctor stopped applying pressure to the area where the fox let out the louder yelp.

“This area hurts the most?”

“…Yes—Ah, hah…” she gritted her teeth through the pain.

“My apologies, Miss Avalon, some painkilling cream will be applied momentarily, as well as some herbal tea for you to drink in order to relax your mind. I do believe that your rib is at least cracked, if not fractured where you were feeling the most pain earlier. I shall return within a few minutes with the cream, and tea,” the doctor left the room to fetch the items he had promised.

“…Are you okay, Shizu?” Maru asked, an immense amount of worry evident in her face.

“…I’ll be fine…” Shizu put on a smile through the pain evident by her labored breathing.

“…This one shall shall have that doctor punished for putting you through that much pain…” Maru scowled angrily.

“Maru, don’t. I’m fine…” she sighed.

“…he was just doing his job.”

“…If you say so…” Maru grabbed her lover’s hand and gently squeezed it, earning a warmer smile from the latter.

“…I just need some medicine and rest, and I’ll be fine, alright?”

The Empress nodded, before the doctor entered holding a glass of amber-coloured tea, and a ceramic jar filled with a white cream.

“The tea won’t taste the best, but it will work. You can add some sugar if you wish it to not be as bitter,” he handed the glass of tea to the brunette fox, before dipping his index and middle finger in the jar of cream, and rubbing it on the wound.

“…Alright. The recovery time is at least six weeks for a fractured rib, if my suspicions are correct. Please do make sure to get plenty of rest, and use some pillows to prop yourself up with to avoid laying down too flatly on the bed,” he paused, examining the worried expression on the Empress’ face as she held the fox’s hand, who was currently drinking the herbal tea.

“…Although, with how Her Majesty is currently doting over you, I suspect you shouldn't have much trouble with recovering swiftly from this…” he smiled knowingly.

Shizu suddenly spit out her tea, having a small coughing fit, as an embarrassed blush coated her face. A slight blush also adorned the pale cheeks of Maru, whose eyes did not leave the sight of her lover.

“You may return to your bedchamber once you have finished your tea. It will make you pretty tired, so the sooner you get to your bed, the better,” the doctor turned on his heels and walked out of the room, leaving the two women to their own devices.

“…By the Gods…” Shizu sighed, before quickly finishing her tea, setting the empty glass down on the desk next to the bed. While this was occurring, Maru unclasped the black cape from her light grey uniform coat, before wrapping it around the bare upper body of her lover, and gently scooping her petite body up, carrying her bridal-style, as she stepped authoritatively into the hallway.

“…Ah, M-Maru, I can walk on my own, it’s fine…” the fox nervously remarked.

“…The doctor required you to take it easy for six weeks in order for your injuries to heal properly, so this one shall assist you in any means necessary in order for you to ‘take it easy’,” a warm smile emanated from the Empress towards Shizu, before she turned her head and threw an intimidating glare towards the knights that were following the pair of lovebirds, causing them to stop in their tracks and start to walk in the opposite direction. After a few minutes of walking, they finally reached Shizu’s room, where Maru gently set the fox down upon her bed, unwrapping the black cape from her bare upper body, before noticing the somewhat tired expression the bright blue eyes of her lover conveyed.

“…Let this one help you into some more comfortable sleepwear…”

Shizu silently nodded, before starting to take off her black opera gloves, while Maru took off her black heels and her jewelry. Next came her corset, then her dress, leaving her only requiring a top to wear, since her thick black leggings were pretty comfortable as they were. Softly walking to her closet, Maru found a worn grey shirt for Shizu to wear, which she promptly went back with and helped the fox don. She then rid herself of her black leather boots, matching belt, and her silver military dress uniform coat, making herself as comfortable as possible within her current wardrobe. Setting them off to the side, she then grabbed some extra pillows from Shizu’s closet and the other side of her bed, before placing them behind the fox’s small body, and gently leaning her backwards onto them, making her positioned more upright while laying down on the bed. Gently stepping around to the other side, the strong wolf climbed into bed, before wrapping her arms around the petite frame of the fox, mindful of her wound, and being as gentle as a feather. Suddenly, waves of emotion began to crash into Maru like a storm, as tears began to well up in her bright red eyes.

“…Shizu…” her voice began to tremble with emotion.

“…This one is sorry…” the tears in her eyes started to fall onto the shirt Shizu wore, as well as the pillows she laid on.

“…th-that she could not protect you…”

“…that she let you get hurt…”


“…that she put you in a position to get hurt…”

Her crackling dialogue was suddenly interrupted by a warm presence on the top of her head, as she felt Shizu’s small hand begin to stroke her long and scruffy, silver hair.

“…Maru…” her light voice seemingly pierced through the wall of emotions the wolf’s body let out.

“…You did not cause my pain…” her voice trailed off, as she took in a semi-deep inhale of air to begin again.

“I was…too naïve…”

“…too weak, to think I could try and stand next to someone like you without getting hurt myself was…wrong

“…I promise to be stronger from now on…”

“…I promise not to get in your way…”

“…I promise to…” her voice trailed off once more, turning away, as a somber expression overtook her face. Feeling a heavy aura coming from the wolf that held her close, she once again met the gaze of her lover, now swirling with frustration.

“This is not your fault,” the Empress commanded.

“…Do not even dare to think that this was in any way, shape, or form, your fault.”

“…” she paused as if to gather her thoughts to speak once more.

“…Why do you always believe that everything bad which happens to you is your fault?” She wiped the tear stains away from her cheeks, frustration still evident in her stern voice, and gaze.

“…Why is it that you feel such inadequacy to stand by this one’s side?”

“…She does not get it, this one…”

“…Why can you not just be happy with yourself for once!” Her voice rose slightly, indicating the climax of her frustration.

“…” she stared at the now shocked face of the one she held so near and dear to her heart.

“…This one is sorry…it is just…”

“…she cannot understand why you willingly throw yourself down the cliff side every single time you grab ahold of a higher step.”

Shizuku sighed, her mouth hung slightly agape as if not knowing what to say, or how to speak it.


“…I don’t know…”

“…I-I’m sorry, I just…I don’t know why…”

“…I just…I…”

“…I don’t feel right whenever I try to act as if I am your equal, or anywhere even remotely close to being your equal…”


“…I’m sorry, Maru…”

“…I-I don’t know if I’m cut out to stand next to you like you want me to…”

“…Someone like me is not meant to be equal with someone like you, that’s just how it is—That’s just how people will it to be.”

She opened her mouth as if to speak further, but it was suddenly smothered by the lips of Maru, pulling her in for a passionate kiss. Their lips were locked together for seemingly an eternity, before Maru pulled back, and began to speak, her voice and face filled with more emotion than Shizu had ever seen out of her before.

“…You are the only one who occupies her mind…”

“…This one cannot live without you, Shizu…”

“…To hell with what everyone else thinks, she says… She only wants to be with you.”

“She loves you with all of her heart. You are what she thinks about all day, and all night—Without a care in the world of what others say you are, or what they think you are.”

“You are strong, Shizu. This one knows you are…”

“…So please…”

“…have faith in yourself…”

“…even if only a little…”

“This one cannot bear to see you carry on like this—in a pit of your own making…okay?”

Silence consumed them both, as Shizu could not think of anything to give as a proper reply. She wanted to try, but didn’t have a clue as to how, so she simply nodded her head, pulling one of Maru’s large arms overtop of her chest, and around her collarbone. The Empress’ expression turned brighter, as a slight smile adorned her face, her head nuzzled into Shizu’s warm body. The pair stayed like this throughout the night, completely unaware of what was about to occur.


The bright light of the full moon shone through the open windows of Shizu’s bedroom, as it had shone on her all throughout the evening banquet. Suddenly, a black cat with bright silver eyes expertly jumped up onto a windowsill of one of the windows, before silently making its way inside, the silver ribbon tied around its neck glistening in the moonlight. Attached to the ribbon is a tiny pocket watch the size of a small coin, which did not make a sound, but ticked seemingly with the consistency of the world itself down to the second. The small cat waltzed over to the side of the bed with Shizu sleeping on it, before suddenly transforming into the form of a petite woman, whose frame was not unlike Shizu’s, besides the fact that it was a bit shorter. This unknown girl had ghostly pale skin, bright silver eyes, and short black hair that had white striping in it. She donned a black gothic witch’s dress that went up to her knees, black and white horizontal-striped leggings, shin-high black boots, and a black witch’s hat with white accents on it. Around her neck hung that same pocket watch from her cat-form, only scaled up to the dimensions of a normal pocket watch. Her face was expressionless, as she gazed upon the sleeping brunette fox, before speaking in an extremely soft, yet very flat and monotonous voice.

“…This must be the girl I’m to see…” her gaze narrowed on Shizu’s body.

“…Why does it have to be I?”

“…Not a job befitting of myself…” her vision wandered to where the large wolf was laying down next to the small woman, very obviously cuddling with her in a loving manner.


“I see…”

“…I shall return to make you my new Big Sis…” an innocently excited grin grew upon the girl’s face, before her gaze snapped back towards the sleeping fox.

“*yawn*…Well, time to do my job…”

The mysterious girl gently put her hand upon Shizu’s stomach, paying extra mind not to wake her.

“…I see why a Guardian was not sent down to do this…”

“…she is…”

“…like a damn tool, she was treated…”


“…I was only instructed to slow down the negative effects of time on her body, so she does not perish so soon due to the damage already done to her…”

A soft light emanated from her hand for a few moments, before she saw Maru begin to stir, causing her to quickly revert into her cat form, and jump out of the window.

“…That should be enough…” the black cat muttered to herself, climbing up a tree.

Matoimaru slowly opened her eyes, the moonlight reflecting off of her bright red irises. Her gaze wandered around her as if looking for something, before finding some black cat hair on the blanket covering Shizu’s small body.

“…Cat hair?” She whispered to herself, trying not to wake her slumbering lover.

“…Did one get in through the windows?”


The late morning sun peaked out from above the roofline of the buildings below them, as the Empress slowly opened her eyes, to find her lover already awake, her attention devoted fully to the scene of the sun’s rays illuminating the city below them beautifully, as their palace was sat upon a large hill. Maru stirring slightly caused Shizu’s attention to shift towards her, offering up a warm smile.

“…Beautiful, isn't it?” Her soft voice spoke, prompting a response from the very husky, almost masculine morning voice of the large wolf.

“…Not as beautiful as you, dear~”

“…Oh my…” The fox blushed profusely.

“…Aren’t you smooth this morning~?”

“Hehe,” a smile grew upon Maru’s face, as she adjusted her body in order to gaze at the view out of their window alongside her.

“…Any morning is beautiful when this one gets to wake up next to you~”

The thick blush on Shizu’s face stuck, as she replied.

“Ah, M-Maru…”

“…i-if you want something from me, please be gentle…”

“…I-I’m still a bit s-sore, you know…”

A devious smirk found its way onto the wolf's face as she slowly leaned for a kiss, only to be interrupted by a loud knock on the door.

“Shizu, it’s me, Rosetta! Can I come in?” her familiar voice poked through the dark wooden door. Shizu cleared her throat, before nudging her lover’s face away from her own, as they were still in a rather compromising position. Maru let out a low growl, a heavy aura directed towards the door, as her demeanor became extremely defensive.

On the other side of the door, Rosetta’s blonde, wolf-like ears fell flat against her head, as her body language became extremely submissive and timid.

“…Ah, sorry, I-I guess this is a bad time. Bye!” The blonde wolf swiftly made her way anywhere but near that room.

Back inside, once it had become evident that Rosetta had left, a proud smile appeared on the Pureblood’s face, much to the dismay of her lover, who now wore a somewhat irritated expression.

“…Maru…” she sighed.

“…You cannot keep Rosetta out just because it’s her…”

“…She’s my friend too, you know…”

“…and she cares for me, just as you do,” Shizu tapped lightly on Maru’s forehead, as if to punctuate her sentiment. This, however, did not work, as the large wolf once again drew her face close to the fox’s, before lightly kissing her neck, and nuzzling herself into it.

“…She interrupted this one’s time with you…”

“…It is comfy time with you—The Empress decrees it.”

Shizu’s previous slightly irritated expression was seemingly won over by the neediness of her lover, as a smile now appeared on her face as well.

“…Is it, now?” She chuckled lightly.

“Mmm…Of course!” Maru also giggled lightly, leading to a lull in the pair’s conversation, as they both gazed back out towards the scenery of the open window, a light breeze shifting their hair. Suddenly, a familiar black housecat jumped up through one of the open windows, before slowly waltzing over to the bed. It then meowed softly, before jumping up onto the bed.

“…Oh, Noir!” Shizu exclaimed, a joyous smile on her face, as the cat stepped in between the couple, before laying down, nestling itself between their two warm bodies.

“…You know this cat?” Maru asked, hearing it begin to purr softly.

“Yup! I see it around the palace grounds sometimes. It’s so friendly, hehe,” Shizu replied, as a hint of jealousy became visible in the gaze in which the Empress looked at the cat.

“…Hmm…” the silver wolf mused.

“…Are you sure it does not already have an owner? The pocket watch around its neck seems to be pretty ornate.”

“…Pocket watch? What pocket watch?” A confused expression came over the fox’s face.

“…It is attached to the silver ribbon around its neck, see?” Maru pointed it out, as she watched her beloved continuing to display her bewilderment, seemingly unable to see the pocket watch she was describing.

“…Nevermind…” A gaze of disappointment looked on at the small hand that was petting the black cat snuggled in between them, before Maru gently grabbed it, and placed it atop her own head.

“…Oh, you want to be pet too, mäi Wollef*~?” A smug expression arose upon Shizu’s face, as she began to lightly stroke the thick and scruffy, long silver hair that adorned the wolf’s head, as well as touch her matching wolf-like ears as much as possible.

A proud smile once again found itself on Maru’s face, as she thoroughly enjoyed the physical attention from her lover, much like a pet dog would.

“…Aren’t you just a good little wolf~” the small fox teased with a smug voice, before Maru suddenly leaned forward and kissed her cheek lightly, causing the black cat to suddenly jump up, and quickly escape back out the window it came from.

“…Looks like we scared it away, hehe,” Shizu giggled, before noticing her lover’s suddenly glowing red eyes, with a devious glint to them. She then leaned forward, quickly and repeatedly kissing Shizu all over her face, and neck, her long silver tail wagging swiftly back and forth with excitement.

“…Ah, Maru, hehe…” the small fox tried to lightly protest these actions, but to no avail, as the passionate assault on her face and neck continued.

“…th-that tickles—AH! Hehehehe!” The attacks from the large, ravenous wolf continued for some time.

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.