Carne Adovada (New Mexico-Style Pork With Red Chiles) Recipe (2024)

Why It Works

  • Searing meat on only one side prior to simmering creates flavor, but allows the pork to retain its moisture.
  • Chile flavor infuses the entire dish by toasting dried chiles, simmering in liquid, then blending into a sauce.
  • While there's no single way to make New Mexican carne adovada, most recipes are a riff on pork simmered in a chile sauce with a few spices and aromatics. Here, the flavor is amped up with a few untraditional ingredients: raisins, fish sauce, and orange juice concentrate.

Does anyone else get goosebumps thinking about the last bowl of really good chili they had?Chili seasonis something I look forward to every year. That time when even as a supposed-to-love-vegetables-and-really-does-but-sometimes-wants-huge-bowls-of-meat coastal-dweller you're finally allowed to hunker down in front of what's essentially a big bowl of spoon-tender meat and dig right in without anyone giving you a second glance, a reproachful look at your gluttony.

Carne Adovada (New Mexico-Style Pork With Red Chiles) Recipe (1)

And while Texas-stylechili con carne—chili with big hunks of tender beef simmered in a tomato and bean-free sauce—may be more well-known, carne adovada—its New Mexican pork-based cousin—is equally delicious.

I've never understood why it doesn't get as much recognition as chili con carne. Perhaps its because beef is so in-your-face brash and bold, while pork requires a little more subtlety, a little more patience to get it right, to understand it. When you finally crack it; when you finally have a taste that makes you gooh... I get it, it can be every bit as soul-satisfying and delicious.

Here's how it's done.

A Brief Word on Nomenclature: Adovada vs. Adobada

I know some folks are already champing at the bit, ready to jump on me for spelling the dish"adovada"instead of"adobada." Well, allow myself to explain myself.

The New Mexican dish carne adovada is based off of a Mexican cooking process calledadobada(or sometimesenchilada) which is a general term that means to cook something in an adobo sauce—a sauce made with chiles, flavored with a few aromatics and vinegar. Mexicancarne adobadacan come in all shapes in sizes from simmered chunks to shreds.

New Mexican-stylecarne adovada, on the other hand, is a defined dish consisting of chunks of pork simmered in a chile-based stew. Got it? Good. Let's get into the kitchen.

How to Brown Meat and Retain Moisture

The first step on our path to flavor country is the meat. I braised a few big pots of pork using a simple working recipe of pork stewed with powdered dried chile (I used a mix of ancho and pasilla), onions, garlic, and chicken stock, treating the meat in a number of different ways to determine what worked best.

Carne Adovada (New Mexico-Style Pork With Red Chiles) Recipe (2)

Now, traditional wisdom will tell you that you ought to brown your meat as deeply as possible. Browning, also known as theMaillard reaction,is a complex series of chemical reactions that occur when meat (or other protein-containing foods such as bread) is subjected to high heat. As meat browns, molecules rapidly break down and recombine in a cascade of reactions that produce hundreds of end products, adding complexity and depth of flavor.

Carne Adovada (New Mexico-Style Pork With Red Chiles) Recipe (3)

But here's the thing: browning doesn't occur at any appreciable rate until well above the 300°F mark. Meanwhile, it's notpossibleto raise your meat past 212°F (the boiling point of water) until most of its surface moisture has been evaporated. Water is like a built-in temperature regulator that prevents browning.

How do you solve this problem?

The first step is to get rid of the surface moisture—the liquid clinging to the outside of the meat. This is easy enough, and is something you should doanytime you sear meat:

Carne Adovada (New Mexico-Style Pork With Red Chiles) Recipe (4)

But this doesn't solve the problem of the moisture that resides just under the surface, which is only released once the meat hits the pan and its muscle fibers start contracting, expelling liquid.

Some recipes will have you brown the meat in batches, reheating the pot well in between each one. The idea is that this leaves plenty of space for liquid to evaporate, and without too much meat in the pan, it's able to retain and regain heat faster, leading to a deeper sear.

This is all true. What those recipesdon'ttell you is thatthere's an inverse relationship between quality of sear(that is, how brown a given surface on a piece of meat gets),and quality of texture(that is, how moist and tender the meat is after cooking). The browner it gets, the tougher and dryer it becomes.

Carne Adovada (New Mexico-Style Pork With Red Chiles) Recipe (5)

There's a misconception that moist cooking techniques—braising, simmering, etc.—will lead to moist end results when in fact, a simmered or braised piece of meat will lose nearly as much moisture as one that is roasted in the dry heat of an oven. That's because as muscle fibers heat up—whether that heat is transmitted through the air or a liquid—they contract, squeezing out moisture. And, just like trying to put toothpaste back into the tube, once that liquid is squeezed out, it's not easy to get it back in.

Carne Adovada (New Mexico-Style Pork With Red Chiles) Recipe (6)

So my two conflicting goals: develop flavor via browning and retain moisture bynotbrowning.

I tried a number of solutions—browning meat less, not browning at all, adding browned vegetables instead of meat, browning via roasting rather than searing—but the best turned out to be the simplest: just don't brown every surface.

Instead, get some oil ripping hot in a Dutch oven (until it's lightly smoking), dump in all the meat, and let it sit there untiljustthe bottom side is deeply seared.

The temptation to move it around is great. Those little pieces of pork sizzle as they hit the pot, begging to be moved around, to expose them equally to the hot surface. Do not give in. Stirring will lead to excessive cooling, which leads to steamed meat instead of browned meat.

Once one side is well-browned, that's all it takes—those water-soluble products of the Maillard reaction will dissolve in the cooking liquid, spreading flavor throughout the stew. Meanwhile,the pork will stay nice and moist as it cooks. Win-win-win.

What Size of Meat Is Best for Chili and Stew?

Next question: How big should I cut my meat?

You'dthinkusing smaller cuts of meat would help stew cook faster, just like a thinner steak will cook faster than a thicker one.

Carne Adovada (New Mexico-Style Pork With Red Chiles) Recipe (7)

After braising meat cut in different sizes, from one-pound hunks to 1/2-inch square pieces, I found the difference in cooking time was marginal. Even the smallest piece still took 1 hour 45 minutes to fully tenderize, while big chunks were soft in a little over 2 hours.

Carne Adovada (New Mexico-Style Pork With Red Chiles) Recipe (8)

Why's that? It's because braising is a slow-cooking process; It's all about converting tough connective tissue (mainlycollagen) into smooth, unctuous gelatin. This is a process that'stemperatureandtimedependent. Whether you've got a ton of collagen or just a few ounces, they'll convert to gelatin at the same basic rate at the right temperature.

Essentially, once both sizes of meat have achieved the same internal temperature, they take the same amount of time to cook. In a simmering stew, that temperature is about 180°F. A small piece of meat will be there within a matter of moments—collagen starts transforming nearly instantly—a larger hunk takes a little longer, hence the 20-minute increase in cooking time.

Carne Adovada (New Mexico-Style Pork With Red Chiles) Recipe (9)

To get the best texture and flavor, I found pieces in the middle range—cut to about 2-inches per side—had the best contrast between juicy tender center and sauce-coated exterior.

Before we go on, I'd like to make an important note:DO NOT OVERCOOK YOUR PORK. There's a certain romance associated with saying "I cooked this for 12 hours!" and of course, low and slow is good, but there's a limit to how much meat should stew. You want to cook ituntil it's just done so that it retains maximum juiciness. Longer is NOT always better.

How to Use Dried Chiles

Now we get to the real meat of the dish, which, ironically, is not the meat at all.It's the chiles.

To start with, I knew frommy previous adventures in chilithat the best way to incorporate dried chiles into a dish is to toast, simmer in liquid, then puree in a blender or with an immersion blender.

Carne Adovada (New Mexico-Style Pork With Red Chiles) Recipe (10)

The most traditional New Mexican recipes for the dish are simple: Get yourself some freshly dried New Mexican chiles, toast and grind (or in this case simmer) them, brown some pork, then brown some onions and garlic...

Carne Adovada (New Mexico-Style Pork With Red Chiles) Recipe (11)

...season with a few spices if desired (some cumin and Mexican oregano are nice) before adding your chile liquid...

Carne Adovada (New Mexico-Style Pork With Red Chiles) Recipe (12)

...return pork to the pot and add a couple bay leaves...

Carne Adovada (New Mexico-Style Pork With Red Chiles) Recipe (13)

...simmer, simmer, simmer...

...and simmer some more, until...

Carne Adovada (New Mexico-Style Pork With Red Chiles) Recipe (15)

...your pork is fall-apart tender a couple hours later.

And that's precisely what I did. The results were... fine. The meat was tender and moist, but the sauce lacked real brightness and depth.

A good deal of that has to do with the fact that frankly, sometimes the dried chiles you find aren't always spectacular. A great dried chile should not betoodry. It should have supple, bendable skin. Most of the chiles I find are dried to the point of being crisp, snapping when bent.

A great dried chile should have a depth of flavor that doesn't just encompass heat, but also has other complex notes. Depending on the type of chile, there may be a touch of acidity or a raisin-like richness. Many of the chiles I find in my local supermarket taste a little dry and dusty.

Mixing and matching various types of chiles adds depth—I usually go for a mix of two or more, mixing rich deep chiles like ancho with brighter chiles like pasilla—and this flavor may be good enough for a really hearty beef-based chili like myTexas Chili Con Carne, but fatty pork meat demands a brighter, sweeter flavor to bring out its best, something thatcan'tbe accomplished with my crummy New York supermarket chiles alone.

A Few Ways to Add Flavor to Carne Adovada

So if a rich fruitiness and a hint of raisin-like sweetness is what I'm after, I figured, why not take the logical step?Just add some raisins.

Carne Adovada (New Mexico-Style Pork With Red Chiles) Recipe (16)

I added raisins to the simmering chiles along with a couple of canned chipotle peppers (another good source of rich chile flavor, along with a hint of smoke) before blending them together. It worked like a charm, creating a sauce that tasted only of extra-flavorful chiles; the raisins added depth, but not even the super-est of supertasters would be able to say that they were in there. I wish more of life's problems could be solved with raisins.

I had the rich depth I was looking for; Now I needed to add acidity and sweetness. Oranges are a natural pair with chiles—they contain many of the same flavor compounds—so I tried adding in a variety of forms: orange juice (both fresh squeezed and bottled), and whole orange halves simmered with the stew (both regular navel oranges and sour Valencia oranges). They all improved the dish, but the real winner was a shocker:

Carne Adovada (New Mexico-Style Pork With Red Chiles) Recipe (17)

Frozen orange juice concentrate. Yes, really.Even when I added an equivalent amount ofrealorange juice, the versions made with concentrate simply had better flavor. Perhaps because the fresh orange juice version tastedtoo muchlike orange, whereas a spoonful of concentrate gave the final sauce a hint of sweet brightness, but no overtly orange-y flavor.

This may be the one time youdon'twant your orange juice to have a strong orange flavor.

With my flavor nearly there, all it took was a dash of vinegar and a couple tablespoons of Vietnamese fish sauce to tie the whole dish together.

Carne Adovada (New Mexico-Style Pork With Red Chiles) Recipe (18)

Fish sauce may seem like an odd pairing for New Mexican-based flavors, but it's not as odd as you might think. Fish sauce is a powerful source of both glutamates and inosinates, two classes of natural chemical compounds that greatly enhance our perception of savoriness. A dash of it in pretty muchanymeat-based stew will make your stew taste more meaty, without adding any fishiness.

And there you've got it.Rich, bright, flavorful, hot, and meaty,with perfectly juicy, spoon-tender hunks of pork just waiting to fall apart under your teeth.

December 2012

Recipe Details

Carne Adovada (New Mexico-Style Pork With Red Chiles) Recipe

Prep5 mins

Cook3 hrs

Active45 mins

Total3 hrs 5 mins

Serves6to 8 servings


  • 4 whole dried ancho chiles, seeds and stems removed

  • 4 whole dried pasilla chiles, seeds and stems removed

  • 1 quart (32 ounces) homemade or store-bought low-sodium chicken stock

  • 1/2 cup raisins

  • 1 cup frozen orange juice concentrate

  • 3 whole chipotle chiles canned in adobo

  • 2 tablespoons white vinegar

  • 2 tablespoons Asian fish sauce

  • 3 pounds boneless pork shoulder, trimmed and cut into 2-inch thick cubes

  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil

  • 2 medium onions, thinly sliced (about 2 cups)

  • 6 medium cloves garlic, minced (about 2 tablespoons)

  • 2 teaspoons dried oregano

  • 1 tablespoon ground cumin

  • 3 bay leaves

  • Kosher salt

  • Corn tortillas, cilantro, diced onions, lime wedges, and queso fresco for serving (optional)


  1. Add dried chiles to large heavy-bottomed Dutch oven or stock pot and cook over medium-high heat, stirring frequently, until slightly darkened with intense, roasted aroma, 2 to 5 minutes. Do not allow to smoke. Add chicken stock, raisins, orange juice concentrate, chipotles in adobo, white vinegar, and fish sauce. Bring to a boil over high heat, reduce to a bare simmer, and let cook until chiles are totally softened, about 15 minutes. Blend into a smooth puree using an immersion blender or by transferring to a countertop blender. Set aside.

  2. Carefully pat pork cubes dry with paper towels or a clean kitchen towel. Heat vegetable oil in a large heavy-bottomed Dutch oven over high heat until smoking. Add pork all at once and spread evenly over bottom surface. (It's ok if not all the pork is touching the bottom or if the pan is crowded.) Cook without moving until bottom surface is well browned, about 8 minutes. Transfer pork to a cutting board and set aside. Add onions and garlic to Dutch oven and cook, stirring frequently, until softened and beginning to brown, about 10 minutes. Add oregano and cumin and cook, stirring constantly, until fragrant, about 30 seconds.

  3. Add chile mixture to Dutch oven and stir to scrape up any browned bits from the bottom. Add bay leaves along with the pork and any accumulated juices. Bring to a boil then reduce to a bare simmer. Cover, leaving lid slightly ajar, and cook, stirring occasionally until pork chunks break apart when you apply pressure with a spoon, about 2 hours.

  4. Sauce should be thick, with an almost ketchup-like consistency. If too thin, increase heat to a light simmer and cook, stirring frequently, until reduced to the desired consistency. Season to taste with salt.

  5. Serve pork with corn tortillas, cilantro, diced onions, lime wedges, and queso fresco. Pork can be stored in a sealed container in the fridge for up to 5 days.

Special Equipment

Large Dutch oven, immersion blender or blender

Read More

  • Ask The Food Lab: On Browning Ground Meat In Recipes
  • These 4 Mexican Braises Will Jump-Start Your Fall
  • Finding a Cultural Touchstone in New Mexico's Carne Adovada
Carne Adovada (New Mexico-Style Pork With Red Chiles) Recipe (2024)


What is Carne Adovada made of? ›

Carne adovada is pork stewed in a sauce of ground dried chiles. If you've never encountered it before, adovada (you may also see it as "adobada") is Spanish for “marinated." In general, this means to cook something in an adobo sauce, which is one made with chiles and flavored with spices.

What does adovada mean in english? ›

Adobada (Spanish for "marinated") is a preparation for many dishes that are common in Mexican cuisine.

What is the difference between carne asada and Carne Adovada? ›

Carne asada means “grilled meat” and it's a very popular Mexican dish made with marinated beef, usually flank steak or skirt steak quickly cooked on a grill, like BBQ. On the other hand, carne adovada is a dish made with pork, braised low and slow in a thick chile-based sauce.

What is red chile sauce made of? ›

Its basically red chiles, chicken stock, garlic and onions blended and forced through a sieve; add cumin, coriander and oregano, and honey if bitter and cooked til thickened.

What is the meaning of Carne Adovada? ›

Carne adobada (literally “marinated meat”) can come in all shapes in sizes from simmered chunks to shreds. Carne adovada, however, is the New Mexican specialty that is essentially the state's version of Texas-style chili con carne.

What is the difference between carne adobada and adovada? ›

Mexican carne adobada can come in all shapes in sizes from simmered chunks to shreds. New Mexican-style carne adovada, on the other hand, is a defined dish consisting of chunks of pork simmered in a chile-based stew.

What kind of meat is adobada? ›

Mexican adobada, a tangy marinade with guajillo chiles, is often reserved for large cuts of pork, but it's also well-suited to any sturdy cut of steak, such as flank. The acid comes from lime juice in this formula, but vinegar or lemon juice works as well.

Where did carne adovada originate? ›

Image of Where did carne adovada originate?
The Southwestern United States, also known as the American Southwest or simply the Southwest, is a geographic and cultural region of the United States that includes Arizona and New Mexico, along with adjacent portions of California, Colorado, Nevada, Oklahoma, Texas, and Utah.

What is the difference between pastor and adobada? ›

So while al pastor and adobada share some spicy features, the former is more closely tied to the vertical spit and the marination of Middle Eastern influence, whereas the latter encompasses the broader concept of meat marinated in a rich adobo sauce.

Why is adobada red? ›

Adobada is generally pork marinated in a "red" chile sauce with vinegar and oregano, but it can refer to different types of meat and to marinades closer to al pastor.

How long is carne adovada good for in the fridge? ›


As with most things, carne adovada is best eaten fresh. However, if you're a planner or like to make a little extra to enjoy later on, this carne adovada will keep up to four days in the refrigerator.

What is the difference between chili colorado and carne adovada? ›

I like to think of Carne Adovada as chile colorado's more intense and complex cousin. While they may look similar, they're actually quite different. Carne Adovada features pork whereas Chile Colorado traditionally uses beef. Both are equally tender and delicious.

What is a substitute for New Mexico red chiles? ›

Some good New Mexico Chile substitutes include Anaheim Chile or Guajillo Chile, Chile de Arbol, which are related to New Mexico Chiles (in the same Capsicum annuum species) and can provide great flavor to your chile dishes.

Are Guajillo and New Mexico chiles the same? ›

A Mexican chile with medium heat and a sweet, fruity undertone, the Guajillo chile can be compared to New Mexico chiles. However, the flavor is deeper and sweeter, making it essential to Mexican dishes and any fusion experiment. (De-Stemmed peppers reduce process and preparation time in the kitchen.

Is red chile sauce the same as enchilada sauce? ›

In New Mexico, it's red chile sauce or New Mexico red sauce. In the rest of the country, it's enchilada sauce. There is no tomato in this sauce – the red comes from red chiles, as it should. It's merely a matter cooking up some onions and garlic and then mixing the rest of the ingredients in.

What is carne enchilada made of? ›

Juicy, tender Carne Asada wrapped in corn tortillas, smothered in Verde sauce and spicy Pepper Jack Cheese and then topped with a cool and creamy sweet corn crema.

What is the difference between chili colorado and Carne Adovada? ›

I like to think of Carne Adovada as chile colorado's more intense and complex cousin. While they may look similar, they're actually quite different. Carne Adovada features pork whereas Chile Colorado traditionally uses beef. Both are equally tender and delicious.

What cut of meat is adobada? ›

Mexican adobada, a tangy marinade with guajillo chiles, is often reserved for large cuts of pork, but it's also well-suited to any sturdy cut of steak, such as flank.

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