A Glitch in the multi dimensions chapter 17 (2024)

by Suzie on 15 hours ago


[font=Arial, sans-serif]Chapter 17 Return Of Chaos[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Glitch was woken up by a knocking on the door. “H-hello, I’m what time is it?” Glitch asked himself as he got up even though it was still dark and snowing outside. Suzie grumbled kept on sleeping sprawled out on the couch. “W-who's there?” Glitch asked, still tired. “Please just open the door” the male voice said before Glitch opened the door with the light off. “W-who is that?” Glitch asked, still tired. “No one, just go back to sleep” the male voice said as Glitch went back on the couch to sleep. Suzie peeked opened her eyes and made room for glitch to lay back down. The morning went by when the sun was up and Glitch woke up. “Guess I should get to work,” Glitch said, hearing noises in the kitchen. “What is that?” Glitch said, going to the kitchen, seeing Cozy look at the fridge which was covering up someone behind the fridge door. “What in creation's name is going on,” Suzie said, yawning and walking over to see what was going on. “Who’s behind that door?” Glitch asked. “For goodness sake there has to be something here useful but no there’s nothing” the voice said going through the fridge. “Who is this?” Suzie asked, gesturing at the guy in the fridge. “W-who are you?” Cozy asked, throwing a frying pan at the guy. “OW, the very nerve you have to do such a thing” the creature said standing up revealing a tall creature with miss matched wings and legs and arms all miss matched. “DISCORD” Cozy shouted in shock. “COZY” Discord said in shock. “YOU” Glitch said glaring at Discord. “Um, salutations,” Discord said before trying to run away. “Yall know each other?” Suzie asked curiously, rubbing her eyes. Glitch tripped Discord over as he tried to leave. “This guy stole my blood to get power, or whatever it is he was doing” Glitch said angrily looking at Discord. “He’s the lord of chaos, but I thought you died,” Cozy said, looking at Discord. “Wha-[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]hold on wait a minute*[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]” Suzie said with realization, recognizing his voice. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]Your the guy who kidnapped glitch at my palace*[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]” Suzie yelled, ticked off turning in shades of gray and tackling discord, throttling him. “Now now guys” Discord said as he turned into mush and became a painting on the wall. “Let’s all just calm down and relax” Discord said as a painting. Suzie yelled in anger and smashed a paint hand through the wall smashing a big hole in the wall. “Calm down, it’s not like I planned on anything crazy, w-why don’t we all talk about this be reasonable” Discord said as a balloon. Glitch threw his sword at the balloon popping it and Discord fell out. “You got a lot of explaining to do” Glitch said with his sword at Discord’s throat. “Listen I’m sure when you listen to my reasoning you will fully understand why I had to leave” Discord said as he melted at another Discord closed the door behind them and started flying away. “[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]He’s dead to me[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif],” Suzie said as she grabbed her paint brush and ran after him. “Where is it, where is my universe at?” Discord asked himself before pulling a small picture out. “I will find you, and I promise to not leave you again” Discord said as he landed on a snowy rock. Suzie was swooping down like a hawk as she was on a paint dragon. She scooped discord up and flew him right back to where glitch was. “Ok glitch, i want to kill him..i actually want to kill this guy but i want you to decide his fate.'' Suzie said storming into the house as the dragon had discord pinned outside. Glitch walked outside and saw Discord. “Careful please, you almost damaged it” Discord said looking at Glitch. “What are you talking about?” Glitch asked before another Discord appeared behind him. “This” the Discord said, giving him a picture. “I feel no sympathy right now,” Suzie growled glaring at discord. “This isn’t about me, it’s about her, just look at the picture” Discord said pointing to the picture he handed Glitch. Glitch looked at the picture and saw a yellow pony and Discord playing around with each other. “Who is that?” Glitch asked. “My old and best friend, listen Glitch, if you let me go I will tell you everything okay, I promise” Discord pleaded. “How about you tell us now and then we will let you go..starting with my first question,” suzie said walking over to discord. “HOW THE BLAZES DID YOU GET IN MY PALACE!? HOW DID YOU WORK FOR THE BAD SANS AND NOT GET TORN TO PIECES!? HOW DI-"Suzie yelled before stopping since she was losing her voice. “My friend getting into your palace was quite easy, especially when your a master of chaos, even without power I got to your palace with the help of those bone people, and I simply made a temporary deal with the bad Sans’ that’s why they didn’t kill me because I agreed to bring them Glitch, in exchange they would give me some of his blood so I could get my powers back” Discord explained. “When i find nightmare ima make sure he will get an ear full of this,” suzie growled as she stormed inside and slammed the door behind her which practically shaked the whole house. “Your girlfriend seems upset, you should probably go talk to her” A small discord said from behind his ear. “Wait, but you're there, and here, how did, YOU KNOW WHAT, ENOUGH MIND GAMES, why did you take my blood” Glitch asked, aiming his sword at Discord’s neck. “To get my powers, duh, why else would I do so?” Discord asked, rolling his eyes. “Listen pal, I don’t know what game you're playing but it ain’t funny, I could have your life ended right here right now” Glitch said looking at Discord. “Do you like her?” Discord asked. “Who?” Glitch questioned. “That girl, the one who seems to hate me, do you like her?” Discord asked. “Maybe I do, why do you care?” Glitch asked. “Wouldn’t you do anything for her, especially after you screwed up multiple times and she still gave you multiple chances?” Discord asked. “I-i guess I would yes” Glitch answered. “See you understand, anyway this whole “your gonna kill me business "is funny and all, but I need to keep looking for her” Discord said looking at Glitch. “Not until I question you first, come inside” Glitch said, opening the door. “I am still trapped under the dragon,” Discord replied. The dragon growled at discord and sat right on top of him not letting him go. “You know if you really want to interrogate someone this isn’t how you do it, let me show you” Discord said as Glitch saw a flash before his eyes and was on a chair not knowing where he was. “What the heck” Glitch said looking around. “HELLO BUDDY, enjoying that seat” a Discord in a police outfit asked. “Um, what?” Glitch said confused. “Listen buddy we can either do this the y, or the hard way, pick your poison” The Discord said slamming the table. “WHAT IS GOING ON?” Glitch asked concerned. “HEY, sorry about my partner he gets a little on edge sometimes, here, have a donut” another Discord said handing Glitch a donut. “What is going on?” Glitch asked more confused. “ENOUGH BUDDY, Just confess, ADMIT IT” the Discord said slamming the table again. “Confess what?” Glitch asked. “Look pal, it’s okay, just tell me you did it and we’ll go easy on you” calm Discord said drinking some coffee. “Did what, I’m confused still” Glitch replied. “CUT THE CANNED CRAP, ADMIT IT OR ELSE” angry Discord said smacking the donut on the floor. “Just confess my friend, it’s okay” calm Discord said. “But I don’t know-“ Glitch said before being cut off by angry cop Discord. “CONFESS NOW” Angry Discord yelled. “Just tell me” Calm Discord said as the both kept repeating it until Glitch had enough. “FINE I CONFESS I DID IT OKAY, okay I’m sorry” Glitch said as Discord was laughing in real life. “W-what is going on, what did I just confess” Glitch asked looking at Discord. “That's the joke, you confessed to NOTHING” Discord said laughing historically. Suzie finally got the nerve to head back outside and face that stupid kidnapping heathen. Suzie walked out to see them both gone which made her infuriated and terrified. “Wha-where are they, did discord take glitch again!?” Suzie said starting to have a panic attack. Discord teleported Glitch and himself back laughing still. “S-sorry, it was just extremely funny to see you confess to absolutely nothing” Discord said laughing while floating in the air. “Oh how I miss the days where I caused chaos, I never understood why everypony was so against it, except you,” Discord commented while holding a picture of him and the yellow pony. “Don’t do that again.” Glitch said looking at Discord. “Relax, at least I didn’t take your blood again, not that I need to since I have my powers again” Discord said looking at the picture still. “You realize that if you aren't going to give any information of what I've asked you and start playing tricks on us, I have every right to send you to the other side,” Suzie growled, crossing her arms. “Oh you're no fun, lighten up, why don’t you?” Discord said, sneaking behind Suzie and holding out a balloon near her. “You seriously want me to lighten up!? How would you like it if someone trespassed into your home, kidnapped your favorite person in the world that you cared about, AND THEN THREATENED THAT THEY WOULD BRING IT BACK TO THEM AS A BLOODY DEAD CORPSE!?” Suzie asked, infuriated, taking a pencil out of her pocket and popping the balloon. “Someone I did care about was taken from me, and all I could do was watch as I saw her fade away” Discord said in a more serious tone. “That doesn't give you the right to make someone else suffer the same thing.” Suzie said, turning her head away. “I know, I am only doing it to go back” Discord said landing on the ground. “Why? Why do you want someone to feel the same pain?” Suzie asked, putting her hands in her pocket. “I never wanted any of this, this is nothing personal against Glitch, I only did it to get my powers back and return to my world to save her, after the purge and all” Discord responded. “I know you were doing that for a good intention, i see that now…but there were other better ways to do it that would get you to your friend quicker without hurting anyone,” suzie said. “I understand, but it’s been thousands of years since I have seen her, and even if I see her bones I would give up everything for her, she was the only one who ever cared about me” Discord said looking at the photo. “Do you think she would have liked you to go and hurt other people who didn't deserve it just to see her?” Suzie asked. “For a creature who wants to get back to someone who cared about him, you sure don't care about others,” Suzie retorted. “If i was that pony i would probably ditch someone who hurts others like that,” suzie said crossing her arms again but looking away knowing that was a complete lie. “Please, that pony was much better than the likes of you, sure I made mistakes but she actually would have forgiven me for the mistakes, she actually has compassion, besides she is the only one I would actually care about, unlike some little girl who has no idea who I even am and is very quick to criticize me” Discord said crossing his arms and looking away. “Besides, I’m sure you have hurt others much worse than what I have done, so don’t go criticizing me until you can tell me you have never hurt someone physically or emotionally” Discord replied upset. “I’d rather kill you than criticize you,” Suzie mumbled angrily. “Discord, nothing can change from what you did, but i'm hoping that you might change and realize that other people have feelings and emotions than just you,” suzie said as she walked away back into the house to get venom. “Please, as if I don’t already know that, if only you were here, Fluttershy, you would understand” Discord said looking back at his picture. “If that fluttershy were here she would realize that she was the cause for an entire universe war happening since her friend helped with it to get to her…then that fluttershy would definitely rethink her friend choices,” suzie said slamming the door behind her. “I am doing this for you Fluttershy, not for that human, not for Glitch, not for anyone but you, I will find you and fix our world, we will live together once again” Discord said staring at the photo as he spoke. A few seconds later Suzie walked out of the house with venom following behind her. “So this is the guy who kidnapped glitch?” venom said, a bit surprised but with a hint of hatred. “Oh yeah, he’s the one. I want you to babysit him.” Suzie said as she walked over to glitch to discuss what to do with discord. “Hmmm, I was expecting the kidnapper to be more…intimidating.” venom said looking skeptically at discord, eyeing him up and down. “I've never seen a draconequus before,” Venom said curiously as he approached discord. “You actually know my species, I must admit I’m a bit surprised, Venom is it?” Discord said looking at Venom. “The one and only,” Venom said, glancing at his mismatched legs. “So tell me, how did you come across working with the bad sans?” Venom asked curiously, tilting his head. “I met them when I heard them discussing plans about Glitch, they offered to give me some of his blood if I helped them retrieve him” Glitch responded. “Hmm, they must have been desperate then.” venom remarked as he summoned a gaster blaster to sit on. “They were, I had no powers, but I offered my help and they accepted, and so I got my powers in order to go find the one I lost all that time ago” Discord responded. “Oh, and who is it that you lost?” Venom asked. “My one true friend, Fluttershy” Discord said, showing Venom a picture of him and Fluttershy. “I'm sorry to hear that. If Suzie wasn't so mad at you I would offer to help…but ya know..” venom said awkwardly. “Of course I understand, I would hate it too if my friend were kidnapped, which unfortunately did happen before, but hey, we all do things we aren’t proud of I’m sure, all in trying to help those we care about” Discord responded, summoning a cupcake. “True, ya know, you would get along with suzie pretty well since you both put friends first before anything else, even the wellbeing of others..but you did kidnap her crush so it's gonna be hard for her to forgive you,” venom said, stroking the gaster blaster. “Oh dear, I didn’t realize the two were in love, how romantic” Discord said snapping his fingers as hearts flowed around Glitch and Suzie and the hearts pulled the two close together. “What in the blazes-!?” Suzie said, taken off guard as she was pushed closer to glitch. Venom fell off the gaster blaster laughing his head off hysterically. “What the-” Glitch said shocked right in front of Suzie’s face as he was glowing green with Discord holding back his laughter. Suzie quickly pulled away blushing and glared at discord. Venom quickly coughed away his laughter and put on a serious face. “Unbelievable,” Suzie growled as she went back to the discussion with glitch. “Boo hoo, you really are more [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]boring [/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]than Celestia aren’t you hmm” Discord said with a rainy cloud over him and frowning fakely. “In all due respects she is the last person in the universe to ever be boring, but right now we are in a bit of a crisis so you might wanna lay off on her,” venom pointed out a bit upset that his empress was called boring. “Fine, go back to your crisis business, but hurry up, I need to find Fluttershy so I can save her” Discord said, making the hearts and rain disappear. “There will be no saving fluttershy if we lose this war,” Venom said somberly. “We need all the help we can get to win this and keep the entire multiverses and universes safe,” Venom said, looking at discord with hope. “Woah woah woah, WAR?! And you expect me to help in this war that is sure to bring death?” Discord said dressed in a soldier costume. “To be fair you played a giant role in causing this,” Venom said, smirking at the costume. “But it's never too late to right your wrong and help in this good cause, I'm sure fluttershy would love that,” Venom said, winking at discord. “Hmm, well she would want me to do good, although I’ve never killed another being before” discord said. “Neither has suzie, but she will fight to the death knowing she is saving trillions of lives,” Venom said as his eye lights went out. Venom then looked down at his hands for an unusual long amount of time before a reaper weapon showed up in his hands. It had a long handle and a very long blade that almost went 180 degrees around. Venom gazed at it then mounted it in the ground. “I haven't used this hell cracker in awhile,” Venom said, feeling the blade of it. “It's the only weapon I've ever killed people with,” Venom said, looking at the weapon frowning a little. “Well don’t look at me, I don’t want to be on your list of people, look how about this, you help me find Fluttershy and I will help in this war of yours” Discord proposed. “How about you help us in the war, and then we go find fluttershy since there will be no more threat in our way,” Venom proposed, looking back at discord. “Look you obviously know where my world is if you found Cozy, so just send me there I find Fluttershy and then I help, it’s as simple as that don’t you see’ Discord said stroking his goatee. “I never actually traveled to that world, just suzie and glitch and some other aus of me.” venom said. “And i think cozy said she was the last of her kind,” venom said recalling what cozy had said. “Please, there is always a chance I may find her. look I promise to help you even if I don’t find her in my old world” Discord said begging on his knees to Venom. “Ok, ok, i will have to persuade suzie to get us over there but don't be surprised if she says no,” venom said awkwardly. “Well then if it is settled we will all win and have a great chance of victory” Discord said with a party hat on and holding a cake with confetti going everywhere. “Great, but let's wait till those two love birds are done talking,” Venom said smiling as his weapon magiced away. “Will do” Discord said, making the cake and confetti disappear. Venom walked over to Suzie and tapped her on the shoulder. “Can I have a word with you once you're done?” Venom asked. “I was just finishing up, what is it?” Suzie asked Venom. “I know you aren't on good terms with discord, but that guy isn't a bad guy, he is just desperate to find his friend.” venom exclaimed. “Yeah, I kinda figured..but he still trespassed and kidnapped the glitch.” Suzie said, frowning. “Yeah, but he is not the first person to do that, you know,” Venom said, shrugging. “What are you trying to get at?” Suzie asked suspiciously. “All I'm saying is we should help the guy find his friend, it's the right thing to do,” Venom replied. Suzie opened her mouth about to say something then paused and thought for a moment. “How do we know this isn't a trick?” Suzie asked, putting her hands on her hips. “We just gotta trust him,” Venom pleaded. “Sigh, alright we will look for his friend,” Suzie said reluctantly. “But you will be incharge of watching him, he’s your responsibility now,” Suzie said as she walked over to discord. Venom gave discord two thumbs up and followed suzie happily. “Alright, we will help you get your friend,” Suzie said bluntly. “YES! Thank you so much WOO” Discord said with crowd cheer in the background and a bunch of Discord’s clapping in excitement. “But, no backstabbing, or working with the bad sans, or kidnapping glitch or anyone,” Suzie said, crossing her arms sternly. Discord was dancing and doing dance moves as other Discord’s watched before pushing them out the way to respond. “Of course, there will be no more of the sort,” Discord said, putting his claws up. “Great then,” Venom said cheerfully. Suzie glanced at venom then back at discord before giving in to this whole helping thing. “Alright, where will we find your friend?” Suzie asked. “In the same world where you found Cozy Glow, which I’m surprised you trust,” Discord replied. “What do you mean?” Suzie asked curiously. “You do realize that Cozy was once a villain right?” Discord asked. “I'm sorry what?” Suzie asked, confused. “Don’t let the look fool you, she may act all cute and kind, but she nearly drained all the Equestrian power, as well as almost destroyed a princess and her friends, she worked with Tirek and Chrysalis too” Discord explained. “...what, you mean to tell me that kid did all that?” Suzie asked, glancing around for cozy. “Hey Suzie, sorry to bother you guys but I made more pancakes” Cozy said smiling looking at Suzie. “Hey cozy, I have a few things to ask you,” Suzie said hesitantly. “Sure, what is it?” Cozy asked, flying up to Suzie. “Do you consider yourself a good guy or a bad guy?” Suzie asked casually. “Oh, I assume Discord told you about my past huh?” Cozy asked, looking at Discord. “I take it that was all true then,” Venom said, eyeing Cozy suspiciously. “Yes, but that was like 3000 years ago, nowadays we don’t really do bad things anymore” Cozy replied landing on the ground. “Over the years I have learned that who I was isn’t exactly what I want to be when I get older, making others feel my pain because of the pain I once felt, and after what happened in Equestria I was pretty much stuck with Chrysalis and Tirek, and we are kinda like a family, at least they are like a family to me” Cozy explained. “It's true, even the worst of people can change and it's not like we haven't met any bad people in our life before, I'm just a bit surprised a kid like you would do that,” Suzie said. “I only did it because I thought it was fun, but I am retired from being bad, mostly” Cozy said murmuring the last word so Suzie couldn’t hear. “But honestly the most bad thing I have done is talk back to mom and dad,” Cozy said, snickering a little. “Just like syntax error..erm mostly except if he had the choice he would go back to destroying universes,” venom exclaimed. “That is for a different topic, venom,” Suzie said glaring at him. “Alright let's head back to the changelings universe, but this time i will avoid the hive since that nullifies my powers.'' Suzie said as she made a portal. “See yeah in a bit glitch,” Suzie said as she walked through the portal with venom forgetting to tell glitch where she was going and what she was doing. “Wait for me” Discord said walking through with a hat on and carrying a suitcase. They arrived a few miles away from the hive but were still in eyesight from them. “That hive place has the ability to numb any magic including a creator,” suzie exclaimed to venom. “I'm sure if we get farther away from it will get our magic back,” Venom said, shrugging. “So where to discord?” Venom asked. “Right here” Discord said, falling from the air and feeling a little weak. “It seems the throne has been rebuilt, I am shocked it survived all this chaos, not that the chaos was any good” Discord said looking at the hive. “Does fluttershy live around here?” Suzie asked, a bit confused. “No, she has been around here before, but not willingly” Discord said with his red iris glowing for a second. “Maybe we should look where she likes to hang out,” Venom said as started walking in the opposite direction of the hive. “Where she hung out or even lived was destroyed, that happened 3000 years ago during the invasion” Discord explained as he floated the opposite direction from the throne. “It probably is rebuilt by now,” Suzie pointed out walking with them. “Rebuilt, are you kidding, as if anyone survived the purge, anyone who survived probably left this world in chains” Discord said, upset thinking about it. “It's worth a shot,” Venom said encouragingly while trying to use his magic over and over again waiting for it to work. “Listen buddy, how about I just ask you, do you know what happened here 3000 years ago, about the purge?” Discord asked. “Nope, haven't got a clue,” venom said walking faster trying to get his magic to work. “Ugh, well let me tell you it was not pretty, not at all, it was one, oh sorry I mean the absolute worst thing to ever happen in Equestria, it’s worse than Sombra, worse than me, heck it’s worse than Cozy Glow, Tirek, and Chrysalis” Discord said crossing his arms. “Must be bad i take it,” Suzie said, putting her hands in her pocket. They were nearing what seemed to be an orchid. Venom suddenly summoned a gaster blaster. G-guys, are magic, its back!” venom said hugging the gaster blaster then glancing at suzie but froze. Where suzie once was standing there stood a white pony with yellow hair and rainbow paint splotches in the same outfit as suzie. “Why are you looking at me like that?” Suzie asked, concerned. “Oh my, I didn’t expect that to happen” Discord said, summoning a mirror that floated in front of Suzie. Suzie looked at it and fell over in terror clumsily on four hooves. “I-im a pony!?” Suzie said, staring at the mirror in disbelief then looking down at her hooves. “I'd say you're a unicorn,” Venom said, touching the tip of her horn. “This took an interesting turn” Discord said not really too phased. “Will I permanently look like this?” Suzie said starting to have a panic attack. “I think as long as you remain in Equestria you are stuck like that, but come now, we must find Fluttershy” Discord said flying faster. “Can I ride you?” venom asked excitedly. “What? I beg your pardon. Venom snickered and teleported onto Suzie's back which took her off guard making her stumble. “You are unbelievable.” Suzie said glaring at him. “Giddy up,” Venom said playfully, nudging her sides. “Only one time will I let you do this since you're my best friend,” Suzie said, rolling her eyes and galloping after discord with venom hanging on. “Ugh, children am I right?” Discord said breaking the 4th wall. “This looks like a well kept orchid,” Venom pointed out, taking one of the apples while on Suzie's back and eating it. “Well kept, please when my fr- I mean my friend's friend kept it in better condition it wasn’t a broken barn with vines growing over it, look at this place, the red paint is leaving it too” Discord said pointing at the ruins of a barn. “Maybe there is someone who lives there?” Suzie asked, trotting a little closer to the barn. “Maybe dead bodies, do you smell that awful smell in there” Discord said as noises came from in the barn. “Or something perhaps is in there” Discord said as he floated inside. Suzie followed him quickly with venom still on her. Discord looked around and saw movement from under some ruble and went closer. “Fluttershy is that you?'' Discord said when suddenly a big wolf made of bark that jumped onto Discord trying to eat him. Venom quickly leaped off of suzie. He then summoned a gaster blaster at the wolf, firing at it which instantly blew it up to smithereens. “W-what was that?” Suzie asked. “Timber wolves, very aggressive creatures, although they lived in the Everfree Forest, but I suppose after the invasion they became more free and aggressive” Discord said getting off the ground. “Discord, do you think fluttershy is still alive? you make it sound like everyone is dead and gone,” venom said as he looked through the barn. “I am simply looking for her alive, or dead” Discord said darkly. “Even if she is dead she deserves a proper burial, which she most likely didn’t get if she is dead” Discord said looking at the picture with a sad face. “Im sorry discord, if you’d like maybe there is an au of this universe that has everything back to the way it was and you could see fluttershy there,” suzie offered. “I know it's not the same person you were friends with but you could have a second chance of protecting someone who would care for you,” Suzie said, trying to comfort discord. “Don’t you dare, no one can replace Fluttershy, not a clone, not an exact copy, NO ONE!” Discord said flying out the old broken barn upset. “You didn't sound like you were trying to replace fluttershy, I think he missed what you said,” Venom said, putting his hands on his hips. “Yeah..sigh, c’mon venom let's go find discord.” Suzie said as she galloped out of the barn with venom trying to catch up with her. “Like I care about any Fluttershy but mine please” Discord said looking at a picture of Fluttershy. “Discord, there you are,” Suzie said, finally catching up with him. “What do you want?” Discord said, arms crossed. “Sorry if you miss took what I said, I know you can't replace a friend that's really close to you and I don't want that. I was only offering a way for you to-,"Suzie said before pausing and thinking. “Wait a sec discord i just had another thought,” suzie said looking down and starting to pace a little deep in thought. Discord didn’t respond and kept looking at his picture. “There's a way to see your fluttershy..” Suzie said, pausing. Discord still didn’t respond. “Time travel,” Suzie said as she stopped pacing. “And here I thought you were smart,” Discord said seriously. “Excuse me?” Suzie said, stomping her hoof. “Last time someone time traveled it nearly was the end of Equestria, every action you take affects the future” Discord said looking at the picture. “How so?” Suzie asked curiously. “We go back in time and stop the invaders. I don't meet Glitch, which could potentially mean that when he first uses a portal he travels to a different world, and something worse happens to him” Discord responded. “Tsk, i don't know what time travel you use but maybe we can time travel before the invasion, we can't let anyone see us though, that may mess up the timeline. But if we stay out of sight from anypony you could meet with fluttershy for a minute in private and it wouldn't throw off the timeline,'' Suzie explained. “Human listen, I have learned time travel and know the effects of it, we save my world then Glitch’s universe will be ruled by humans and capture aliens including Glitch for who knows what, it’s a risk not worth taking” Discord responded. “We're not gonna save your world, that would mess up the timeline definitely, there's no use in changing that past. But it won't affect the timeline if you just say hello to fluttershy in private and give her a hug. Just don't let other discord see you,"Suzie said trying to explain it to discord. “No, I refuse to take that risk, I will find-“ Discord said hearing noise in a bush. “Hey, Suzie, don't run that fast,” Venom said as he finally caught up with suzie. “Shh,” Suzie said, shushing him and pointing at the bush. “Leave this place now” a female voice with a country accent said before an apple was thrown at Suzie. “Ow, hey,” Suzie said, looking around for the voice. “Last chance” a pony said, coming out with a spear and an eyepatch on her right eye. “Who are you?” Suzie asked. “Someone who y’all don’t wanna mess with, this place may be out of condition but it belongs to me” the pony said pointing the spear at Suzie. “Yeah and we are here looking for somepony,” venom said teleporting in front of suzie with a reaper weapon in his hands. “Back up skeleton, I ain’t afraid of death, not since my brother found it” the pony said, taking her stance for battle. Venom rolled his eyes and in a swift movement he cut her spear in two. “I'm not looking to kill someone, like I said, we are just looking for someone,” Venom said, slinging the reaper weapon over his shoulder. “We are looking for fluttershy, do you know her,” Suzie asked, pushing venom aside with her hoof. “F-Flutter-“ the pony said before another voice emerged from the bushes. “LEAVE MY SISTER ALONE” the pony said firing a barrage of apples which also hit the eye patch pony. Venom teleported out of the way while Suzie and Discord got hit. “Man these ponies are pretty fruity if ya ask me,” Venom said smirking. One of the apples knocked the picture out of Discord’s hands and he immediately stopped the apples and had both pony’s floating in the air. “YOU DARE” Discord said, beginning to slowly crush them. “Discord stop, fluttershy would not like this,” Suzie said using her magic horn and interfering with discord crushing them. “Quiet, you use your methods and I use mine” Discord said, looking at the two ponies and picking them up. “Who are you tw-“ Discord said before recognizing them even if they are older. “AppleJack and Little bloom” Discord said, dropping them. “You know each other or something?” venom asked, smirking at applejack. Applejack kicked Discord back. “HEY” Discord said before a pocket knife was at Discord’s throat. “Don’t EVER hurt my sister, EVER” Applejack said looking at Discord. “I think we have gotten off on the wrong hoof here,” Suzie said, glancing at the two. “We came here looking for fluttershy. Do you know where she is or who she is?” Suzie asked applejack. “How are you still alive Discord?” Applejack asked, looking at Discord still with the knife. “Calm yourself Applejack” Discord said, touching the knife turning it into bubbles. “What the, you still have your magic” Applejack asked shocked. “Yeah, now listen let’s just all calm down and talk huh” Discord said flying back as Applejack went to check on her sister. “We were not attacking your sister dont worry,” Suzie said quickly. “I'm sorry we kinda showed up out of the blue trespassing but we are in search of fluttershy, do you know where she is?” Suzie asked a second time, getting a bit impatient. “Would you shut your mouth?” Applejack said, checking on her sister and disrespecting Suzie’s question. “Sheesh, that wasn't nice,” Suzie said, flicking her tail and using her magic to appear next to venom. “Let's look somewhere else for fluttershy,” Suzie said. “Of course your four legged majesty,” Venom said teleporting onto Suzie's back as they trotted off in the opposite direction. Discord stayed looking at Applejack and Applebloom. “Are you okay, Applebloom?” Applejack asked. “Yeah I’m fine,” Applebloom said, pushing her sister’s hoof off. “See, no harm done” Discord said, trying to calm things down with the apples. “Whatever, come on sis, let’s head back then” Applejack said walking off. “Wait, please I do need your help, where is Fluttershy, I need to find her” Discord asked desperately. “Shouldn’t you be headed off to your friend's Discord?” Applejack asked. “We aren’t friends, they are allies, helping me look for Fluttershy” Discord explained. “Y’all seem desperate to find her huh?” Applejack asked. “Look, I’m sorry for what I did, but this is really important okay, if you help me, I can help you I’m sure” Discord explained. “Look Discord, I ain’t exactly happy to see you, especially after what you just did, I don’t-“ Applejack said, being cut off by Discord. “PLEASE PLEASE, I AM SORRY JUST HELP ME FIND HER” Discord begged. “Fine, follow me” Applejack said walking with Applebloom as Discord followed. Suzie and Venom were watching from the sky after Suzie used her paint to make her white wings. They were gliding up in the sky following discord and the other two ponies. “Discord if you lead anyone besides yourself back it won’t end well for you, especially since there are changelings around here” Applejack said seriously. “Just me, myself, and I” Discord said with two other Discord’s next to him walking. “Well before you enter you are gonna have to wear this” Applejack said holding out a bracelet. “Ooh cool accessory” Discord said, putting it on as it tightened around his wrist. “Wait what the-“ Discord said shocked and not being able to float. “To control your powers, we can’t be sure you aren’t gonna try anything” Applejack said walking back before rain began. “Great, now I am once again powerless, and it’s raining” Discord said, crossing his arms. “Relax, we are almost there,” Applejack said, stopping at what looked like a brick wall. “It’s just a wall,” Discord said. “Not exactly,” Applejack said, putting her eye against the wall as a small part of it opened with bright lights on the inside but not with a sun. “Ooh what’s in there” Discord said smiling. Applejack pushed Discord in and Applebloom as the door closed. “Drat, did you see that?” Venom asked Suzie, staring at the brick wall. “ I sure did,” Suzie said as she landed by the wall. “We should wait till he comes out, “ Venom replied, summoning a gaster blaster over him and suzie to block out the rain. “Sigh, yeah you're right,” Suzie said as she and Venom sat underneath a tree together. They all entered in as Discord saw a rainy city with a bunch of candle lights and buildings. “This place actually doesn't look too bad,” Discord said, looking around. “Yeah well, don’t get too comfy, you gotta get checked first” Applejack said as a guard caked with a glowing metal spear who had wings with silver and gold armor came. “Identification please” the guard said, holding out his hoof. “Applejack and Applebloom pulled their Id’s out as the guard checked them. “Welcome back commander Applejack and Applebloom, is this tall guy with you two” the guard asked looking at Discord. “Yeah, he’s with us,” Applejack replied. “Oh and contact the general for me please” Applejack said as the guard nodded and flew away. “You guys really think the guards will do anything, Celestia’s never did” Discord said looking at Applejack. “These guards have been trained for over 3000 years and they will do what is necessary to protect these lands, even if they need to kill or sacrifice themselves” Applejack said as the guard and another pony came back. “The general as you requested” the guard said as a pony with gold armor and rainbow hair came through. “What up AJ?” the pony said, taking off her helmet. “Hello there General Dash, just need you to go check the area in case changelings followed us” Applejack said pointing outside. “Yup, me and some guards will go Che-“ Rainbow Dash said as she looked and saw Discord. “D-Discord, you're alive?!” Rainbow Dash said surprised. “Yes, and you look like you have seen better days” Discord said pointing at Rainbow Dash as she had a metal wing. “Tch, let’s go guards” Rainbow said, getting a golden sword out as two guards with spears followed her as she left the city outside of the brick wall. Venom and Suzie were outside in the pouring rain when Venom sat up suddenly. “Someones coming.” Venom said quickly as the gaster blaster disappeared and he teleported Suzie and himself into a tree covered in thick leaves. “Wha-who?” Suzie asked before hearing the door open. “Are you changelings?” Rainbow asked, getting her sword out looking around. “Nope venom said as he teleported into a different tree drawing the attention away from suzie. “Come out with your hooves up, you're trespassing after all” Rainbow said as she ordered her guards to start looking around. “I would, but i dont got any hooves?” venom snickered teleporting to a different tree in the opposite direction. “You will put whatever you have up and surrender, and the princess will figure out what to do with you, as she will with Discord” Rainbow said as her guard started flying around. “I'm not scared little pony,” Venom said as he summoned a small skeleton snake to slither behind rainbow dash. A guard looked and immediately pushed Rainbow out the way. “W-what the” Rainbow said caught off guard. The skeleton snake breathed knockout gas at the guard instantly putting him to sleep. The snake turned its head toward rainbow dash and lunged at her. Rainbow immediately flew in the sky dashing away from the snake. “Chicken,” venom snickered as he summoned a snake by the other guard and put that guard to sleep. The guard came falling down before Rainbow Dash caught it before he hit the ground then flying back in the air. “What are you playing at changelings?” Rainbow asked, getting her sword near her. “I'm not a changeling, the only changeling i ever met was the queen, but that was when i had to babysit her after we kidnapped her.” Venom explained as teleported next to Suzie who stabbed him with her horn angrily for doing that. “OW,” venom yelped in pain. Rainbow heard this and flew to where she heard the noise but from a distance. “Who are you?” Rainbow said with her sword. “Nonya,” Venom replied sassily. “NONYA BUSINESS” venom said as he teleported behind rainbow dash in the air and knocked her out with one swift blow to the head. “The heck venom,” Suzie said, annoyed. “What,” Venom said as he picked rainbow dash up over his shoulder. “Great just great,” Suzie said as she used her magic and brought the guards floating over to them. “Now we gotta bring these guys inside before they catch a cold,” Suzie said as she stomped over towards the brick wall door and opened it. “And venom, i want you to stay out of sight with that pony till i tell you to come out,” suzie commanded as she marched inside with the two guards floating asleep behind her. Suzie walked into what looked like a city and decided to find the nearest person to bring these guards to a med room. “Hey um excuse me, a little help here please?” Suzie asked a pony who was walking by. “INTRUDER” the pony said pressing the emergency button to alert all security. “I'm not intruding, these guards just need medical attention,” suzie said, fluffing out her wings a bit annoyed. Guards came and saw Suzie and the knocked out guards. “She killed them, alert the elite guard” the guards said as two ran off and the others walked to Suzie with spears. “Woah, woah big misunderstanding guys. I just brought these guards for some medical attention that's all.'' Suzie said, placing the guards down with her magic gently and backing up. “Surrender and answer to our leader” the guards responded. “Why?” Suzie asked, confused. “I don't want to surrender, that makes it sound like I'm a criminal or something.” Suzie responded, flapping her wings annoyed. “Alert Commander Applejack too, we will have Discord executed, he is most likely working with them” a guard said as one other guard flew off. “This is your last chance, surrender now and stand trial for murder or trespassing on private property or face consequences of your ally’s execution” the guards said, looking at Suzie. Suzie glanced around at all the guards then shot up into the air after the guard who she assumed was going to lead her to discord. “After her '' the guards said following Suzie as a guard landed to Applejack, Applebloom, and Discord. “Ma’am, there is a creature that killed two guards that trespassed in here, I believe she is with him” the guard said pointing to Discord. “And any word from General Rainbow Dash '' Applejack asked. “No, she never reported it, she may have been killed too,” the guard said. “Your allies killed my people, AFTER I TRY TO HELP YOU” Applejack said looking at Discord with anger. “They did this on their own will, this has nothing to do with me, I am just after Fluttershy '' Discord replied. “WAIT,” Suzie said as she crashed landed from flying. “They're not dead, they're asleep. I brought them in for medical attention,"Suzie explained hurriedly. “And why are they knocked out?” Applejack said, pushing Applebloom behind her. “Knockout gas from gaster snakes,” Suzie replied, prodding the ground with her hoof. “I help you, and your allies harm my people, wow you really haven’t changed have ya Discord, Applebloom go inside away from danger, me and Discord are gonna find Dash, guards, put her in cuffs and take her to the princess so we know nothing else happens'' Applejack ordered. “W-wait i mean no harm,” suzie said quickly. “Too late, don’t resist” a guard said, getting power by taking band cuffs out. “No, i refuse to have myself chained up like an animal,” suzie said backing up. “We are all animal fools, now you will surrender willingly or you will get yourself in more trouble than you just were, your pick” the guard said looking at Suzie as Applejack ran to get Rainbow Dash taking Discord with her. “Alright i surrender, take me to your princess so i can have a one on one convo with that donkey,” suzie huffed out angrily sticking out her hooves so they could be cuffed. “Take her to the princess, she will decide her fate” a guard said as Suzie was cuffed and being taken to the princess. Discord and Applejack went out to look for Rainbow Dash. “If your friend hurts Rainbow it won’t be good for any of y’all” Applejack said walking with Discord. Suddenly a skeleton snake leaped behind applejack breathing knock out gas and instantly put her to sleep. “Heya disco,” Venom said as he teleported next to discord. “Why must you and Suzie always cause trouble and get me in trouble?” Discord said, rolling his eyes. “Relax~, these ponies are quite an edgy type if you ask me,” Venom said, putting applejack over his shoulder walking where he had rainbow dash sleeping underneath a tree with a snake next to her. “Outsider, half their race was killed off by armored invaders, they are most likely defensive because of that, and knocking them out was a dumb decision considering it got Suzie captured” Discord explained. “Hmmm,” Venom said as his eye lights went out. “ hey disco mind if i can take that bracelet off you so we can get to fluttershy more easily?” Venom asked somening a scimitar in his hand. “Already tried, taking it off is impossible, it tightens when you try to pry it or cut it, what I want to do is take these ponies back so we get out of trouble and I can find Fluttershy, since I was so close before you guys ruined it for me” Discord said looking the other way. “Not my fault these ponies threatened us,” venom said, shrugging. “You can take these ponies back if ya want, but I will stick out here till I hear my name called.” venom said as he climbed a tree and got comfy laying his head back. “Why did I have to ask help from these useless creatures who only get me into trouble and I have to do all the work, sometimes I wonder” Discord said carrying Applejack and Rainbow going back inside. Venom watched him as he walked away and smiled watching him go knowing everything was going as planned. As soon as Discord entered he was knocked out by guards and woke up next to Suzie in front of a throne. “What sort of predicament did I seem to get myself into this time?” Discord said, annoyed. “Come to join the club?” Suzie asked as she rattled her cuffs in annoyance. “Venom is dead to me once I'm out of here,” Suzie grumbled. “Both of you, rise to the princess” Rainbow dash said as she pointed a spear at Discord. “Sheesh I didn’t knock you out did I?” Discord said as the spear touched his neck. “Once you get to see your fluttershy i'm out of this universe for good,” suzie whispered to discord as she stood up. “My apologies friends for such a disappointing meeting, but when I heard there were disturbances in my kingdom I knew I had to do something” a purple pony said as she flew on her throne with wings and a horn. “T-Twilight Sparkle” Discord said in disbelief. “Twilight sparkle?” Suzie questioned as she looked for the first time at a pony with similar features as hers. “Hmm, we will have this discussion in private, guards release them from their binds” Twilight ordered. “But your majesty this one killed our guards, and this one is a traitor” a guard said pointing at Suzie and Discord. “I will be the judge of that, now release them” Twilight ordered again as the guard released them from chains. “Thanks, I'm glad not all ponies are grumpy jerks,” Suzie said gratefully. “My subjects have been through a lot, we all have, they are protective of one another” Twilight responded. “Oh and by the way i didnt kill anyone, your subjects can't tell when somepony is sleeping or not,” Suzie said. “That’s because usually when another pony is found they are dead, not knocked out, they always wish it was knocked out” Twilight responded flying from her throne. “So um question, are you guys allies with the changelings?” Suzie asked curiously. “The changelings were once a group of people that cared only for themselves, then a friend of mine eventually redeemed them and they had a new leader when they reformed, however after an invasion the leader was killed and they returned to their old leader and their old ways, we are no longer allies” Twilight answered. “I see, welp you won't be seeing them in awhile since we are having them relocated to a different universe in a few days,'' Suzie replied. “Hmm, and what of you Discord, what are you doing here and why have you returned after abandoning us all” Twilight asked. “I came back looking for Fluttershy, to apologize to her, for not being able to save her” Discord said looking down. “Discord,” Twilight said looking down. “Please, I know I may be seen as a traitor but I wish to see her one last time” Discord said begging to Twilight. “Discord please follow me” Twilight said walking out the throne room. “Can I go now? I've got an army to take care of and some universes to travel,"Suzie said to discord before he left. “Go pony, but please never return, I am not saying I don’t like you, but you seem busy with your own work” Twilight said as she escorted Discord. “Great, see ya on the battlefield discord,” Suzie said cheerfully. “VENOM,” Suzie yelled and within seconds venom teleported by her weapons in hand. “Yes, your majesty?” venom asked, smirking. “We are heading back to our universe,” Suzie said as she made a portal with her horn. As soon as she stepped one foot into the portal she turned back into a human and disappeared out of sight with venom as the portal closed behind them. “Your human friend doesn’t seem very bright” Twilight said looking at Discord. “I have no friends but Fluttershy why I am here” Discord replied. “I’m just saying she called my friends jerks, and while they are more defensive they aren’t jerks” Twilight said defending her friends. “Listen, her thoughts are hers, let’s just find Fluttershy” Discord said not wanting to talk about anything else. “Well that’s just it, Discord please take a deep breath” Twilight said as they went to a basem*nt and Twilight opened a door revealing a grave with a picture of Fluttershy over it. “N-no, no please” Discord said, putting his hands over his mouth. “I’m sorry Discord” Twilight said as she saw Discord fall to the ground weeping. “I will let you take this in,” Twilight said, leaving Discord trying not to cry. “I am s-sorry I failed you Fluttershy, I am so so sorry” Discord said crying in front of the grave for what felt like hours. “Do you think we should have left him?” venom asked as they arrived back. “Yes, cause you were causing a bit of trouble,” Suzie said, crossing her arms. “Oh c’mon, they were threats,” Venom retorted. “If you feel threatened by a pony I pity you,” Suzie said, walking inside the house to find Glitch. Glitch was about to enter through a portal before Suzie and Venom arrived. “Hey glitch, where are you going?” Suzie asked, walking over to him. “Uh just checking on something is all, alone, but I’ll be back” Glitch responded. “Okay then,'' Suzie said suspiciously as she headed upstairs to see bombshell. Glitch jumped through the portal as it closed behind him. Suzie knocked on bombshell’s door. “What?” Bombshell asked. “Hey it's me suzie. Just coming to check on how you are doing,"Suzie replied through the door. “I’m fine,” Bombshell replied. “Mind if I can come in?” Suzie asked. “Do whatever you want,” Bombshell replied. Suzie opened the door and walked into the room quietly. “How do you feel after pretty much being mind controlled?” Suzie asked curiously. “Fine, I feel fine,” Bombshell replied. “Well it's better than you being dead, we were very worried after you had been kidnapped.'' Suzie said as she sat on the edge of his bed. “Yeah, that’s been made clear,” Bombshell replied, putting his helmet on. “If you don't want to be a part of this whole war thing you don't have to. It's kinda unfair that you were created while we glitch was training and you got dragged into this,"Suzie said. “Yeah I know,” Bombshell replied, putting his hand on his head. “Bombshell, what do you want to do once we leave this universe?” Suzie asked him. “Don’t know, honestly I don’t know” Bombshell replied looking at his gun. “Sigh, maybe we could find you a hobby.” Suzie said, shrugging her shoulders. “I guess,” Bombshell said, pulling out a pocket knife and looking at it. “Bombshell, have you ever wanted to feel emotion?” Suzie asked curiously. “No,” Bombshell replied. “Really?” Suzie said, a bit surprised. “Never really been on my mind” Bombshell replied. “What has been on your mind?” Suzie asked. “Nothing,” Bombshell asked. “Nothing at all?” Suzie questioned. “No,” Bombshell answered. “Hmmm, so you basically are just existing with no goals or wants?” Suzie asked, tilting her head. “Yeah,” Bombshell answered. “That sounds…dull.” Suzie replied looking down. “I suppose,” Bombshell said, looking at the wall. Suzie tried to think of a topic of discussion trying not to be awkward. “So have you talked with glitch much?” Suzie asked. “No,” Bombshell replied. “He hasn't talked with you once since we rescued you?” Suzie asked, a bit surprised. “No,” Bombshell replied. “I'm a bit surprised,” Suzie mumbled, looking at bombshell worriedly. Bombshell pulled out his hand and summoned a bomb but didn’t activate it. Suzie stared at him amazed that he also had magic. “Wow, i didnt no you could do that,” Suzie said, fascinated. “Nothing special” Bombshell said, summoning a blaster sniper rifle. “That is very special, usually we humans don't have any magic,” Suzie said, amazed. “This is not magic,” Bombshell said, making the rifle disappear. “Then how do you do that?” Suzie asked, bursting with curiosity as she scooted closer. Bombshell backed up not liking to be near people before answering. “It is simple, I am a product of Glitch, therefore I inherit his powers” Bombshell responded. “Wait wouldn't that make you his kid then?” Suzie asked, smiling a bit. “Tools and children are not the same” Bombshell said looking out the window. “Yeah but you aren't a tool, you are a living being made by glitch and has inherited his abilities which i think that makes you his son,” suzie said grinning widely. “Incorrect, children have emotion, I possess none of the sort,” Bombshell replied. “You don't have any emotion cause glitch isnt a creator, but besides emotion you are no different than anyone else.'' Suzie replied. “Emotion gives someone a personality, otherwise you speak to an empty shell, I am not Glitch’s son, I am simply a byproduct, a mistake made by Glitch, after all you specifically stated that Glitch is no creator” Bombshell said summoning two pistols. “Aww bombshell, you are not a mistake, if i could i would give you a hug but i know you wouldn't feel anything,” suzie said sadly. “I feel no emotion, and must live with it, there is no use in unnecessary comfort” Bombshell said. “Just because you are emotionless doesn't mean that's how you will always live,'' Suzie said. “One of my greatest friends had no soul and was emotionless but he had these vials that would make him able to feel emotion and have a personality when drank them…and he also threw up a lot,” Suzie said laughing at the last part. “Those are not natural emotions, they are fake emotions, I wish to get off this topic of emotion, it makes me feel nothing” Bombshell said. “Hehe, bombshell you feel nothing either way,” Suzie said, nudging his shoulder playfully. Bombshell backed up and took his helmet off looking at Suzie. “Besides, maybe one day you might feel something,” Suzie said with hope. “Not likely” Bombshell said walking out the room. “Well in the meantime I hope you recover well and stuff,” Suzie said, following him out of the room. “I guess” Bombshell said going outside. “Hmm, glitch still isn't back is he?” Suzie mumbled to herself looking around. Glitch arrived in shredder’s ship and had shapeshifted into a Kraang droid so he could snoop around without getting caught. “Why didn’t I do this last time, or just any time I need to spy?” Glitch said, looking around to see the swordsman and archer training against each other. “Who do you think the master will give the eternal helmet to?” the archer asked, shooting a bunch of arrows at the swordsman. “The best of the best, which would certainly not be you” the swordsman said, cutting the arrows and knocking the archer to the floor with a sweep kick. “Dang it,” the archer said standing to his feet as Kraang entered the room. “Aw shoot,” Glitch said, standing out of the way of the two Kraang as they were actually carrying a small serum in their hands. “Kraang, what is Kraang doing here before the time that Kraang was supposed to arrive? '' a real Kraang said, looking at Glitch. “Oh, I am just, I MEAN, Kraang was just making sure all was ready for Kraang, was all” Glitch said trying to act like a Kraang. “Enough fools” The Shredder said still not able to stand off his throne without assistance after being punched by Glitch. “Kraang, I hope you didn’t come here to make fools out of yourselfs, report,” Shredder said, trying to come down the stairs before the archer and swordsman helped him down. “Kraang has brought what you requested, your blood has been tested with mutagen and combined with the one known as Glitch’s blood in order that you will be permanently powerful with the power of Glitch” the Kraang said holding out the serum. “However there is a small chance that the mutagen will kill you with failure, but Kraang has perfected it to the point where this should not happen” the Kraang reassured Shredder. “I will die of my injuries if not cured, use the mutagen, now” Shredder commanded the Kraang. “As you wish, Kraang will do” the Kraang said, giving Shredder the serum. “What are they doing with my blood and mutagen?” Glitch asked himself. Shredder at first was not phased at all but after about 30 seconds began screaming in pain as his body began glowing green and blue with his eyes glowing green. “MASTER, ARE YOU ALRIGHT” the archer asked before being smacked across the room by Shredder who got up with his injuries fully healed. “I am stronger, I feel the power flowing in my veins” Shredder said as he floated in the air and his old armor fell off and he used his powers to summon his own armor and a red cape with skulls on it. “I have returned more powerful than ever, and now we will destroy our enemies, starting with that Glitch” Shredder said, going back to his throne. “However I am sure all of you have been wondering who shall wear the helmet of eternity, the most powerful helmet known to man” Shredder said holding the forged helmet. “The leader who wears this will be invincible and cannot be defeated unless they take off the helmet themselves” Shredder said looking at the helmet. “Master, I am sure that I should wear the helmet,” the archer said, bowing before Shredder before a sharp piece of metal was thrown near his neck. “Silence, Springtrap, step forward” Shredder ordered as Springtrap came out into the room. “Oh no, he’s back” Glitch mumbled to himself. “Yes master” Springtrap said glowing purple still in a bunny suit. “Take the helmet, and I will tell you who to give it to,” Shredder ordered as Springtrap took the helmet. “I need to take the helmet from them before they put it on,” Glitch said, looking at Springtrap. “THE ONE WHO SHALL WEAR THE HELMET WILL BE..” Shredder said as he stood up. “My secret assassin, Reboot” Shredder said as a figure floating in the room who had black and red around him. “W-what, but Shredder I trained all this time, I DID YOUR BIDDING, I-“ the archer said before his head rolled off from his body as Shredder had teleported behind him and killed him in less than a second. “Anyone else?” Shredder said, igniting a blade from his arm as everyone stood silent. “Reboot, you have been loyal from the beginning, you have the honor of wearing the helmet, take it” Shredder said as Springtrap gave Reboot the helmet and he put it on which had him black armor with a purple glow and a purple cape. Reboot used his new powers to summon a bigger ship and summoned billions of soldiers who were wearing armor and some with jet packs and other weapons and gear. Reboot also used his powers to upgrade the swordsman and Springtrap. “Good, you will use your power and serve me, and when the Sans’ arrive they will aid me in my quest” Shredder said as Glitch stood in fear realizing they needed a bigger army. “Time to go” Glitch said, summoning a portal before it closed automatically. “Well we’ll well, I thought I felt a familiar presence, Glitch” Reboot said, making Glitch shed his disguise. “Hello again” Reboot said as he put Glitch in the air. “R-Reboot, you traitor,” Glitch said looking at Reboot. “Aww upset i betrayed you huh, I was offered a new body, being able to be free is pretty nice ya know” reboot said floating to Glitch. “Listen pal I’d love to catch up, but you aren’t supposed to be here, bye” Reboot said, throwing Glitch through the portal he opened and closing it and locking it so Glitch couldn’t track them anymore. Glitch flew outside and hit the snow as he was knocked out. “Holy cow,” Venom said, leaping to his feet while he was making snow angels out of boredom. “GLITCH, GLITCH!?” venom said hurrying over to him. “Are you dead?” Venom asked as he shook him. “W-what” Glitch said getting up. “You're alive, you came flying in like a rocket. Do you have a concussion?” venom asked, feeling glitches head. “I’m fine, where’s Suzie?” Glitch asked, looking around. “She’s inside, probably asleep on the couch last I checked.” venom said as he helped glitch to his feet. Glitch ran to the house and opened the door. “Suzie,” Glitch said. Suzie was fast asleep on the couch. Glitch tugged on Suzie to get her up. “Suzie, wake up” Glitch said, tugging at her. “No~” Suzie said as she rolled over on her stomach. “Reboot is alive, they have an army, AN ARMY” Glitch yelled. “And we have one too,” Suzie said calmly, peeking open her eyes. “How many soldiers?” Glitch asked. “I don't know, maybe 2 million if I included everyone who could fight in my kingdom,” Suzie said, sitting up rubbing her eyes. “Then we got those changelings and a monster army,” Suzie said, yawning. “They have like a lot more than that, AND THE ARMY CAN'T DIE” Glitch said with pain in his hands. “W-what? If that's the case then..we've lost,'' Suzie said distressed. “Reboot is with them too,” Glitch said. “Well that explains that,” Suzie said, putting her hands on her head. Glitch looked at his hands and saw his fingers looked like metal and were glowing purple. “Um, and I think they infected me,” Glitch said, looking at his hand. “So I assume you were spying on them and were caught?” Suzie asked, crossing her arms. “I was, Shredder was mutated and Reboot was upgraded so, we are doomed” Glitch said. “Maybe so, but then again there is that prophecy.” Suzie replied thinking. “The prophecy says they will be the last ones, but a hero will emerge to stop them even at the peak of victory, the one who’s blood they took, and he will be able to kill the ultimate one of them all,” suzie said quoting what springtrap had said. “And who is the hero exactly?” Glitch asked. “I have a theory..I think that hero is you,” Suzie said looking at Glitch. “Or someone else that I totally don't know of,'' Suzie said, shrugging and gently took glitches hands in hers and inspected him. “That doesn't look good,” Suzie said, concerned. “I think Reboot infected me to become one of his knights'' Glitch said, observing his fingers. “You think so?” Suzie said, inspecting his hands. “Maybe go wash your hands and this infection will go away,” suzie said, kissing one of his hands and walking outside to go tell venom about the whole army thing. “Like that would work,” Glitch said, going to try anyway. Glitch went to wash his hands but it didn’t work. Suzie came back inside after telling Venom and poked her head in the kitchen to see glitch washing his hands. “Is it working?” Suize asked as she leaned on the counter. “No it didn’t work” Glitch said as his fingers were still metal. “I figured it wouldn't, but it was worth a shot.'' Suzie shrugged. “Does your hands hurt at all?” Suzie asked, looking at glitches hands worried. “No, it doesn’t hurt, but I don’t feel my fingers,” Glitch said. “Hmm, what should we do?” Suzie asked. “Maybe Discord can fix it, where is he anyway?” Glitch asked. “First off, I'm not letting discord touch you ever again.'' Suzie said, frowning. “So you're fine with Venom taking my blood, but not Discord?” Glitch said, looking at Suzie. “Haven't we been over this? I-..no you know what good luck with this infection I'm leaving,” suzie said storming out of the kitchen and heading outside while slamming the door behind her. Glitch sighed and looked back at his fingers to see his hand went to metal so he decided to find a way to handle it. “Hey suzie everything alright?” Venom asked, seeing Suzie storm out of the house. “E-everything's f-f-fine,'' Suzie said, trying not to cry. “Woah hey there, what's wrong?” venom said hurrying over to her. “N-nothing,” Suzie said, starting to tear up. Venom quickly hugged her and tried to comfort her. “I want to go back home,” Suzie mumbled into venoms shoulder. Venom nodded and teleported her back into the celestial zone. Glitch was thinking of what to do to slow down the infection and found a knife. “Maybe if I cut off my arm I can-no, no that’s a dumb idea, then I lose my arm” Glitch said thinking about how to stop the infection. Undersummon sans walked into the house after a long day of work. “Man, you guys sure like it here,” he said, winking at glitch and then sitting down on the couch. “I’m only here until we mass the army, then I’ll return to my world and be gone forever” Glitch responded. “Take all the time that you need, kid, I want to be a help in this war so I can keep my loved ones safe,” Sans said smiling. “Yeah you do that sure” Glitch said, summoning a portal then walking through it to his old universe. “Uhg, it was so irresponsible for me to leave him,” Suzie whined as she was wrapped in a blanket like a burrito on her bed. “To be honest he was a jerk for bringing that whole blood thing up again,” Venom said also in a burrito blanket wrap. “He had every right to..” Suzie mumbled. “But I thought he had forgiven us?” Venom asked. “I don't think he has,” Suzie said, looking away. “Well lets head back, and when you see glitch i want you to tell him that he is a cute jerk dope face,” venom said throwing the blanket off himself. “Venom, i would kill myself if i said that,” suzie said giggling. “Aww you're too soft on your boyfriend,” venom said snickering. “Tsk, he hasn't even admitted that he likes me, I'm going to wait till he tells me otherwise we are just friends,” suzie said grinning. “Well till the day you two finally start dating ima bring my bouquet of flowers for your wedding,” venom said laughing. “Sigh, if he even likes me..” Suzie said, looking away. “Oh I'm sure he does, who wouldn't?” venom asked playfully. “He wouldn't..he knows how to point out everything wrong in me and a part of him has tried to kill me before,” suzie admitted glumly. “Hmmm, I'm suddenly sensing red flags here,” Venom said, a bit concerned. “Yeah…but..well i don't know..” suzie said putting her face in her hands. “Just talk to him about it,” Venom said. “I can't, i will prolly just stutter or get into an argument, i just wish that i could have someone love me and be forgiving to me,” suzie said glumly. “If ya want there are plenty of other humans or monsters out there that would be more suitable for you,” venom said. “But i can't just get over glitch, he’s so precious and cute and hot and funny and-” suzie said before being interrupted by venom. “Ok ok i get it, ya like the guy,” venom said covering his non existent ears. “Heh, sorry i got carried away there,” suzie said blushing and embarrassed. “Lets just head back and see how glitch is doing,” venom suggested. “Yeah alright,” Suzie said as she crawled out of her blanket and made a portal back to the undersummon au. Glitch arrived in his old universe and summoned a sword. “Let’s get this over with,” Glitch said, putting his arm on some rubble and getting the sword ready to cut it off. Glitch raised the sword up and chopped his arm off before fainting instantly from the pain. Suzie was sitting on the couch with venom when suddenly her skin felt like a wave of ice had crashed over it. “Glitch,” Suzie whispered. “Hmmm, what is it suzie?” Venom asked. “S-somethings wrong with glitch,” suzie said standing up suddenly. “How do you know?” Venom asked, confused. “I-i just know, i gotta find him,” suzie said, making a portal and sensing glitches soul through it. Once Suzie felt his soul presence she ran through the portal back to Glitches' old universe. Glitch eventually woke up after a few minutes. “W-well ho-hopefully t-that worked,” Glitch said, trying to patch his arm wound which still hurt a lot. “G-glitch!” Suzie called out wandering around while Venom was still back at the house. “S-shoot someone’s l-looking f-for me, c-c’mon me,” Glitch said, finding an old building and hiding in it, leaving his old arm behind. Suzie kept searching around desperately and broke out into a run as she spotted glitches hand from a distance off. When she neared it she stopped in horror. There was glitches arm lying in a puddle of blood. Suzie covered her mouth with her hand and broke out in a muffled scream as she collapsed on the ground sobbing. “S-Shredder m-must have found me, b-but how i-is that possible” Glitch said sitting in the building and laying there as he was tired. Suzie was crying her eyes out as she turned completely black in sorrow and despair thinking that glitch was dead, the only person she had ever fallen in love with was gone forever. “I-I gotta g-get out of h-h-here” Glitch said very dizzy and opened the building before falling to the ground still conscious. Suzie heard the noise but paid no attention to it, all she felt was loneliness and devastation. Glitch used one arm to summon a portal but couldn’t walk through because of the pain. Slowly Suzie's mind started fading as she pulled out a dagger from her pocket and pointed it at her throat, trembling ready to put herself out of her misery. Glitch was still crawling to the portal very dizzy when he hit his wound and screamed in pain. Suzie froze when she heard some what a familiar scream and she started trembling even more in fear that glitch was going to haunt her with his ghost. “AW CRAP!” Glitch yelled falling on his back with the portal slowly closing. Suzie heard his voice and got up sprinting towards the noise. “GLITCH!! YOUR ALIVE!! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!” Suzie said, running at him and hugging him while crying her eyes out. Glitch felt the pain in his arm and began to scream in pain. “You idiot WHY IS YOUR ARM MISSING!?” Suzie said, upset while being terrified and worried all at the same time. “S-Sh-” Glitch said, passing out.. “Glitch? GLITCH!? DON'T YOU DARE DIE!! Arg you're lucky i'm a creator,” suzie said as she grabbed her brush and put paint on his missing arm. She snapped her fingers and the paint turned into a brand new arm for glitch identical to his other one. “Glitch, wake up please,” Suzie said, shaking him. “Please glitch, i-i love you,” suzie said as she hugged him, starting to cry into his chest. “N-no, NO, WHAT DID YOU DO” Glitch said looking at his arm as the fingers turned back to metal glowing purple. “N-No,” Glitch said. “I SAVED YOUR LIFE, THAT'S WHAT I DID!!” Suzie said angrily and upset. “I would have survived, I covered the wound, I came here to do the job myself, not to get in anyone’s way, b-but now I’ll become infected” Glitch said standing up and looking at his hand. “I-i'd rather have you infected then dead,” suzie said wiping away her tears. “I will die now, I would have survived, and now I will soon lose control, become one of them” Glitch said, punching the ground with his metal hand feeling nothing. “I-im sorry, i-i-im so sorry you didn't deserve this,'' Suzie said crying again. “I-I’m not mad, you just wanted to help, you didn’t know, it’s not your fault” Glitch said looking at his hand. “I don't know what to do i-ive failed you,” Suzie said, covering her face with her hands. “You didn’t fail, I just need to do it again” Glitch said, summoning his sword again. “STOP, PLEASE DON'T, THERE HAS TO BE ANOTHER WAY!!” Suzie yelled in terror trying to yank the sword out of his hands. “There is no other way, just let me do this,” Glitch said, raising his sword up. “Stop please,” Suzie whispered as she closed her eyes in terror. “Stop Glitch, please little Glitchy poo, don’t do anything stupid” a voice said as Glitch was punched and fell on the ground. Suzie opened her eyes in shock and stumbled back surprised. “It seems one of my knights refuses to turn” the voice said before a black armored guy floating in the air appeared before landing on the ground revealing it was Reboot. “Hello again Glitch” Reboot said looking at Glitch. “W-who are you?” Suzie asked, taking out her brush. “Aww the little girl with a paintbrush thinks she can stop me, how cute” Reboot said, turning his head. “I beg your pardon but you didn't answer my question,” suzie said, stepping in front of glitch protectively. “Wow Glitch, I didn’t know you needed a little girl to protect you” Reboot said mockingly. Glitch got up and got in front of Suzie and looked Reboot face to face. Suzie was a bit taken aback by Glitches' sudden stand and was impressed that he had the strength too. “Wow Glitch, just wow, you really think you can beat me” Reboot said looking Glitch in the eye. “I know I can and will,” Glitch said, staring back at Reboot. “Glitch, who is this?” Suzie asked, starting to get annoyed and more confused. “His name is Reboot, he was once part of me, but it seems he managed to get his own body” Glitch said pacing around. “So this is reboot? I thought he would be more scary,"Suzie said inspecting reboot. “Eh, I prefer to use other tools rather than fear, but honestly Glitch you will make a fine knight, be able to have a purpose, and then we will be on the same side” Reboot said as he floated in the air. “Listen Reboot, whatever Shredder is offering he is probably lying, you can’t trust him” Glitch said, getting his sword out. Suzie split into two people and got into a fighting stance. “Honestly Glitch you have always been weak, needing others to aid you in battle all the time, heck anyone with half a brain cell could beat you, I offer you power and you turn it down like a fool” Reboot said as Glitch’s hand began glowing purple. “Reboot, listen, you are being used by shredder, this is pointless hurting others who have never done any harm to you before,” both of the Suzies said at the same time glaring at reboot. “Ugh, I have wasted enough time” Reboot said, making Glitch’s metal hand summon a sword as he went to fight Suzie uncontrollably with his metal hand dragging him. “What the, glitch!?” Suzie said as both of her sides avoided him swiftly. “I’m not in control!” Glitch yelled as Reboot watched. “That seems to be a common excuse of you Glitch,” Reboot said, watching the fight. “Hold on glitch,” blue suzie said as she made a paint hand appear holding glitch down as her red side lunged at reboot attacking him with the saber. Reboot instantly teleported and went next to Glitch. “Seriously this is getting very annoying, I came here to fight you my knight” Reboot said looking at Glitch. Both of the Suzies encircled reboot and started attacking him from either side. Reboot stood there not moving. Blue suzie summoned a paint hand and smashed it at reboot. “Is that all?” Reboot said behind blue Suzie as he swung at her with his arm. Blue suzie ducked and swept her leg underneath him knocking him to the ground. “Not yet,” red suzie growled, making two paint dragons appear lunging and biting at reboot. Reboot raised his hand and stayed in place not reacting in pain but instead teleporting Glitch into his arm. The dragons instantly stopped attacking as both Suzies watched in terror. “Let him go,” blue suzie said angrily. Reboot teleported with Glitch in the air. “You know, your friend seems really keen on fighting me, but I grow tired of this, let's take this somewhere else, 1 on 1” Reboot said, going through a portal with Glitch and closing it. “Crud now what,” red suzie asked blue suzie. “I-i don't know, did you get some paint on him?” blue suzie asked. “No, but I should have, gosh darn it.” Red Suzie said, frustrated. “C’mon maybe we can find them by sensing Glitches’ soul,” blue suzie said, hopping on one of the paint dragons and taking to the sky. Red suzie nodded and got on the other dragon also taking to the sky. Reboot and Glitch landed on a dusty planet as Reboot dropped Glitch. “Why is your girlfriend always helping you, are you just too weak to defend yourself or something” Reboot said looking at Glitch. “Shut up Reboot, where are we?” Glitch asked, seeing sand and dust everywhere. “Who knows, but until you fight me yourself and win, we may travel the whole UNIVERSE,” Reboot said, swinging his sword at Glitch. Glitch used his metal hand to block the attack before being flung back and flying into another portal as Reboot followed. Glitch then landed on metal and looked around and saw nothing but metal flooring as Reboot entered and punched Glitch in the face. “Come on, FIGHT YOU FOOL '' Reboot said, punching Glitch in the stomach before getting a sword and stabbing his arm to where Glitch screamed. “You are the champion, this must be a joke” Reboot said, kicking Glitch on the ground. “I spent years trapped in you, a weakling, you don’t even know how to fight, you’ve been coddled for too long and it’s made you weak, too weak to stop anyone,” Reboot said, kicking Glitch to another portal to which he followed. “I wonder Glitch, in the time I have been training for revenge, how have you been training huh, or wait, you haven’t have you, all you do is rage and lose, seems that’s all your good for huh” Reboot said to Glitch as they both went through the portal and landed in an old building in Glitch’s old world on top of a very high skyscraper. “I spent a long time for this, and yet it seems I get no satisfaction of beating you, such a shame,” Reboot said as Glitch laid on the ground with his hand on his chest. “Well then, if that’s it, let’s end your pitiful existence shall we?” Reboot said, grabbing Glitch and dragging him before Reboot punched part of the skyscraper and held Glitch out. “You're gonna fly little bird, or fall to the ground, or perhaps even be saved again so you can continue to see your endless line of failure, huh” Reboot said, holding Glitch out as Glitch said nothing. “Hmm, no last words, fair enough,” Reboot said, dropping Glitch. Reboot looked for a second before walking away shaking his head. Glitch was falling but eventually stopped falling and floated right before he hit the ground and flew back up to the skyscraper. “Did you hear that?” blue suzie asked, peering over at the sky scraper. “YES, i will check it out,” red suzie said as she swooped down and circled the skyscraper. Reboot summoned a portal about to walk through it before hearing someone scream his name. “REBOOT!” Glitch yelled angrily. “Glitch, hmm, I assume you got saved again and will be even more coddled” Reboot said before getting punched in the face by Glitch to which he moved back a little. “Aww, you think I can be hurt in this form, especially by you, come on Glitch, we know you're too weak to stop me” Reboot said, closing the portal and looking at Glitch. “I may not be able to kill you, but I will beat you,” Glitch said, summoning two skinny swords that were on fire. “Cute, very cute,” Reboot said, summoning his own swords before Reboot and Glitch began clashing with each other. Red Suzie heard some noise coming from an opening in the sky scraper so she proceeded to fly closer to inspect it. Reboot and Glitch were clashing swords and Reboot opened another portal to which they both fell through while the portal closed. “Drat, there not here,” red suzie said as she flew back with blue suzie. Glitch and Reboot went through the portal and fell on top of a rooftop in the middle of the night. “You really think you can-” Reboot said before being punched in the face by Glitch. “SHUT UP!” Glitch said as he summoned an ax to hit Reboot. Reboot teleported behind Glitch and hit him in the head as Glitch dropped the ax. “You stand no chance against me fool” Reboot said, summoning a dagger about to stab Glitch before Glitch caught it. “Incorrect, you stand no chance” Glitch said, throwing Reboot in the air and jumping after him while punching him continuously. Reboot summoned another portal as the two went through and landed on a beach in the evening. “You really want to press your luck” Reboot said before being kicked in the water as Glitch jumped after him to continually fight him. Reboot punched Glitch in the air and summoned a sword and tried to stab Glitch but Glitch took the sword and stabbed Reboot with it before Reboot summoned another portal in the ocean as Glitch and Reboot fell through the portal and landed in the middle of nowhere with nothing but road. “I-I lost,” Reboot said, falling to the ground, gripping his stab wound. “I am going to end this” Glitch said about stabbing Reboot again before Reboot caught the sword while on the ground and stood up. “Seriously, you really thought you could beat me,” Reboot said punching Glitch which sent him flying as Reboot followed and the two continuously punched each other until they both punched each other's fist causing a super explosion which destroyed the ground beneath them leaving a giant creator. “It seems we are at an impasse, I would be upset if I didn’t know you had it in you Glitch” Reboot said flying and looking at Glitch. “Had what in me, what are you talking about?” Glitch asked, summoning two fire swords. “I always knew your full strength and you are so close to reaching it, to becoming more powerful, join me and become one of my knights and we will bring destruction together” Reboot said, taking his hand out in offering. “No, I won’t join you and become a slave,” Glitch said, not taking his hand out. “You already are a slave fool, but even if you don’t join willingly you will soon turn one way or another” Reboot said pointing to Glitch’s arm which had become more metal. “So then, what’s it gonna be, become powerful and control multiverses, or stay here and slowly turn as you lose feeling before losing your mind, or we could fight again as you fail to beat me, what’s it gonna be” Reboot said staring at Glitch before Glitch stabbed him with both swords to which Reboot didn’t even flinch. “How are you not in pain?” Glitch asked, trying to take the swords out. “Why are you such an idiot, I am eternal with this helmet and armor, I can’t die, be killed, or injured, infected, NOTHING you do can hurt or kill me” Reboot said before punching Glitch back as he pulled the swords out of him. “I was hoping you would choose, but guess I can wait for my knight to join me, I have plenty waiting after all” Reboot said showing Glitch a vision of his army. “Look around Glitch, even if you beat one down they always come back, you won’t win, not that you ever do of course,” Reboot said entering a portal before talking to Glitch one last time. “Oh and Glitch, one more thing, stop being such a coward huh, start fighting yourself instead of being weak, be useful,” Reboot said entering a portal and closing it leaving Glitch as Glitch looked at his metal arm. Suzie was lying next to one of the buildings, both of her sides together. She was fast asleep since she had used up so much magic energy to the point of exhaustion. Glitch had teleported back to the skyscrapers as his eyes were glowing green and he decided to put on a hoodie as he floated around the skyscraper thinking to himself. “How am I not in my angry form with all this power?” Glitch asked himself as he sat down on the ground thinking. “I-I need to go home and tell Bombshell or something” Glitch said summoning a portal back to Sans’s house. Venom was sitting on the couch anxiously since Suzie suddenly left with no warning to go help glitch. While Glitch teleported back he decided to put a mask on his face not thinking why when he went through the portal. “Gosh, Suzie has been taking forever.” venom said glumly to his au self sitting next to him. “I'm sure she is fine, your friend is a nice one to have, always looking out for those she cares about,” undersummon sans said smiling. Glitch entered the house through the portal. “Glitch your alright,” Venom said standing up quickly and relieved. “Suzie left looking for you and she hasn't come back yet, do you know where she is?” Venom asked. “I am unsure,” Glitch answered. “Have you at least seen her?” venom asked, starting to sweat. “Last I saw her she was in my old world, then Reboot showed up and things escalated from there,” Glitch explained. “Did she use her magic a lot, what type of escalation happened?” venom asked concerned. “She turned into blue and red and used paint hands, and I just fought, Reboot was all” Glitch said as he walked upstairs.“WAIT hold on a sec, did you just leave her there!?” Venom asked, shocked. “Reboot kept using portals to take me everywhere, I don’t know where she ended up though” Glitch responded. “Drat she’s probably lost or something, that poor kid has no sense of direction,” Venom said, starting to panic. “I’m going to get Bombshell so we can find her,” Glitch said, continuing to head upstairs. Venom nodded trying to calm down as he sat back down on the couch. Glitch headed upstairs and knocked on Bombshell’s door. “Bombshell, are you awake?” Glitch asked. “Yes, is this Glitch?” Bombshell asked. “Yes, this is Glitch, and I need your help” Glitch said as Bombshell opened the door. “For what?” Bombshell asked. “To find Suzie, are you up for it?” Glitch asked. “Yeah, let's go” Bombshell said as Glitch made a portal to which they both went through it. Glitch and Bombshell entered a portal to where the skyscrapers were. “Can you look around for Suzie?” Glitch asked as Bombshell nodded. Bombshell and Glitch looked around as Glitch and bombshell were yelling for Suzie. Suzie was undisturbed as she breathed heavily, unable to move. “SUZIE!” Glitch yelled as he floated around. Suzie slowly heard her name called but her body wouldn't let her move as if it had been shut down. Bombshell summoned a flashlight as he looked around. “Hello?” Bombshell said walking around. Bombshell had kept walking around until he saw Suzie. “Sir, I think I found her,” Bombshell said, calling Glitch over as he floated over. “Suzie, is that you?” Glitch asked, walking towards her. Suzie tried to open her eyes and say something but her words just came out in an airy breath unable to say anything. Glitch walked over and picked up Suzie with his powers. “Let's go Bombshell,” Glitch said, summoning a portal back to Sans’ house. Venom heard a portal opening up and he ran toward the direction of it down the stairs. Glitch walked through and placed Suzie on the couch. “SUZIE!” venom yelled running over to her and kneeling beside her. “The idiot kid, Suzie, you darn right know you can't split yourself into two people longer than 5 minutes,” venom said angrily. “Your gonna kill yourself if you keep draining yourself with your magic,” venom said, shaking suzie. “Come on Venom, she’s been through alot, just let her rest” Glitch said looking at his hand. “Someones gotta watch her though?” venom said, still shaking Suzie desperately trying to wake her. “Glitch im putting you in charge of watching her since you left her,” venom said picking up suzie and placing her on his lap as he tried to open suzie’s eyes with his fingers. “Oh sure like I’m not tired too, sure I’ll do it and not need any rest” Glitch said looking at Venom. Venom stared at him unable to retort back “i-i thought y-you cared about her,” venom said as his eye lights went out. “I never said I didn’t, I am the one who went to find her after all” Glitch responded. “Yeah, but you were also the one who left her after she drained herself..ya know what, i’ll watch her, at least i care for her unlike some people,” venom said murmuring the last part as he gazed at suzie. “You know what snake, I’ll watch her, I don’t need sleep, I will do it myself, go off and upset someone else or screw around, it’s all you do anyway” Glitch said looking down upset. “No, you don't care, you just don't want to be seen as weak,” Venom said, pulling Suzie closer to himself as he glared at glitch. “Seem weak, look how many times I’ve been kidnapped, how many things I’ve done and tried to do, I lost my whole world, I lost all the people who I could at least call friend, and what have you lost huh, you still have friends, you still have your creator, the only people I have left are Suzie and Bombshell, that's it, I’m sure you have many more people than me so excuse me, if I seem like a jerk okay” Glitch said. Venom looked away a bit ashamed. “Fine if ya want to watch her you can…” venom said looking down sadly at suzie. “I’m gonna go then” Bombshell said about to head upstairs. “Bombshell wait, can you sit down for a little” Glitch asked as Bombshell sat down. “Yes Glitch?” Bombshell asked. “Do I seem like I care about people?” Glitch asked. “Honestly, I can tell you want to care, but all you seem to do is isolate yourself from others, including me and Suzie,” Bombshell answered. “I just don’t want to hurt anyone else,” Glitch said. “Too late for that, don’t you get your trying not to hurt others” Bombshell explained. “Bombshell you don’t understand it’s not that easy, you don’t get it” Glitch said as Bombshell responded. “No listen, I may not have emotions but I have ears, you still haven’t fully let it go have you, after all this time you still haven’t forgiven them, I may not understand that it’s hard to but Glitch, you have to forgive them, we have all made mistakes, and I’m sure you have too” Bombshell explained to Glitch. “Yeah, I guess so,” Glitch replied. “I guess I’ll just leave then” Bombshell said as he stood up to go upstairs. “Thanks Bombshell” Glitch said looking at Bombshell. Bombshell nodded before heading to his room. Venom in the meantime had teleported Suzie to the inn and left her on the bed and teleported back to inform glitch. “Hey glitch,” Venom said, walking over to him slowly. “Yes,” Glitch said, looking at the floor. “I uh put suzie back at the inn for you to watch her,” venom said staring at the wall somberly unable to look at glitch. “Okay” Glitch said as he got up to walk to the inn. “Oh and um glitch, I'm sorry for what I said, I know you care somewhat about her even if it is only a little,” Venom said, still looking away. “Yeah okay Venom, look you may not like me and I get it, but my feelings are- nevermind I should just go check on Suzie” Glitch said walking. Venom eyed him suspiciously before he headed upstairs to the guest bedroom he was staying in. Glitch walked to the inn room and sat in a chair watching Suzie. Suzie stirred a little hearing his presence. “G-glitch,” Suzie whispered. “Get some rest Suzie, we found you out cold, but you will be okay” Glitch said looking down. “H-how did the fight with reboot go?” Suzie asked, sitting up slowly as her body ached. “He can’t die, and if he brings his eternal army, well…” Glitch said, looking at his arm. “Are you ok?” Suzie said, staring at his hands. “I’m okay,” Glitch said, concealing his arm with a hoodie he put on. Suzie crawled out of the bed and tried to hold his hand to look at it. “Don’t, I’m fine,” Glitch said, pulling his arm back. “Please, I want to see,” Suzie said quietly. “It’s fine, you should get rest,” Glitch said. “Glitch, why are you wearing a mask?” Suzie asked, reaching up and touching his face. “Not relevant, you really need rest though, we will talk after you are well rested” Glitch said looking down. Suzie pulled glitch into a hug. “You scared me today,” Suzie said quietly. “Yeah, it seems I do that a lot,” Glitch responded. “You do, and I hate that,” Suzie said, tightening the hug. “But once I finish this war we won’t have to worry about that anymore” Glitch said. “Yeah, no more chopping of your arms or getting kidnapped,” Suzie said smiling as she moved her hand on his face and lifted off his mask. “It doesn’t matter now, it’s already too late,” Glitch said, putting his mask back on. Suzie lifted his mask off again and stared into his eyes. “You have very beautiful eyes,” Suzie commented as she put his mask behind her back. Glitch summoned another mask and stood up. “You need sleep, we have a long day ahead of us and still need an army,” Glitch said. Suzie rolled her eyes and tried to take off his other mask. “I miss spending alone time with you though,” Suzie complained, lifting the other mask just above his mouth and lightly kissed him on the lips. Glitch pulled back and summoned another mask. “We don’t have any more time, not anymore, we keep wasting it and the enemy only grows in strength, and soon if we don’t stop them I may follow” Glitch said floating. “Oh you can fly now? What's next, laser eyes?” Suzie asked grumply as she climbed back into bed pouting. “Get sleep, please, we need to get our army as soon as possible, and where is Discord, we will definitely need him” Glitch said looking outside. “He will come once we have are army together," Suzie said looking away. “Glitch..i've been meaning to ask you this awhile ago…are we still friends?” Suzie asked nervously, pulling her knees up to her chest. “Yes, yes we are,” Glitch responded. Suzie looked at him doubtfully. “You sure? you’ve been pretty distant in the last few days.” Suzie said nervously. “Yes, I’ve just needed some time alone is all” Glitch responded. Suzie looked away. “Have you forgiven me?” Suzie asked. “What are you talking about?” Glitch asked. “For when we took your blood to figure out why the bad sans had kidnapped you..” suzie said looking at glitch. “Trying to forget about that,” Glitch said, looking at the wall. “So you haven't forgiven us…” Suzie said, looking away from him sadly. “Exactly why are you bringing this up now?” Glitch asked, looking at Suzie. “Cause i need to know, i want to know what type of friend you are towards me..” suzie explained. “Look what happened doesn’t matter, we need to focus on fighting our enemies before they take victory, we will talk about this another time” Glitch responded.m “oh it doesn't matter now does it?” Suzie said, upset. “If it didn't matter then why did you..nevermind,” suzie said quickly shutting her mouth. “You know what, maybe Venom should watch over you tonight, he seems to do better with you than me” Glitch said walking towards the door. “WAIT, please don't go..” Suzie said using her magic to make a paint hand blocking the door. “I-i don't want you to leave..” Suzie mumbled quickly, making the paint hand disappear. “Venom will be here soon,” Glitch said, looking down as he opened the door. “Im sorry,” suzie said, burying herself in the blanket hiding her face. “No, I’m sorry, I-ah, I’ll leave now” Glitch said, gripping his infected arm as he left. Suzie buried her face in the pillow, scolding herself angrily. Glitch closed the door and looked at his hand to see the infection was spreading up to his arm more. “I-I need more time, we need that army fast” Glitch said teleporting back to Sans’ house. “Back already?” Venom asked to see glitch teleport in the living room. “Yeah, I think you were right, you know how to protect Suzie better than me,” Glitch said, making a hoodie and putting it over his head. “I figured, she has been going through a bit of a rough friendship with you,” Venom said, leaning on the wall shrugging. “You should probably go protect her now,” Glitch said, heading upstairs. “I just want to ask you some things actually, i get you dont like me and stuff and i care that my creator is happy and she happens to care for you and stuff,” venom rambled on quickly. “Erm well the point I'm trying to get to is…well, my empress hasn't been too happy at the moment and i was hoping you could make her happy,” venom said looking at glitch with hope. “What exactly would I do, if you haven’t noticed I haven’t exactly been the best person to be around lately, kinda the opposite” Glitch responded. “Look glitch it's complicated, i happen to be a really close friend of hers and i know a lot of her secrets…remember the day when i kinda showed up in your room and announced suzie had a crush on you,” venom said awkwardly still looking at glitch. “Well, i uh wasn't joking,” Venom said with a serious face. “Kid, she looks up to you a lot..” Venom said, sweating a bit from the tension. “What is your point?” Glitch asked. “All i want you to do is make my empress happy, please look after the kid..i-i don't want to lose her in this whole war thing..” venom said desperately. “Look Snake, I was just looking after her and things didn’t go well, plus your her creation, your basically her most prized thing, er person, and you know her better than me since you know her longer, and tonight isn’t a good night for me to watch her” Glitch said putting on a mask to cover his whole face. “It's about the blood incident isn't it?” Venom asked, crossing his arms and looking away. “Suzie felt horrible on what i did and i couldn't forgive myself after seeing her reaction..heck suzie couldn't forgive herself for that happening to you, but you brought it up again to her which made the kid feel even more worse than she already has been feeling,” venom said staring out the window. “It doesn’t matter what happened, what matters is winning this war so our lives can go back to normal” Glitch responded. “Everything that happens now is going to matter after the war, nothing is going to go back to normal..not for Suzie, not for me, not even for you,” Venom explained. “And if we do nothing the war will be lost and there won’t even be a different ending cause we will all be dead, and we still need an army” Glitch said. “Glitch, no one has been doing nothing, everyone is playing their part to ensure victory. You may not see it[/font][font=Arial, sans-serif]But Suzie has been preparing armies from other universes that she has traveled..it's draining for the kid. All she wants is to win this war and be with you, but it's hard for her to do that when you distance yourself and Suzie is leaving on a blind mission to rescue you,” venom explained sadly. “Look Snake I have things to do to help out, just go watch Suzie please, and don’t follow me” Glitch said walking upstairs. Venom looked at glitch sadly then at the door. “Gosh darn it glitch, why can't you see the bigger picture here,” venom said angrily punching the wall before storming outside. Glitch went upstairs and knocked on Bombshell’s door but he didn’t answer. “Bombshell?” Glitch said walking in to see Bombshell sleeping. “Fine, I’ll go myself” Glitch said entering a portal as it closed behind him.[/font]

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A Glitch in the multi dimensions chapter 17 (2024)
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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

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Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.